  • 不管外面的天氣如何我們可以在室遊泳池遊泳。
    We may swim in the indoor swimming pool no matter what's go on outside.
  • 主:下棋、打紙牌、跳舞都是戶娛樂的形式,老少都喜歡。
    Chess, card-playing, and dancing are forms of indoor recreation enjoyed by people old and young.
  • 不管外面的天氣如何我們可以在室遊泳池遊泳。
    We may swim in the indoor swimming pool no matter what 's going on outside.
  • 跑步項目從室的50米到室外的馬拉鬆(42公裏另195米)不等。
    Running ranges in length from the indoor 50 meter dash to the outdoor marathon,which is 42km,195m long.
  • 奈史密斯博士原先製定的13條規則為這項最受世人歡迎的室體育項目奠定了基礎。
    Dr. Naismith's original 13 rules were the foundation of what is now the most-watched indoor sport in the world.
  • 在新英格蘭,室外遊泳池衹能在夏天使用,但室遊泳池能終年使用。
    In New England an out door pool can be used only in the summer but an indoor pool makes swimming a year-round sport.
  • 經常在陽光下的人一般不象在戶的人那樣容易感冒。
    People who are in the sunshine a great deal are , as a rule , not so likely to have colds as are indoor people.
  • 後來談到我自己有個小型的室花園時,他非常熱忱的告訴我,如何解决幾個我所要解决的問題。
    I had a small indoor garden of my own - and he was good enough to tell me how to solve some of my problems.
  • 有電視機的家庭要比有室衛生設備的家庭多。一般來說,孩子們在電視機前要比在教室裏度過的時間長。
    More homes have televisions than indoor plumbing, and the average child spends more time watching television that he or she does in the classroom.
  • 落成的康體場地有兩個,分別是石硤尾室運動場及園圃街花園。
    In the year, two major new recreation and sports venues were completed: the Shek Kip Mei Indoor Games Hall and the Yuen Po Street Garden.
  • 臨時區域市政局轄區共有15個運動場、16間遊泳池場館、33間體育館、120個網球場、121個壁球場及兩個高爾夫球發球練習?。
    There are 15 sports grounds, 16 swimming pool complexes, 33 indoor recreation centres, 120 tennis courts, 121 squash courts and two golf driving ranges in the council area.
  • 臨時市政局和臨時區域市政局負責闢設和管理運動場、遊樂場、室運動場、度假營、遊泳池和泳灘等設施。
    The Provisional Urban and Regional Councils develop and manage facilities which include sports grounds, playgrounds, indoor games halls, holiday camps, swimming pools and beaches.
  • 你呆在戶的時間太多了。
    You stay too much indoors.
  • "天氣這麽好,就不要呆在室了。"
    Don't stay indoors since the weather is so fine.
  • 雪把他們睏在屋內。
    The snow kept them indoors.
  • 他不慣於在室打球。
    He is unaccustomed to playing indoors.
  • 不管是室還是室外。
    No matter swim indoors or outdoors.
  • 是露天的還是室的?
    Is it open-air or indoors?
  • 王平:有是有,衹是室的。
    Wang Ping- Yes, but indoors.
  • 在寒冷的晚上,我們把狗關在屋
    We keep the dog indoors on cold nights.
  • 因天氣不好而延期、停航或留在屋
    Delayed, halted, or kept indoors by bad weather.
  • 但是寒冷的天氣並不能使他們待在室
    The cold weather, however, couldn't keep them indoors.
  • 在室內不必戴帽子了.
    You don't need to keep your hat on indoors.
  • 因為下雨,我們將在室舉行招待會。
    Since it is raining, we will hold the reception indoors.
  • 裝飾用生長在室的任何一種植物。
    any of a variety of plants grown indoors for decorative purposes.
  • 男士在室戴帽子是失禮的。
    It's rude for a man to keep his hat on indoors.
  • 羅納爾多的首次比賽是在瓦爾庫勒網球俱樂部室進行的。
    The first football match Ronaldo played was indoors at Valqueire tennis club.
  • 田野全被大雪覆蓋了,牲畜衹能在室喂食。
    All the fields are snowed under; the animals will have to feed indoors.
  • 植物種植於戶的各種植物,常用來作為裝飾品
    Any of a wide variety of plants grown indoors, often for decorative purposes.
  • 如果溫度低於冰點,我們就應把植物搬入室
    If the temperature gets below freezing point, we should take the plants indoors.
  • 又大又高、有一個大花冠的褶邊帽;女人在屋戴的一種正式的帽子。
    a large high frilly cap with a full crown; formerly worn indoors by women.
  • 誘變促使或者誘導(細胞或者組織)的變異
    To cause or induce mutation in(a cell or an organism).