  • 圈里把时间消磨掉
    Puttered away the hours in the garden.
  • 你在园里东游西荡,恐怕的时闻太多了吧。
    I'm afraid you've spent too much time puttering around the garden.
  • 老人喜欢的莫过于在园内转悠,这儿那儿干点零星活。
    The old man liked nothing better than puttering about, doing a few odd jobs here and there.
  • 买些漂亮的儿送给女人,她就会对你俯首贴耳——你就可以让她什么事都听你的。
    Buy a woman a few pretty flowers and she’ll be putty in your hands—you’ll be able to make her agree to anything.
  • 园转转算不上锻炼!
    A stroll round the garden hardly qualifies as exercise!
  • 你得花两角五分钱.
    It'llcost you a quarter.
  • 他每天早晨两个小时练习赛跑。
    Every morning he spent two hours training for the race.
  • 我们要是用这种旧漆重新装饰这房间, 就不用多少钱了.
    We can redecorate the room at little expense, if we use this old paint.
  • 我后悔在一辆小汽车上这么多钱。
    I regret spending so much money on a car.
  • 该饭店在费一百万英镑将其整修后将于下星期重新开放。
    The hotel will reopen next week after its??1 million renovation.
  • 许多种兰都有倒垂的朵。
    Many orchids have resupinate flowers.
  • 背上呈橘黄和黑色网状纹的蛇
    a snake covered with orange and black reticulations
  • 她在帽子边上放了一朵
    She put a flower on the rim of the hat.
  • 花园竞艳, 五彩缤纷。
    The garden was a riot of colour.
  • 你能闻到玫瑰的香味吗?
    Can you smell the perfume of the roses?
  • 小狗罗弗的窝在後园.
    Rover lives in a kennel in the back garden.
  • 他准许他们随便参观他的园。
    He gave them the run of his garden.
  • 窗户上那些金属边如不上油漆,很快就会生锈烂掉。
    If you don't paint those metal trimmings on your windows, they will soon rust away to nothing.
  • 女孩在她的园里种了些一串红。
    The girl planted some scarlet sage in her garden.
  • 他把茎折断,汁液就流了出来。
    The sap flowed out when he broke the stem of the flower.
  • 空气中充满着的芬芳。
    The air was saturated with the perfume of the flowers.
  • 他的狗把那个顽皮的孩子从园里吓走了。
    His dog scared that naughty boy off the garden.
  • 微风送来了花香.
    The scent of the flowers was wafted along by the breeze.
  • 烈日晒枯了花朵。
    The hot sun scorched the flowers.
  • 用那样的招欺负一个老太太, 可真卑鄙.
    That was a scurvy trick to play on an old lady.
  • 现在播种,到了时候就可以得到鲜
    Sow the seeds now and in due course you will have the flowers.
  • 如果你买房时了22000英镑,卖时只卖20000英镑,那么你就赔钱了。
    If you buy a house for22000 and sell it for20000 you are selling at a loss.
  • 包围著客厅的以其刺激人的香味使他窒息。
    The flower that wreathe his parlor stifle him with their sensuous perfume.
  • 如果这种液体洒在上以后, 会促使蕃茄结实。
    This liquid, if sprayed on the flowers, helps to set the tomatoes.
  • 我把花放在桌子上。
    I set the flowers on the table.
  • 进了屋后, 他抖掉了大衣上的雪
    He shook off the snow on his coat when he stepped into the house.
  • 让我来带你看看这个园吧。
    Let me show you the garden.