  • 他在这时期所受的苦难,其影响所及,在他的性格举止之暴露无遗。
    The effect of the privations and sufferings which he endured at this time was discernible to the last in his temper and his department.
  • 从云层之或从云与地面之穿过的电流放电所产生的发光。
    emission of light due to electricity discharging from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth.
  • 纪律法庭通常至多暂停5年。在这5年期,被取消资格的初级律师必须真有其人,他的行为将受到检查。
    The Disciplinary Tribunal suspend usually to a maximum of five years. The whole of that time the struck-off solicitor must be "Simon pure".
  • 饥饿由于长时未进食造成的不适、虚弱或疼痛
    The discomfort, weakness, or pain caused by a prolonged lack of food.
  • 控制内外网络之访问的最安全方法是将两者断开。
    The most secure method to control access between the internal and external network is to disconnect the two.
  • 敌人企图在我们的士兵中散布不满情绪。
    The enemy tried to sow discontent among our men.
  • 那工头故意在工人中散播不满情绪的种子。
    The charge hand is deliberately sowing the seeds of discontent among the workers.
  • 在房里看见了许多不满的脸孔;不满足于他的职位。
    saw many discontented faces in the room; was discontented with his position.
  • 以上所言便是公众的嫉妒,或日公众的不满,以及它与私人的嫉妒之不同,而关于后者前文已经论及。
    And so much of public envy or discontentment, and the difference thereof from private envy, which was handled in the first place.
  • 生病期暂停激烈运动。
    Discontinue strenuous exercise during illness.
  • 在这一群人中,除去一部分接近帝国主义和大资产阶级并为其服务而反对民众的知识分子外,一般地是受帝国主义、封建主义和大资产阶级的压迫,遭受着失业和失学的威胁。
    Apart from that section of the intellectuals which has associated itself with the imperialists and the big bourgeoisie and works for them against the people, most intellectuals and students are oppressed by imperialism, feudalism and the big bourgeoisie, and live in fear of unemployment or of having to discontinue their studies.
  • 位于对流层和平流层之的界限。
    the region of discontinuity between the troposphere and the stratosphere.
  • 断面船甲板的两层之的中断点
    The point of discontinuity between two levels on the deck of a ship.
  • 断断续续的掌声;这里的地形是由田野和森林断着拼成的。
    discontinuous applause; the landscape was a discontinuous mosaic of fields and forest areas; he received a somewhat haphazard and discontinuous schooling.
  • 洛基斯堪的纳维亚一个制造混乱的神,尤指在其同类神之
    A Norse god who created discord, especially among his fellow gods.
  • 竞争者就能轻易地挑拨离,以及把有才干的人才挖走。
    This allows competitors to sow more seeds of discord, and to poach the more capable ones to join them.
  • 讨厌的是他们就是不停地抱怨啊,发牢骚啊,还在团里挑拨离,拉帮结派。
    But the trouble was they did not stop at complaining and grumbling,but sowed discord and formed factions in the group.
  • 姑娘们一直相处很好,后来一个英俊的小伙子来到她们中,引起了她们之的不和。
    The girls had got on well together until the apple of discord in the person of a handsome young man arrived in their midst.
  • 对一个弹丸小国来说,政府/官方与人民之,如果凡事皆能坦诚相对,再大的矛盾也可以化成进步的泉源。
    For a small country, frank and honest interactions between the authorities and the public would turn whatever discord between them, if any, into harmony conducive to progress.
  • 但是现在,这种“挑拔离的谣言已经全部破产了,西藏人民已经切身体会到了我们在宗教信仰上是有自由的。”
    However, he added, "the rumors that aim to sow discord have all been exploded and the Tibetan people know from our own experience that we have freedom of religious belief."
  • 更何况大家都不团结时,不愉快事件频频,竞争者就能轻易地挑拨离,以及把有才干的人才挖走。
    Moreover, when the employees are disunited, unhappiness is bound to set in. This allows competitors to sow more seeds of discord, and to poach the more capable ones to join them.
  • 作为成年人,绝不应在一家的兄弟之挑动竞争,以至积隙成仇,使兄弟直到成年,依然不和。
    Men have a foolish manner(both parents and schoolmasters and servants) in creating and breeding an emulation between brothers, during childhood, which many times sorteth to discord when they are men, and disturbeth families.
  • 人们(父母,师傅,仆役皆然)有一种不智的习惯,就是当弟兄们在童年的时候,在他们之养成一种的争竞。其结果往往在他们成人的时候,弟兄不和,并且扰乱家庭。
    Men have a foolish manner (both parents, and schoolmasters, and servants) in creating and breeding an emulation between brothers,during childhood, which many times sorted to discord, when they are men; and disturbed!families.
  • 我们之的观点不一致。
    The views between us are discordant.
  • 的墙是拼凑的纸糊的,颜色很不协调。
    The walls of the rooms were discordantly papered.
  • 许多去参加周末迪斯科夜总会的人大多数时不是跳舞,而是靠着墙边站着或者在酒吧里喝酒,姑娘只好自己搭档跳舞,有的厌倦了干脆不来了。
    A lot of the fellows that went to the Saturady night discos spent more time leaning on the wall or drinking in the bar than tripping the light fantastic and so the girls danced with each other, or got fed up and stopped going.
  • 僵化的等级制度妨碍了人与人之自由轻松的交往,而滋生出"他们"与"我们"的对抗意识。
    Stiff hierarchies discourage informal relations and foster a sense of "them" versus "us".
  • 工会纠察员通常在罢工期,驻扎在工作单位外面的人或一群人,以表示不满或反抗,阻止非罢工雇员或顾客进入
    A person or group of persons stationed outside a place of employment, usually during a strike, to express grievance or protest and discourage entry by nonstriking employees or customers.
  • 过去一年,委员会推行了一连串宣传及社区参与活动,特别着重劝谕吸烟者不要在公众场所和工作吸烟。
    During the year, the council conducted publicity and community involvement campaigns with particular emphasis on discouraging smoking in public and in workplaces.
  • 林肯与道格拉斯之的辩论,在美国历史上关键时刻,因其演说质量而至今仍被人们称颂。
    The Lincoln? Douglas debates are still heralded for the quality of the discourse at a crucial time in the nation's history.
  • “先生,”我叫道,“坐在这四堵墙壁中,我已经一连气儿忍受而且原谅了你这篇说教的四百九十个题目。
    `Sir,' I exclaimed, `sitting here within these four walls, at one stretch, I have endured and forgiven the four hundred and ninety heads of your discourse.
  • 後来发现他原来是谍。
    He was later discovered to have been a spy.