  • 餐车什么时间开饭?
    When does the dining car open for dinner?
  • 十七世纪后期,伊斯兰教白山派首领阿帕克和卓借助藏传佛教的力量,消灭了自己的政敌黑山派和卓势力,并灭亡了叶尔羌汗国(蒙古察合台汗后代于1514年—1680年以今莎车为中心建立的地方政权),足见当时藏传佛教势力之大。
    In the late 17th century, Apakhoja, chief of the Aktaglik Sect of Islam, wiped out the forces of his political foe Hoja of the Karataglik Sect, by dint of Tibetan Buddhist forces, and destroyed the Yarkant Khanate (a regional regime established by Qagatay’s descendants between 1514 and 1680, with modern Shache as its center). This shows how powerful Tibetan Buddhism was at that time.
  • 开车遇到交会车辆时应该减弱前灯亮度。
    You are asked to dip the car's headlights when you meet another car at night.
  • 要进出那房他不得不稍微低下头。
    He had to dip his head to enter the room.
  • 在伤残期间分文未收
    Never received a penny during her disability.
  • 科索沃战争期,美国空军曾经利用一种相关技术摧毁了南斯拉夫的供电网络。
    The US air force used a related technique to disable Yugoslavian power grids during the Kosovo campaign.
  • 经济体制与政治体系的不协调
    disaccord between the economic system and political system
  • 矛盾,不相符不符合或不一致,如在事实和宣称之;差异
    Divergence or disagreement, as between facts or claims; difference.
  • 他们之的分歧是无法一夜之解决的。
    The disagreement between them will not be straightened itself out overnight.
  • 但要消除社会上人们对近亲姻缘的歧视还需要更长的时
    the social stain may take longer to disappear.
  • 然而,族群之的差异并不会消失,即使是在华人当中也是一样。
    But the differences between communities will not disappear, not even within the Chinese population.
  • 他们把自己关在房里,整天和媒体做伴。”
    Hytnowitz, "They just disappear into their rooms and spend all of their time with these media."
  • 原子消失一半所需的时,即半排出期,是每一种放射性元素的基本特征。
    The time necessary for the disappearance of half the atoms, called the half-life, is a fundamental characteristic of each radio-element;
  • 2.由于欧洲各国货币的矛盾不复存在,欧元区的经济对汇率波动将不再那么敏感。
    2. Owing to the disappearance of tensions between European currencies, the economic performance of the eurozone will be less sensitive to exchange rate fluctuations.
  • 转眼他就无影无踪了。
    He disappeared in a twinkling of an eye.
  • 转瞬间就消失了
    Disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.
  • 这一切都在一瞬消失了。
    It all disappeared in a split second.
  • 那只猫一刹那无影无踪了。
    The cat disappeared in a split second.
  • 听到徐顺全博士鼓吹,在本地工人和外来人才之,前者应该受到优先保护,我感到非常失望。他采取了基本上是保护主义的姿态。
    It was disappointing to hear Dr Chee Soon Juan advocate the protection of local employees over foreign workers, and the adoption of what can be said as an essentially protectionistic stance.
  • 她父母反对她晚外出。
    Her parents disapprove of her going out at night.
  • 2003年3月19日(美国时),美国总统乔治·w·布什宣布开始以"军事行动解除伊拉克武装,解放伊拉克人民,避免世界陷入严重的危险"。
    On 19 March 2003,US President George W.Bush announced the start of " military operations to disarm Iraq,to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
  • 我们时代的一个突出事实是被反犹太主义毒害了的国家,至于她们自己的自由却并没有因此而带来幸运;这本书的最显著的特点是一个新的理论;显著的特点;价格的明显上涨;皮堪德里广场最引人注目的东西是中那座爱神的雕像;父母和孩子之显著的相似之处。
    an outstanding fact of our time is that nations poisoned by anti_semitism proved less fortunate in regard to their own freedom; a new theory is the most prominent feature of the book; salient traits; a spectacular rise in prices; a striking thing about Picadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the center; a striking resemblance between parent and child.
  • 椎间盘突出症
    protrusion of intervertebral disc
  • 对磁盘系统而言,其中的扇区是在磁盘初始化期用记录的信息建立的。
    Of a magnetic disc system, with sectors established by information recorded during disc initialization.
  • 疼痛是因腰椎盘突出引起的。
    The pain was caused by a slipped disc.
  • 截至一九九九年年底,本港共有98领有牌照的光碟制造厂,以及443条已向海关登记的光碟生产线。
    Up to the end of 1999, 98 licensed optical disc factories and 443 optical disc production lines were registered by Customs.
  • 医生诊断说他背疼是因腰椎盘突出引起的。
    The doctor diagonised that his backpain was caused by a slipped disc.
  • 对于美国人来说,我们可以观察出4种主要距离类别:亲密者之的距离、私人的距离、社交距离和公共场所距离。
    For Americans we can discern four main categories of distance: intimate, personal, social and public.
  • 用来判断某些特定状态在预定的时隔内是否出现的装置。
    Devices used to discern whether some prescribed condition is present, usually within a predetermined time period.
  • 不难看出高昂的房租和房荒之的联系。
    It is not difficult to discern a connection between high rents and the lack of housing.
  • 在读出用户在网站上走过的路径,以辨认出他们的兴趣和阅读习惯方面,软件变得越来越先进:从在一页上停留的时到他们选择页面的类型。
    And software is getting better at reading the paths users take across the Web to discern their interests and viewing habits: from the amount of time they spend on one page to the types of pages they choose.
  • 以中文而言,中国大陆、台湾、香港、马来西亚和新加坡等地方所用的“中文”,彼此已经有很明显的差距。
    Within the Chinese language, there are already discernible differences in the Chinese used in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.