  •  第四,举办奥运使北京成为全球关注的热点。根据经验,奥运会举办城市被确定后立即成为全世界关注的热点。
    Fourthly, if Beijing is selected as the host of 2008 Olympic Games, it will become the focal point of worldwide attention.
  • 於二零零一年启用的科学园,是科技业研究和发展的基地。
    The Science Park, which will come on stream in year 2001, will provide a focal point for research and development of technology businesses.
  • 某人的注意力集中于某事物。
    focus one's attention on something.
  • 自己的注意力保持成某种状态。
    focus one's attention on a certain state.
  • 因此,我们应该焦点集中在长期趋势。
    Instead, we should focus on long-term trends.
  • 会议还集中研究未来战略问题。
    The meetings also focused on strategies for the future.
  • 我没开腔,只是静静地坐着,思想集中在即开始的会谈上。
    Instead of talking,I remained quiet,focusing inwardly on my upcoming meeting.
  • 宜将剩勇追穷寇。
    With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe.
  • 这些山脊外的田野——高尚的雷诺兹率领的部队曾经阻止了敌人的前进,而雷诺兹军却为此献出了生命;这支军队依靠雷诺兹军的远见卓识和牺牲精神确保了随后两天的胜利;
    the fields beyond the ridge, where the noble Reynolds held the advancing foe at bay, and, while he gave up his own life, assured by his forethought and self-sacrifice the triumph of the two succeeding days;
  • 让每个国家都知道——不论它希望我们繁荣还是希望我们衰落——为确保自由的存在和自由的胜利,我们付出任何代价,承受任何负担,应付任何艰难,支持任何朋友,反抗任何敌人。
    Let every nation know whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty
  • 雾将整夜不散.
    Fog will persist throughout the night.
  • 明天会有雾和温暖。
    Tomorrow will is foggy and warm.
  • 打成箔金属制成细叶状或薄箔的行为、过程或产品
    The act, process, or product of forming metal into thin leaf or foil.
  • 在不止一次的社交聚会上,他滔滔不绝地谈论手下人是如何一再企图暗杀本·拉丹的;至少挫败了恐怖分子在美国发动的6次袭击;联邦调查局和其他机构的反恐预算增加了两倍。
    He has dominated more than one social gathering with descriptions of how his team tried repeatedly to kill Osama bin Laden, foiled at least a half-dozen terrorist attacks in the United States and more than tripled the antiterrorism budget of the FBI and other agencies.
  • 这时法国既掌握了贴箔秘密,又掌握了浇铸玻璃的新工艺,便着手这两种工艺结合起来。
    France, now in possession of the foiling secret and the new method of casting glass, proceeded to combine the two.
  • 正在看的那一页折了一个角。
    He folded down the corner of the page.
  • 她用蜡纸三明治包好。
    She folded the sandwich up with wax paper.
  • 折叠着的地图;大礼帽已经折叠起来了;人们把鸟儿翅膀收近身体称为折起了翅膀。
    a folded map; a folded tophat is collapsed; when a bird's wings are brought close to the body they are spoken of as folded.
  • 总要首先信件放入相应的文件夹中,处理完毕后,先打开与学校有关的重要信件文件夹,回复最重要的电子信件。
    Always put the mail into the appropriate folders first,and when you're finished,head for the important school? related folder first.
  • 如果你拥有网络探测器,你还可以所有你频繁使用的网址存到收藏夹中。
    If you have Internet Explorer you can even organise your Favourites folder to include all the websites you frequently use.
  • 建立和安排好你的电子信件文件夹,其分成与学校有关的重要信件文件夹、亲友通信文件夹和一个用于笑话、占星预测及其他新闻服务等的杂项文件夹。
    Create and organize your e mail folders into important school related mail,correspondence with friends and family,and a miscellaneous folder for jokes,horoscopes,and other news services.
  • 男孩子们在节目开始前折椅找开放好。
    The boys set up the folding chairs bdfore the program.
  • 四开一张纸折叠成四页而获得的纸张尺寸
    The page size obtained by folding a whole sheet into four leaves.
  • 班西盖尔族民间传说中的女鬼,其哀嚎预示家庭中有人死亡
    A female spirit in Gaelic folklore believed to presage, by wailing, a death in a family.
  • 三、云南在世博会期间全面展示丰富独特的自然风光和民族风情
    III. Yunnan will fully display its rich and unique natural scenery and ethnic folklore during the International Horticultural Exposition
  • 我们密切注意世界上这一课题的最新进展。
    We shall follow closely the latest advance of the subject in the world.
  • 我将以你为榜样。
    I'll follow your lead.
  • 我们的愚蠢行为自己毁了。
    Our folly has undone us.
  • 削减公共福利事业的开支是一件非常愚蠢的事。
    To reduce public spending on wellbeing would be an act of the greatest folly.
  • 我们尽力使他不再干蠢事。
    We will do our best to pull him back from his folly.
  • 削减公共卫生的开支是非常愚蠢的事。
    To reduce public spending on health would be an act of the greatest folly.
  • 削减公共福利事业的开支是一件非常愚蠢的事。
    To reduce public spending on wellbeing would is an act of the greatest folly.