  • 顺便提一下,大部分这种特权,以及比上述这一更好的其他特权,都是靠造反和叛乱强行从国王手中夺取来的。
    The greater part of these privileges, it may be noted in passing, and there were some even better than the above, had been extorted from the kings by revolts and mutinies.
  • 船长滥施职权,水手们最后群起反叛;他们夺了船,把船长放进一小船,任其在海上漂泊。
    Finally, the sailors mutinied against the captain's unjust use of his power; they seized the ship, and put him in a small boat to float at the mercy of the sea.
  • 后腿肉供食用的牛、小牛、羊或羔羊的一侧后半身,包括一腿和一些排骨
    The posterior portion of a side of beef, lamb, veal, or mutton, including a hind leg and one or two ribs.
  • 用炙叉串一条羊腿。
    Spit a leg of mutton on this stick.
  • 且其弱点有时正成为争取主动地位的件,例如正是因为自己弱小,才利于在敌人后方神出鬼没地活动,敌人无奈他何,这样大的自由是庞大的正规军所不能得到的。
    Moreover, these weaknesses sometimes constitute the very condition for gaining the initiative. For example, it is precisely because the guerrilla units are small that they can mysteriously appear and disappear in their operations behind enemy lines, without the enemy's being able to do anything about them, and thus enjoy a freedom of action such as massive regular armies never can.
  • 顿神话中的怪物;喷火,蛇身,有时有翅膀。
    a creature of Teutonic mythology; usually represented as breathing fire and having a reptilian body and sometimes wings.
  • 这条河叫什么名字?
    What's the name of the river?
  • 码服务器对象名必须是末尾附有“ws”的机器名。
    The name of the wand server object must be the machine named with "_ws" tack on the end.
  • 例如,在系统上运行的一个码服务器的一个dns名为“fe2”,码对象名将为“fe2ws”。
    For example a wand server running on the system with a dns name of"fe2" will have the wand object named"fe2_ws."
  • 不良的发音是做解说员的不利件。
    Bad pronunciation is a liability in being a narrator.
  • 羊肠小道一狭窄的过道或海峡
    A narrow passage or channel.
  • 裤子臂部处太紧。
    It feels narrow in the seat.
  • 再往里走,坑道缩小成了一窄窄的通道。
    The tunnel contract to a narrow passageway as you go deep.
  • 河在这里变窄了。
    The river narrows here.
  • 河在这一点变窄了。
    The river narrows at this point.
  • 河是三河中面最窄的一
    This river is the narrowest of the three.
  • 他仔细地解释法律文。
    he interprets the law narrowly.
  • (海上)一种用木头或金属档或台阶制成的悬梯或链
    (nautical) a hanging ladder of ropes or chains supporting wooden or metal rungs or steps.
  • 运河全年可通航。
    The canal is navigable all the year.
  • 大船的马达坏了,无法再航行了。
    With its engine broken, this great ship was not navigable.
  • 水陆联运两通航的水路之间的联运
    A portage, as between two navigable bodies of water.
  • 河有二百公里可以通航。
    This river is navigable for 2v ad [ T ] kilometres.
  • 第二十 整治河道、湖泊,涉及航道的,应当兼顾航运需要,并事先征求交通主管部门的意见。
    Article 20 Where the realignment of river courses or lakes involves navigable waterways, full consideration should be given to the requirements for navigation and views solicited in advance from the administrative departments for transportation.
  • 第三十四 机动车辆在城市市区范围内行驶,机动船舶在城市市区的内河航道航行,铁路机车驶经或者进入城市市区、疗养区时,必须按照规定使用声响装置。
    Article 34 When motor vehicles are driven in urban areas, motor vessels are navigated along inland rivers in urban areas, and locomotives are running through or entering urban areas or sanatorium areas, their sound-making apparatus must be used in compliance with regulations.
  • 第十七 在中华人民共和国内水、领海和中华人民共和国管辖的其他海域的海上钻井平台和具有中华人民共和国国籍的在国际航线上飞行的航空器、远洋航行的船舶,应当按照国家有关规定进行气象探测并报告气象探测信息。
    Article17 All drilling platforms located in inland or territorial waters of the People's Republic of China or in the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, and aircraft and ocean going vessels of Chinese nationality navigating international lines shall, in accordance with relevant State regulations, take meteorological observation and report the observed data.
  • 因为河上有暗礁,所以在这河上航行很困难。
    Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks.
  • 因为有暗礁,在这河上航行很困难。
    Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hide rock.
  • 简被批准升入3年级,但有件,即她有任何科目不及格就将被降回原班级。
    Jane was admitted to the third grade with the proviso that she was to be put back if she failed nay subject.
  • 因此,勒迈里认为有理由相信这个"耶酥"一定有非同寻常的身份地位--而拿撒勒人耶稣就刚好具备这个件。
    Thus, this particular Jesus must have had some unusual role or fame - and Jesus of Nazareth certainly qualified, Lemaire concludes.
  • 她在头发上扎着粉红夹绿色的布,看上去就像夹层花色冰砖当她问我象什么时,我禁不住笑了出来。
    She put pink and green stripes in her hair and looked rather like a Neapolitan ice cream. I couldn't keep a straight face when she asked me what I thought about it.
  • 大浪几于那一船倾覆。
    Heavy seas nearly overturned the ship.
  • 整洁的风格;一套有理的规章;她讨厌将她有理的计划打乱。
    a neat style; a neat set of rules; she hated to have her neat plans upset.