| - 他们中间有些人之所以暂时加入民族统一战线,是被迫的和勉强的。
Some of them have joined the national united front for the time being under compulsion and with reluctance. - 美国自越战以后还没有在一场战争中失败过,所以存在着一种抵触情绪、一种沾沾自喜、一种骄傲自大,它们是阻碍为变革进行实验的力量。
And because we have not lost a war since Vietnam, there's a reluctance, a smugness, an arrogance, that works against the willingness to try to experiment to change. - 在1989年,戴尔对保持库存的厌恶遭受了重大打击。当时公司购买了数以百万计的外加存储器芯片,试图在预计的供应不足时能够有一定的存货。
Dell's reluctance to hold inventory was briefly overridden in 1989, when the company bought millions of extra memory chips in an attempt to stay ahead of an expected shortage. - 今天我们的社会精英清楚而不得已地告诉我们,在他心目中,我们被分类了,而且,是他相对不重视的一类。
Today we are told by some of our social elite with reluctance but clarity that, in their mind, we are classified as a category that deserves less attention. - 从某些方面来讲,这种不愿与他人交往的特点是令人遗憾的,因为这会给人一种冷漠的印象。的确,英国人并非以豪爽与好客著称。但是,尽管他们矜持,却还是非常富有人情味的;
The reluctance to communicate with each other is an unfortunate quality in some way since it tends to give the impression of coldness,and it is true that the English are not noted for their generosity and hospitality. - 另一方面,共产党内理论水平的不平衡,许多党员的缺乏北伐战争时期两党合作的经验,党内小资产阶级成分的大量存在,一部分党员对过去艰苦斗争的生活不愿意继续的情绪,统一战线中迁就国民党的无原则倾向的存在,八路军中的新军阀主义倾向的发生,共产党参加国民党政权问题的发生,抗日民主根据地中的迁就倾向的发生,等等情况。
On the other hand, we have the uneven theoretical level among Communists; the fact that many of our Party members lack the experience of co-operation between the two parties gained during the Northern Expedition; the fact that a large number of Party members are of petty-bourgeois origin; the reluctance of some Party members to continue a life of bitter struggle; the tendency towards unprincipled accommodation with the Kuomintang in the united front; the emergence of a tendency towards a new type of warlordism in the Eighth Route Army; the emergence of the problem of Communist participation in the Kuomintang government; the emergence of a tendency towards excessive accommodation in the anti-Japanese democratic base areas; etc. - 不热情地采取一种勉强的态度;不热情地
In a reluctant manner; unenthusiastically. - 新老师可能被分派到电脑教学刚刚启步的学校,大家必须从头学起,一齐开步走;资深的老师空有丰富的教学经验,在运用电脑教学的大前提下,却突然无法施展,不但士气受挫,也可能影响教学表现,得不偿失。
Hence, all teachers -- including the seniors who are very experienced in teaching, but who are suddenly at a loss when it comes to computers -- will have to start from scratch and will have to progress together.Eventually, they will become frustrated and their teaching performance may be adversely affected. Based on this scenario, the cons seem to outweigh the pros. - 他不愿意开始,但他一旦开始了,你就会看到他干得十分卖力。
He's reluctant to begin, but when he does you should see him go into action. - 内部网现仍处于幼年期,一些公司常常不愿意采用新技术。
Intranet technology is still in its infancy and companies are often reluctant to adopt new technology. - 在争论结束时,甚至那些赞成lessig的人也似乎对采取下一步措施表现的很为难。
At the end of the argument, even those sympathetic to Lessig seemed reluctant to take the next step. - 第四,由于中国人口基数很大,在今后相当长的一个时期将面临就业压力,这必然会影响到贫困人口的就业,使很多本来能够奏效的扶贫措施难以发挥出应有的作用。
Fourth, because of its large population, China will face employment pressure for a long period to come. This pressure is bound to adversely affect the employment of the impoverished population, so much so that many effective aid-the-poor measures will not play the roles they should play. - 这个家的女主人不情愿地把这两个难民安装在一个空出来的房间里。
The hostess of the house reluctantly installed the two refugees in a spare room. - 最近社会发展部与国家福利理事会联手主办一个特别训练讲座,让各志愿团体了解并运用各类社会资源,以更有效地协助受经济不景影响的贫困家庭。
Recently, the Ministry for Community Development and the National Council of Social Services jointly organised a special seminar. Through it, voluntary community organisations got to know better the various resources that they can tap to help financially-strapped families adversely affected by the economic crisis. - 现在我已认识史蒂夫一年了,可是我却不情愿地得出他是一个傻瓜的结论。
I've known Steve for a year now but I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that he's a fool. - 建国三十一年来,我们确实犯过不少错误,包括严重的错误,其间几经折腾,使人民受到了不少损失,也延缓了社会主义建设的进程。
It is true that in the 31 years since the founding of the People's Republic we have made quite a few mistakes, including some serious ones, and suffered repeated setbacks that adversely affected the life of the people and retarded the progress of socialist construction. - 在现实面前他们只能明智的选择随遇而安,有一份稳定的收入和一个优越的生活条件,仅此而已,夫复何求。
They have no choice but to bow reluctantly to reality and be content with a regular income and comfortable living conditions. - 最后,在她勉强订下的婚期前的那个礼拜里,她下决心写了一封四页长的自白信,慌慌张张地塞进他的门下。
Finally, within a week of the wedding-day which she had reluctantly set, her resolution takes shape in writing---a four-page confession is breathlessly thrust under his door. - 全面推行小学全日制是一个重要的目标,为了达到这个目标,我们不得不继续实施临时措施,略为增加小学每班的学生人数。
Also, reluctantly we shall have to continue with the interim measure of slightly increasing class size, in the interests of achieving the important aim of full whole-day schooling. - 美国并不愿意这场冲突发生,然而我们的目标是明确的,美国人民、我们的盟友不会对一个非法的政权心慈手软,这个政权正使用大规模杀伤性武器威胁世界和平。
"Our nation enters this conflict reluctantly, yet our purpose is sure. The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder. - 卢沟桥事变以后,蒋介石一派参加抗日了,汪精卫一派就代表了亡国论,并准备投降日本,后来果然投降了。
After the Lukouchiao Incident (July 7. 1937), the Chiang Kai-shek clique reluctantly took part in the War of Resistance, while the Wang Ching-wei clique became the representatives of the theory of national subjugation, was ready to capitulate to Japan and in fact subsequently did so. - 2.可采取适当措施防止权利持有人滥用知识产权,防止借助国际技术转让中的不合理限制贸易行为或消极影响的行为,只要该措施与本协议的规定一致。
2. Appropriate measures, provided that they are consistent with the provisions of this Agreement, may be needed to prevent the abuse of intellectual property rights by right holders or the resort to practices which unreasonably restrain trade or adversely affect the international transfer of technology. - 他们在某些(所有/没有/一些)方面彼此相似。
In some respects REM sleep seems similar to being awake. - 深层睡眠的一个特征,是眼的迅速跳动(rem)很难识别。
Rapid Eye Movement (REM), a characteristic of deep sleep, is hard to discern. - 但一条巨头鲸在一个单独的夜里被记录有6分钟的眼的迅速跳动。
But a pilot whale was noted as having six minutes of REM in a single night. - 另一方面,在眼球速动睡眠期间,人们很难被唤醒,对触摸和声音,反应也很慢。
On the other hand, during REM sleep, people are very difficult to touch or sound rapildy. - 改造新加坡不应只是一句标语口号,它应当既能实实在在地急民之所急,以人为本;
As we strive to remake Singapore, we should be mindful that the term “remaking Singapore” should not be reduced to just a slogan. - 这是一部老电影的重制物。
it is a remake of an old film. - 两人在1988年再度合演了一部糟糕的黑色翻版影片《doa》后结为夫妇。
the two subsequently became a couple when they reteamed for the botched 1988 noir remake D. - 一个生物工程林业的新时代正悄然而至,并且保证重塑每年7500亿美元全球林业经营和景色的新形象。
A new age of bioengineered forestry is dawning, and it promises to completely remake the $ 750-billion-a-year global forestry business -- and, with it, landscapes all over the world. - 我们抱着这样的希望,南非在获得新生的斗争中会成为一个即将诞生的新世界的缩影。
We live with the hope that as she battles to remake herself, South Africa will be like a microcosm of the new world that is striving to be born. - 因为重塑是关系国计民生的大事,它更应该依赖具有独立思考能力和自由精神的国民(或他们利益的忠实代表)而不是时时处处为他们包办一切的保姆。
The process of remaking Singapore is a colossal task that should involve everyone. The inputs from Singaporeans who are creative and independent-thinking (or people who represent their interests) are more important than the “nanny” who has always taken care of almost ever