  • 根据很可是真实的传说,最早的天文观测要归功于迦勒底的牧羊人。
    The earliest astronomical observations are attributed, by a tradition which has much appearance of truth, to the shepherds of Chaldea.
  • 天象仪一种将天体和其它天文学现象的影象投射到半球状圆屋顶内表面的光学设备
    An optical device for projecting images of celestial bodies and other astronomical phenomena onto the inner surface of a hemispherical dome.
  • 学习天文学使你对宇宙有所了解。
    The study of astronomy gives you some conception of what the universe is like.
  • 他是个非常精明的商人,不可接受第一个出价。
    He is a very astute merchant, and can not accept to be the first offers a price.
  • 一颗原子弹摧毁一座城市。
    An atom bomb would destroy a city.
  • 有些电子,被称为自由电子,在导体内自由地从一个原子游离到另一个原子。
    Some electrons , called free electrons , are free to move from atom to atom within a conductor.
  • 第三位在有机分子中从一指定碳原子后第三个位置,在此一个原子或原子团可被替代
    The third position from a designated carbon atom in an organic molecule at which an atom or a radical may be substituted.
  • 正如人类发现的许多事物一样, 原子既可用来为善, 也可用以作恶.
    Like many discoveries, atomic power can be used for good or evil.
  • 原子潜水艇;原子武器
    An atomic submarine; atomic weapons.
  • 原子能研究所
    Institute of atomic energy
  • 欧洲原子能共同体
    European Atomic Energy Community.
  • 他非常懂得原子能。
    He comprehends atomic energy.
  • 原子供给该潜艇动力(该潜艇由原子推动)。
    Atomic energy powers the submarine.
  • 原子分裂可提供大量的源。
    Atomic fission furnishes enormous energy.
  • 原子核的利用原子核的,由原子核中得出的;原子
    Using or derived from the energy of atomic nuclei; atomic.
  • 与原子有关的联合国机构。
    the United Nations agency concerned with atomic energy.
  • 原子核中的质子数、中子数为幻数或者均为幻数时,其稳定性和结合均较平均值为大,且具有其他特性。
    the atomic number of an extra stable strongly bound atomic nucleus: 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 or 126.
  • 核种由它的原子序数、原子量和量状况具体确定的一种原子,如碳14
    A type of atom specified by its atomic number, atomic mass, and energy state, such as carbon14.
  • 伊拉克原子委员会所需的化学分析设备。
    chemical-analysis equipment for the Iraq Atomic Energy Commission(IAEC).
  • 原子并非现代科学之极致。
    Atomic energy is not the end-all of contemporary science.
  • (指量、战争和武器)使用原子
    (of power and warfare and weaponry) using atomic energy.
  • 除去几个可的例外,所有的原子都有与其他原子结合的力。
    With a few possible exceptions all atoms have the ability to combine with other atoms.
  • 我一向待你很刻薄--我怎么才赔罪呢?
    I have treated you unkindly how can I atone (for it)?
  • 力通过补偿和安抚赎罪的,或提供补偿和安抚的方式的。
    having power to atone for or offered by way of expiation or propitiation.
  • 你把工作留下那么多没做,你怎么补救得了呢?
    How can you expect to atone for leaving so large a part of your work undone?
  • 西洋的游历者并没有可以责难的地方,因为假山多数造得趣味很低,不表现大自然的庄严和宏伟。
    Western travelers are not to blame because most of the rockeries are done with atrocious taste, and fail to convey the suggestion of natural grandeur and majesty.
  • 肌肉可萎缩或失去弹性,但是它们不变成脂肪。
    Muscles may atrophy or lose their tone, but they won't turn to fat.
  • 营养障碍任一种机紊乱,尤指肌肉营养障碍引起的肌肉衰弱和萎缩
    Any of several disorders, especially muscular dystrophy, in which the muscles weaken and atrophy.
  • 除非多涌现出一些作家和艺术家,否则这个国家的文化生活将枯萎衰退。
    (fig 比喻) The cultural life of the country will sink into atrophy unless more writers and artists emerge.
  • 锁车加上一个丹佛锁扣而使交通工具不行驶
    To disable(a vehicle) by attaching a Denver boot.
  • 直接把现有令牌环网站接到dtr集中器的c口,你就给这些站提供专用的16m位/秒带宽。
    You can provide 16M bit/sec of dedicated bandwidth to existing token-ring stations by directly attaching them to DTR concentrator C-Ports.
  • 各种糖类是人体量的基本来源,它们参与人体新陈代谢,起着分子粘合剂的作用。它们附着在各种组织蛋白的氨基中,交联形成一种硬硬的黄褐色合成物,一般称为高聚糖最终产物(age)。
    Sugars are an essential source of energy, but once in circulation they can act as molecular glue, attaching themselves to the amino groups in tissue proteins and cross-linking them into hard yellow-brown compounds known as advanced glycation end products, or AGEs.