  • 特别的红色浆果,用于调味或榨汁。
    very tart red berry used for sauce or juice.
  • 硅铍石一种天然铍硅脂,be2sio4,以玻璃晶体出现,有时用作宝石
    A natural beryllium silicate, Be2SiO4, occurring as vitreous crystals sometimes used as gems.
  • 一种稀有的、坚硬的黄绿色矿物,由铝铍构成,呈结晶状,用作宝石。
    a rare hard yellow green mineral consisting of beryllium aluminate in crystal form; used as a gemstone.
  • 绿玉一种透明到半透明的玻璃状矿石,主要成分为硅铝铍,be3al2si6o18,呈六棱柱结构,是铍的主要来源。各种透明的白色、绿色、蓝色、黄色或粉色绿玉与宝石价值相当
    A transparent to translucent glassy mineral, essentially aluminum beryllium silicate, Be3Al2Si6O18, occurring in hexagonal prisms and constituting the chief source of beryllium. Transparent varieties in white, green, blue, yellow, or pink are valued as gems.
  • 不含酒精的饮料(通常是碳饮料)。
    nonalcoholic beverage (usually carbonated).
  • 茶饮料将在中国掀起第三次饮料浪潮,与碳饮料争夺饮料市场的霸主宝座。
    may I take your beverage order?
  • 橙汁和水混合的甜饮料。
    sweetened beverage of lime juice and water.
  • 剂,抗剂,防剂一种中和的物质,如氧化镁或碳氢钠
    A substance, such as magnesia or sodium bicarbonate, that neutralizes acid.
  • 氢盐原子团hco3-或含有该原子团的化合物,如碳氢硅
    The radical group HCO3- or a compound, such as sodium bicarbonate, containing it.
  • 与重铬盐一起加工或化和。
    treated or combined with bichromate.
  • 胆汁中的一种不可溶的晶状
    an insoluble crystalline acid present in bile.
  • 胆结石一种在胆囊或胆道中形成的小且硬的病理上的结石,主要由胆固醇、盐钙和胆汁色素沉淀组成
    A small, hard, pathological concretion, composed chiefly of cholesterol, calcium salts, and bile pigments, formed in the gallbladder or in a bile duct.
  • 胆汁形成的盐,一种碱,用作油脂和脂肪的乳化剂。
    a salt of bile acid and a base; functions as an emulsifier of lipids and fatty acids.
  • 过了两天光景,医师柯谢尔科夫在诊室里坐着,把一个手指头放在额头上,正在思索有关胆的问题。
    Two days later the doctor was sitting in his consulting-room, and with his finger to his brow was meditating on the acids of the bile.
  • 发源地某些东西发源、积聚或发展的地方,比如钙盐、尿或胆汁形成结石的中心
    A point or place at which something originates, accumulates, or develops, as the center around which salts of calcium, uric acid, or bile acid form calculi.
  • 转变遗传信息(脱氧核糖核链)进入核糖核链,特别是核糖核信使;生物化学。
    convert the genetic information in (a strand of DNA) into a strand of RNA, esp. messenger RNA; in biochemistry.
  • 最近的一种方法是,用纳米技术来使血红蛋白和酶包裹在直径为0.15微米的可生物降解的聚乳膜中的纳米胶囊。
    A more recent approach is to use nanotechnology to encapsulate hemoglobin and enzymes inside biodegradable polylactic acid membrane nanocapsules some 0.15 microns in diameter.
  • 因此一些理论家认为氨基来自宇宙,不是地球。而且,生命的种子遍布全宇宙。
    As a result, some theorists argue that space -- not the earth -- might be the source of biologically important molecules, and that the entire universe could be seeded with the building blocks of life.
  • 普林斯顿大学生物学家劳拉·兰德韦伯领导的另一个研究小组报告了一种利用核糖核(rna,dna的一种化学同类物)完成类似计算的方法。
    Another group, led by biologist Laura Landweber at Princeton University, reported on a way to use RNA(chemical cousin of DNA)to perform a similar calculation.
  • 沃森,詹姆斯·杜威生于1928美国生物学家,与法朗西斯·克里克共同提出了脱氧核糖核分子结构的双螺旋模型。由于其在基因研究上的进展于1962年与人分享诺贝尔奖
    American biologist who with Francis Crick proposed a spiral model, the double helix, for the molecular structure of DNA. He shared a1962 Nobel Prize for advances in the study of genetics.
  • 克里克,弗朗西斯·亨利·康普顿生于1916英国生物学家,他与詹姆士·d。沃森一起为脱氧核糖核的分子结构提出了双螺旋这种螺旋模型。他因在遗传学研究方面的进展而获得1962年诺贝尔奖
    British biologist who with James D. Watson proposed a spiral model, the double helix, for the molecular structure of DNA. He shared a1962 Nobel Prize for advances in the study of genetics.
  • 粗酒石粗酒石氢钾原料,制酒中的副产品
    Crude potassium bitartrate, a by-product of winemaking.
  • 酒石氢钾一种在葡萄汁中找到的并在酿酒过程中沉淀于桶壁的浅红色性化合物,主要指酒石氢钾
    A reddish acid compound, chiefly potassium bitartrate, found in the juice of grapes and deposited on the sides of casks during winemaking.
  • 他的尖话说中了要处。
    His bitter words struck home.
  • 我们切不要吞饮仇恨辛的苦酒,来解除对于自由的饮渴。
    Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.
  • 一想到要再次去访问那个使人倍感窘迫和辛的地方,她就感到一阵不适。
    She had felt a flush of discomfort at the thought of revisiting the scene of so much embarrassment and bitterness.
  • 酪氨酶动植物组织中一种含铜的酶,用氧化的方式催化,从酪氨中产生黑色素或其它色素,如在削皮的或削成片的土豆暴露在空气里变黑的过程
    A copper-containing enzyme of plant and animal tissues that catalyzes the production of melanin and other pigments from tyrosine by oxidation, as in the blackening of a peeled or sliced potato exposed to air.
  • 蛋白质(尤其是角蛋白)中的晶状氨基,见于膀胱结石中。
    a crystalline amino acid found in proteins (especially keratin); discovered in bladder stones.
  • 一种雷盐,干燥时撞击或加热会猛烈爆炸,用于炸药、雷管等。
    a fulminate that when dry explodes violently if struck or heated; used in detonators and blasting caps and percussion caps.
  • 用螯合剂(如乙二胺四乙)从血管中去除(重金属,如铅或汞)
    To remove(a heavy metal, such as lead or mercury) from the bloodstream by means of a chelate, such as EDTA.
  • 含有加过糖的黑莓或黑莓酱的奶。
    yogurt with sweetened blueberries or blueberry jam.
  • 美国西部的直立的越橘,有孤独的花和有些的浆果。
    erect blueberry of western United States having solitary flowers and somewhat sour berries.