  • 他气愤地跺着脚走了房间。
    He stumped angrily out of the room.
  • 他把文件使劲扔在我的桌子上便怒气冲冲地走了去。
    He slammed the papers down on my desk and angrily walked out.
  • 他怒气冲冲地大踏步走了去。
    He tramped angrily out of the house.
  • 她生气地猛然从屋里走
    She flung herself angrily from the room.
  • 小姐转身气冲冲地走办公室。
    The lady angrily walked out of the office.
  • 他怒气冲冲地使劲戴上帽子,走了去。
    He clapped his hat on angrily and went out.
  • 他怒气冲冲地使劲戴上帽子,走了去。
    He jammed his hat on angrily arid went out.
  • 他急匆匆地走办公室,好象很生气的样子。
    He hurriedly left the office as if angry.
  • 这位妇女气愤地走了商店,决定次日惩罚他一下。
    The woman walked out of the shop angrily and decided to punish the assistant next day.
  • 他生气时,会说不话来。
    He becomes inarticulate when angry.
  • 长有外的保护套且上部部分在成熟时分为几个角状块露孢子的马勃属。
    genus of puffballs having outer casings whose upper parts break at maturity into angular pieces to expose the spores.
  • 天体没方位角沿地平线从准确的东或西方向到一个天体与地平线竖直圈交叉角的角距离
    The angular distance along the horizon from true east or west to the intersection of the vertical circle of a celestial body with the horizon.
  • 基尔希纳,厄恩斯特·路德维希1880-1938德国表现主义艺术家。他的木版画和油画,例如大街(1913年),用鲜明对比的色彩和棱角结构表现心理紧张和性的渴望
    German expressionist artist whose woodcuts and paintings, such as The Street(1913), convey psychological tension and eroticism with sharply contrasting colors and angular forms.
  • 肌酸酐:一种肌酸酐,c4h7n3o,由肌酸的新陈代谢形成,发现于肌肉细胞组织和血液中,一般作为新陈代谢的废物通过尿液排
    Creatinine:a creatine anhydride, C4H7N3O, formed by the metabolism of creatine, that is found in muscle tissue and blood and normally excreted in the urine as a metabolic waste.
  • 老士官是个典型的令人讨厌的人;你所能提的问题,几乎没有不会使他在人性方面予以评论的;而且通常用一连串难以令人忍受的陈词滥调。
    Old Sergeant is the classic bore: there is hardly a subject that you can mention that will not make him animadvert upon some aspect of human nature, usually in a series of unbearable clichés.
  • 一种新的,更加充满活力的画风现了,同时早期作品中的印象派倾向有所削弱。
    A new,more animated,painting style emerged and the impressionist tendencies of earlier work weakened somewhat.
  • 一种新的,更加充满活力的画风现了,同时早期作品中的印象派倾向有所削弱。
    A new, more animated, painting style emerged and the impressionist tendencies of earlier work weakened somewhat.
  • 1999年,她在《库姬的命运》中再度镜,还为同年6月放映的迪斯尼动画片《泰山》里的卡拉配音。
    Her next big?screen outing came in 1999,in Cookie's Fortune,and she provided the voice for the character of Kala in Disney's animated Tarzan,released in June 1999.
  • 1999年,她在《库姬的命运》中再度镜,还为同年6月放映的迪斯尼动画片《泰山》里的卡拉配音。
    Her next big screen outing came in 1999,in Cookie's Fortune,and she provided the voice for the character of Kala in Disney's animated Tarzan,released in June 1999.
  • 同时,pixar公司在国内市场中占有总计1.59亿美元的收入,位居第三位,仅次于toystory和领头羊lionking。而另一方面乔伯斯在pixar也有着色的表现。
    Meanwhile, over at Pixar, A Bug's Life nabbed a total $159 million in domestic box office, the highest domestic animated take since Toy Story and third highest ever, after Toy Story and the leader, The Lion King.
  • 我们从他脸上的神气就能看他多么兴奋。
    We could see how excited he was by the animation in his face.
  • 显示精神饱满的,活泼的或有生机的。
    displaying animation, vigor, or liveliness.
  • 我们从他脸上的神气就能看他多么兴奋。
    We can see how excited he is by the animation in his face.
  • 目前科学还远远做不到生产纳米级的机器来使进人假死状态的冷冻的脑子复活生机。
    science is nowhere near to being able to produce nanoscopic machines that can help revive frozen brains from suspended animation.
  • 影片运用了最顶级的电脑动画技术,片中所有的人物几乎都是以三维造型展现来。
    State-of-the-art computer animation is being used in the film and the characters will almost always appear as three dimensional figures.
  • 2002年韩、日世界杯赛将借助未来派的电脑动画,创造一个全新的官方吉祥物。
    The 2002 FIFA World Cup in Japan and Korea will feature a totally new type of official mascot, based upon futuristic computer animation.
  • 然后,java解释程序就在你的计算机上运行这个可能包含动画或声音的小程序,而不是从internet网一位一位地把程序代码发送去。
    Then the Java interpreter runs the applet, which could include animation or sound, on your computer rather than transmitting the code bit by bit over the Internet.
  • 这一天,动画片创始人汉纳-巴伯拉影视公司的联合主席和共同创办人--威廉·汉纳在好莱坞北部家中辞世,终年90岁。汉纳一生中创作了众多著名的动画形象,如汤姆和杰瑞、小猎狗、瑜珈熊、弗林斯通以及杰特森一家。
    Cartoon pioneer William Hanna,co chairman and co-founder of Hanna-Barbera Studios,passed away on March 22 at his home in North Hollywood.He was 90.Hanna was responsible for such famous animation icons as Tom and Jerry,Huckleberry Hound,Yogi Bear,The Flintstones and The Jetsons.
  • 与传统的单个卡通人物不同的是,国际足球联盟和韩、日世界杯组委会打破惯例,推一段简短的动画片,动画主人公将成为在2002年比赛期间受到人们普遍欢迎的形象。
    In a departure from the traditional single cartoon character, FIFA and the World Cup Organizing Committees in Japan and Korea have unveiled a brief animation whose main heroes are intended to become the popular face of the tournament in 2002.
  • 在多媒体环境中,我们可以同时拥有图形和文本,也可以增加图片、动画、高质量的音响和全动录像,这些技术使得计算机使用起来更有趣也更容易。例如,一个多媒体程序可以播放一段电影:一只小猫正在玩线团,发“喵喵”的声音……
    In the multimedia environment,we have graphics and text at the same time,we can also add the photograph, animation,good-quality sound, and full motion video. All of the technologies make computers more interesting and much easier to use. For example, a multimedia program can play a segment of movie: a cat was playing a reel of thread, with "mewing…
  • 因为敌意或者仇恨而采取行动的,表现敌意或者仇恨的。
    proceeding from or exhibiting great hostility or animosity.
  • 中国和中国人民一直被西方歪曲,有时是由于无知和偏见,但经常也是于恶意和敌视。
    China and the Chinese people have always been misinterpreted by the west,sometimes because of ignorance and prejudice,but often out of ill feeling and animosity.