  •  在建校之初,课程设置依循国大学的模式,以传统的学院式的课程为主,但又与当时美州盛行的第一批移民的清教思想相一致。
    During its early years,the College offered a classic academic course based on the English University model but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy of the first colonists.
  • 仅仅10里远的路程,你的信竞要走一个月,实在令人奇怪!除非你是有意拖延了很长时间。
    That your letter should be a whole month in making ten miles is strange to me unless you purposely sent it by John Long, the carrier.
  • 她持续不断地学了五年语。
    She pursued the study of English for five years.
  • 他们驱马往河的上游走了几百尺,使得跟踪者失去了线索。
    They managed to put their pursuers off the track by walking their horses up river for a few hundred yards.
  • "1860年,一个名叫威廉.娄的国人提出了一项更好的计划。"
    "In 1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low."
  • "在国,人们在春季便把时钟拨快一小时。"
    In Britain they put the clock on an hour in spring.
  • 当从国进入法国时,应把表拨前一小时。
    When cross from England to France, watch shall be putted forward one hour.
  • 蜡烛只有半寸高时慢慢熄灭了,房间内变成漆黑一团。
    When the candle was only half an inch high, it puttered out and the room became dark.
  • 国,用刀把食物送进嘴里被认为是粗鲁的行为。
    Putting food into one's mouth with a knife is considered vulgar in England.
  • 他声音里有点什么使我感到名其妙。
    Something in his voice puzzled me.
  • 这一切行动[问题]使他们感到名其妙。
    They were puzzled by the move [with the question].
  • 亲爱的年轻女士,现在使我百思而不得其解的是:你到底为什么要申请去国的签证。
    What puzzles me now, my dear young lady, is why you should have applied for a British visa after all.
  • 财产保有权一种国的土地保有制度,始于盎格鲁-撒克逊时期,废于1926年,即把其土地平均分配给有资格的继承人
    An English system of land tenure from Anglo-Saxon times to1926 that provided for the equal division of land among all qualified heirs.
  • 他在伦敦取得了海外语教师的资格。
    He qualified in London as a teacher of English overseas.
  • 国大多数的公路从伦敦向各个方向发展。
    Most of Britain's motorways radiate from London.
  • 警察搜索了在周围六里以内的树林各处。
    The police searched all the woods within a six-mile radius.
  • 他们在学校周围1里内寻找。
    They searched within a radius of one mile from the school.
  • 雨点以每分钟大约五百到一千尺的速度下降。
    Raindrop fall at a speed of about500 to1, 000 feet a minute.
  • 年降雨量平均为36寸.
    The rainfall averages 36 inches a year.
  • 每年平均降雨量是二十寸。
    The mean yearly rainfall is20 inches.
  • 我们到目前为止才筹集到2000镑, (离所需数目)还差500镑.
    We've only raised 2000 so far; we're still 500 short (of the amount we need).
  • 我们筹措了100镑而我们需要250镑, 还缺150镑.
    We raised 100, and we need 250: that's a deficit of 150.
  • 他名列国第一流的作家之中。
    He ranks with the best English authors.
  • 我收到500镑税款折扣时乐不可支。
    It made my day when I received a??500 tax rebate.
  • 她丈夫去世後, 她得到50000镑的保险金.
    When her husband died, she received 50000 in insurance.
  • 地毯的价格由100镑降到50镑。
    Carpet is reduced from100 to50.
  • 提到英雄事迹
    to make references to the heroic deeds
  • 文被称为世界语言。
    English is referred to as a universal language.
  • 单单钢的精炼设备就可能值两千万镑。
    The steel refining equipment alone may cost twenty millions pound.
  • 董事会决定将公司迁至格兰。
    The board decide to relocate the company in scotland.
  • 纳贡土地所有权在格兰和苏格兰的城镇中向国王或贵族付一定的年租或提供服务作为回报而获得的土地所有权
    A tenure in England and Scotland under which property of the king or a lord in a town was held in return for a yearly rent or the rendering of a service.
  • 该饭店在花费一百万镑将其整修后将于下星期重新开放。
    The hotel will reopen next week after its??1 million renovation.