  • 第二十七条伪造、变造商检单证、印章、标志、封识、质量认证标志,构成犯罪的,对直接责任人员比照刑法第百六十七条的规定追究刑事责任;
    Article 27 If the falsifying or remaking of the certificates or documents, seals or stamps, marks, sealings or quality certification marks for commodity inspection constitutes a crime, the criminal responsibility of the personnel directly responsible shall be investigated by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 167 of the Criminal Law;
  • 在报章上读到,不久前成立的“改造新加坡委员会”的目标之,是重新思考迈向成功的传统途径,鼓励国人从事文化、体育、和科研工作及创业。不过,如果委员会无法争取到为人父母者的合作,我怀疑它在这方面能够取得多少成果。
    So when I read of how the new Remaking Singapore Committee had set one of its goals as challenging the traditional roads to success, encouraging Singaporeans to realise alternative careers in the arts, sports, research or as entrepreneurs, I had my doubts about its success in this area, if not coupled with help from parents themselves.
  • 工业废水和原污水排放入河流、湖泊和近海岸区域不仅给海洋生物和水生资源带来了负面影响,而且也破坏了维持生命的主要必需品之——饮用水。
    Effluent discharges of industrial wastewater and raw sewage into rivers , lakes and inshore coastal areas have not only adversely affected marine life and aquatic resources , but have also jeopardized one of the major necessities for sustaining life—Potable Water.
  • 就像有些人不愿意离开埋葬着亲人的地方样,公爵在女儿去世后仍旧留在巴涅尔。天早上,公爵在条小路的拐角处遇见了玛格丽特。
    One morning the Duke, who had remained at Bagneres just as people will remain on ground where a piece of their heart lies buried, caught sight of Marguerite as she turned a corner of a gravel walk.
  • 文化并不是定型的,也绝不是成不变的。
    Culture will never remain static.
  • 陪伴陪伴或与…呆在
    To accompany or remain with.
  • 我清楚地察觉到还有些反对意见。
    I plainly perceive some objections remain.
  • 我在伦敦直呆到五月。
    I remain in London until May.
  • 爱不是只有一样。
    It will not remain the same.
  • 切妨碍发展的思想观念都要坚决冲破,切束缚发展的做法和规定都要坚决改变,切影响发展的体制弊端都要坚决革除。
    It requires that we do away with all notions which hinder development, change all practices and regulations which impede it and get rid of all the drawbacks of the systems which adversely affect it.
  • 物价直保持着稳定。
    Prices remain steady all the time.
  • 尽力留在第的位置;
    Try to remain as number one.
  • 这种现象如不纠正,不但影响工作,损害党的声誉,而且要垮掉些同志。
    If this phenomenon is not rectified, it will not only adversely affect our work and impair the Party's prestige, but will also bring some comrades to ruin.
  • 过程的剩余部分用备份盘来进行。
    Use the backup disks for the remainder of this procedure.
  • 我将付你百元定金,其余款项在交货时付讫。
    I'll pay you a hundred dollars deposit and the remainder on delivery.
  • 但也有自己占有部分土地,另租入部分土地的。
    But some rich peasants own only part of their land and rent the remainder.
  • 在计算机安全学中,使对自动系统的操作或功能的恶劣影响能力及意图得以实现的手段。
    In computer security, the means through which the ability orintent of a threat agent to affect adversely an automated system facility or operation can is manifest.
  • 模数个整数,当分别被两个给定整数除时,得到相同的余数
    A number by which two given numbers can be divided and produce the same remainder.
  • 东亚货币危机对中国经济的发展环境和外资银行在中国内地的经营状况产生了定的影响。
    The currency crisis in East Asia has somewhat adversely affected China's environment for economic development and the performance of foreign banks in the country.
  • 我卖给你本新的地理书,其余的钱你可以能够还的时候还我,
    I'll let you have the new geography and you may pay me the remainder of the money.
  • 到此为止对这天的剩余时间或至少是现在,停止正在做的切事情
    To stop whatever one has been doing, for the remainder of the day or at least for the present.
  • 每个玩家得到洞牌,其余的依次分发;每出张牌后都要下赌注。
    poker in which each player receives hole cards and the remainder are dealt face up; bets are placed after each card is dealt.
  • 本章意在说明,在想像致富的整个哲学能付诸运用之前,还有个目标必须达成。
    The remainder of this chapter describes an end which must be attained before the philosophy, as a whole, can be put into practical use.
  • 政府在九九八年六月公布,在九九八至九九财政年度余下的时间,即时停止以拍卖或招标方式出售土地。
    In June 1998, the government announced an immediate suspension of all land sales by public auction or tender in the remainder of the 1998-99 financial year.
  • 使数据记录的关系和数据项的内容在并行处理时不受影响的种保护能力。
    The ability to ensure that data record relationships and the contents of data items are not adversely affected by concurrent processes.
  • 大多数印刷厂(71.3%)从事般的散页印刷,其余大部分从事与印刷事务有关的工作,例如排字和书籍钉装等。
    Most of the printing factories (71.3 per cent) are engaged in general jobbing work, and most of the remainder deal with related work such as typesetting and book-binding.
  • 变种个种类的细小分支,由自然发生或选择繁殖的群体或个体而组成,在定的较小的特点上不同于此类的剩余者
    A taxonomic subdivision of a species consisting of naturally occurring or selectively bred populations or individuals that differ from the remainder of the species in certain minor characters.
  • 大多数印刷厂(68%)从事般的散页印刷,其余主要从事与印刷有关的工作,例如传统的印前制作和印后加工等。
    Most of the printing factories (68 per cent) are engaged in general jobbing work, and the remainder generally deal with related work such as traditional pre-press and finishing services.
  • 只需要花部分时间来获取食物,其余时间既毋须为将来担忧。也毋须用于劳累后的歇息。
    Only a portion of time is required for procuring food, and the remainder is not engrossed by anxious thought for the morrow, or necessary repose from muscular activity.
  • 国的生产物中,只有部分注定要用于满足生产性消费,其余的生产物则用来满足生产者的非生产性消费和非生产性阶级的全部消费。
    Of the produce of the country, a part only is destined to be consumed productively; the remainder supplies the unproductive consumption of producers, and the entire consumption of the unproductive classes.
  • 如果你不能说服他人与你合作,而且又无法遵守严格标准的话,样不会成功的,在后面几章中将详细说明这些标准。
    You will not succeed if you cannot convince other people to cooperate with you and if you do not live in accordance with strict standards. Those standards form the remainder of this book.
  • 脱落将献血者的血抽出来并分成各部分,其中的些成分,如血浆和血小板留下,其余成分通过输血回到献血人身上的过程
    A procedure in which blood is drawn from a donor and separated into its components, some of which are retained, such as plasma or platelets, and the remainder returned by transfusion to the donor.