  • 第一,除非一名新加坡人赶紧在1999年的诺贝尔得奖名单上出现,不我那“预言”的第二半部将会在公元2000年之前实现。
    Firstly, unless a Singaporean quickly appears on the 1999 Nobel Laureate list, the second part of my "prediction" would come true before the year 2000.
  • "我们在场地上做的一切都合情合法,"莱文说,并指出……场地经常受到检查。他说,"场地上一切都是一目了。"
    "Everything we do on the site is proper and lawful, " said Levin, noting that the yard,?? is under constant scrutiny. "It's in a fishbowl, " he said.
  • “我们在场地上做的一切都合情合法,”莱文说,并指出……场地经常受到检查。他说,“场地上一切都是一目了。”
    "Everything we do on the site is proper and lawful," said Levin, noting that the yard, … is under constant scrutiny. "It's in a fishbowl," he said.
  • 为协助渔业界度过休渔期并随后复业,渔农自护理署动用鱼类统营处贷款基金,向受休渔措施影响及在经济上有特别困难的渔民,提供低息贷款。
    To help the industry cope with the fishing moratorium and resume operation afterwards, the AFCD provided low-interest loans under the Fish Marketing Organisation Loan Fund to affected fishermen with a genuine financial hardship.
  • 可见,过度开采也是海洋渔业自生物种类减少的主要因素。
    It follows that over-exploitation is also the main cause of the decline in natural species of ocean fishery.
  • 对他不利的证据虽轻微,但对他毕竟是不祥之兆。
    Slight as the evidence is against him, it certainly looks fishy for him.
  • 卡德鲁斯本来已把头伏在桌子上,现在忽抬起头来,用他那迟钝无光的眼睛望着弗尔南多说:“杀唐太斯!
    Caderousse, who had let his head drop on the table, now raised it, and looking at Fernand with his dull and fishy eyes, he said,--"Kill Dantès!
  • 一种晶体状金属元素,铀裂变的产物,而非天存在。
    a crystalline metallic element not found in nature; occurs as one of the fission products of uranium.
  • 他突然打出一拳。
    He suddenly shot out his fist.
  • 暴风雪骤然而至。
    A snowstorm is coming up hand over fist.
  • 能量的突然爆发期
    Fitful bursts of energy.
  • 从事健身运动应当像刷牙一样自,需要像刷牙那样有规律又彻底。
    The pursuit of fitness should be as natural as cleaning your teeth.
  • 但当其漫游于大陆,有诸多景象可观之时,他们却往往疏于着墨,仿佛偶之所见比刻意之观察更适于记载似的。
    But in land-travel, wherein so much is to be observed, for the most part they omit it; as if chances were fitter to be registered, than observation.
  • 这样的心性正是人性底溃疡,而他们却正是造大政客的材料;他们就如同曲木一样,造船最好,船是天生要颠簸的,但是这种木材却不适于造房屋,房屋是要站得牢的。
    Such dispositions are the very errors of human nature: and yet they are the fittest timber, to make great politics of: like to knee timber, that is good for ships that are ordained to be tossed; but not for building houses, that shall stand firm.
  • 适当地以自的方式或方法;适合地
    In a way or course that is natural; fittingly.
  • 做到这一点,其他的自就会水到渠成。"
    Everything else you can fix."
  • 如果有人拿中国民族资产阶级在政治上经济上的软弱性这一点来反对我们的论点,认为中国民族资产阶级虽处在新环境,还是没有改变态度的可能,这种说法对不对呢?
    Is it correct to object to our view on the ground that China's national bourgeoisie is politically and economically flabby, and to argue that it cannot possibly change its attitude in spite of the new circumstances?
  • 一些国家以"人道"和"人权"为借口,公违背《联合国宪章》和公认的国际关系准则,动辄使用武力或以武力相威胁,特别是北约绕开联合国安理会,向南斯拉夫联盟发动军事攻击,对国际形势和国际关系产生了重大消极影响。
    Under the pretexts of "humanitarianism" and "human rights," some countries have frequently resorted to the use or threat of force, in flagrant violation of the UN Charter and other uni-versally recognized principles governing international relations. In particular, the NATO, by-passing the UN Security Council, launched military attacks against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, producing an extremely negative impact on the international situation and relations between countries.
  • 1998年5月,印度不顾国际社会的强烈反对,悍进行核试验,挑起南亚核军备竞赛。
    In May 1998, in defiance of strong opposition by the international community India flagrantly carried out nuclear tests, thus provoking a nuclear arms race in South Asia.
  • 的确,在今天的大街上你看到的葡萄牙人越来越少,但是这儿的依是欧洲风格与远东传统文化不同寻常的融合点,这使得它具有独特的城市风格。
    Certainly, you see fewer Portuguese faces on the streets nowadays, but there remains the curious mixture of European flair and Far Eastern tradition that make the city so special.
  • 鱼片和土豆泥做成球或饼,后油炸而成。
    a fried ball or patty of flaked fish and mashed potatoes.
  • 苍白色的闪电划破了天空;上千把火炬……突把浓重的黑暗变成一个苍白色的、不可思议的白昼——e·a·坡。
    livid lightning streaked the sky; a thousand flambeaux...turned all at once that deep gloom into a livid and preternatural day- E.A.Poe.
  • 他勃然大怒。
    His anger flamed up.
  • 突发火焰突爆发出剧烈的、短暂的火焰
    To burst into intense, sudden flame.
  • 一列金色的光束在静静的夜空中盘旋成"v"字,吸引了新泽西州收费公路上司机驻足观看,以至于阻塞了新泽西州这段公路的交通。那么,司机们看到的是外星的来客吗,或者只是一些用于发送军事信号的飞行物突冒出了火焰?。
    A set of golden lights hovering silently in the night sky in a "V" formation stopped traffic on the New Jersey Turnpike, but were the drivers seeing visitors from outer space or just a set of military flares flaming out?
  • 石脑油一种高度挥发性的易燃液态碳氢化合物混合物,从石油、煤焦油和天气中提炼出来,并用作石油、溶剂和制造各种化合物中
    Any of several highly volatile, flammable liquid mixtures of hydrocarbons distilled from petroleum, coal tar, and natural gas and used as fuel, as solvents, and in making various chemicals.
  • 我们突行动攻击敌人的右翼。
    By a sudden movement we uncovered the enemy 's right flank.
  • 相对劣势,例如某一区域仅仅有一支不大的红军(不是有兵而不集中),为着打破某一优势敌人的进攻,在人民、地形或天候等条件能给我们以大的援助时,以游击队或小支队钳制其正面及一翼,红军集中全力突袭击其另一翼的一部分,当也是必要的,并且是可以胜利的。
    Take the case of going into battle with a relatively inferior force when we have only a rather small Red Army force in a certain area (it is not that we have more troops and have not concentrated them). Then, in order to smash the attack of the stronger enemy in conditions where popular support, terrain and weather are greatly in our favour, it is of course necessary to concentrate the main part of our Red Army force for a surprise attack on a segment of one flank of the enemy while containing his centre and his other flank with guerrillas or small detachments, and in this way victory can be won.
  • 一颗耀眼的照明弹突在我们头顶上炸开。
    A brilliant flare popped off right over our heads.
  • 这种疾病10年前几乎无人知晓,可它突爆发象野火般迅速传播,直至流行甚广。
    The disease was practically unknown ten years ago but then it flared and spread like wild fire until it reached epidemic proportions.
  • 他的胃病又突发作了。
    His stomach trouble flared up again.
  • 我走进房间时,他勃大怒。
    His temper flared up when I came in.