  • “就诱惑人的蛇精也想不出比这再糟的模样了。
    “The serpent-tempter himself could not have invented anything worse.
  • 颁发军人道德规范,组织创作军人道德组歌,建设全军宣传文化信息网,完善军营文化设施,队建立俱乐部,驻地集中的团以上单位建立文化活动中心。
    The PLA has issued an ethical code for servicemen, organized the composition of moral songs, setup a PLA-wide publicity, cultural and information network, improved cultural facilities in barracks, set up cultural clubs in companies, and established cultural centers in units at and above the regiment level.
  • 用于接的或易于接的
    Serving or tending to connect.
  • 现在要阴雨绵下个不停了。
    It is settling in to rain now.
  • 在国家产业政策的支持下,中国电信业发展速度续15年超过国民经济增长速度,“七五”、“八五”、“九五”时期比国民经济年增长速度分别高出10个、20个甚至30多个百分点,我国电话网规模在世界的排名,从1985年的第17位升为1997年的第2位。电信业新增增加值占新增国内生产总值的比重上升到4.9%,电信固定资产投资占全社会固定资产投资比重上升到6.1%。
    Supported by the government sector policy, the sector has enjoyed a growth rate faster than that of the national economy for 15 successive years, with 10, 20 and even 30 percentage points higher than that of the growth rate for the 7th, 8th and 9th Five-Year-Plan periods respectively.Telephone network ranked second in capacity in 1998 from the seventeenth in 1985 while the telecommunications sectors made up 4.9% of the newly added GDP value and 6.1% of total investment in the fixed asset of the country.
  • 毒品和犯罪往往是分不开的;体婴儿不能被很好的分开;歌曲……从来不被认为能与旋律分离开。
    often drugs and crime are not dissociable; the siamese twins were not considered seperable; a song...never conceived of as severable from the melody;.
  • 接合板,鱼尾板尤指用在铁路枕木上的钉在两个毗的栏杆或梁木上的金属板或木板
    A metal or wooden plate bolted to the sides of two abutting rails or beams, used especially in the laying of railroad track.
  • 首尾相在末端相或毗;邻接
    To join or be joined end to end; abut.
  • 他的土地和我的土地相毗
    His land abuts on mine.
  • 把纺织品在一起紧紧地缝制。
    draw fabric together and sew it tightly.
  • 他讲了一串的污言秽语。
    He came out with a stream of abuse.
  • 他发出一串的咒骂。
    He let fly a torrent of abuse.
  • 串的辱骂、诅咒、谎言
    A string of abuse, curses, lies
  • 发出一连串的谩骂
    Fire off a string of abuse
  • 她用珠炮似的谩骂来攻击他。
    She attacked him with a torrent of abuse.
  • 最近港元的外汇市场及股票期货市场出现了大量的投机活动,政府注意到,这些炒卖活动有明显的关,不单只对货币市场造成混乱,而且还扯高息口,妨碍了本港经济能够顺利地调整,令普罗大众蒙受损失。
    Over the past week there have been massive speculative activities in the Hong Kong dollar market and the stock and futures markets. We have been keeping a watchful eye on these activities, and have come to the firm conclusion that there has been an abundantly clear linkage between the currency play and the play in the stock and futures markets. They have brought along instability to the Hong Kong dollar market and artificially forced up the interest rate. Such destabilizing activities disrupt the course of our economic adjustment.
  • 他和一个可疑人物有牵
    He was entangled with a shady character.
  • 我要强调:政府会一如以往,坚守不干预股票市场和期货市场活动的政策,但在必要的情况下,即是当炒卖港元与炒卖股票和期货有明显关的时候,政府有责任采取果断措施减少市场混乱。
    I must emphasize: the Government will, as before, adhere strictly to our long-standing policy of non-intervention in the stock and futures markets . We shall, however, take resolute action to reduce market distortion, if we find that there is an abundantly clear linkage between the speculative activities in the currency market, and those in the stock and futures markets.
  • 接两块以上甲板的通道
    A shaft connecting two or more decks.
  • 次要矿山甬道矿井中接两条大隧道的小巷道
    A secondary mine passageway between two main shafts or tunnels.
  • 接两条管、杆或轴的)圈;箍(尤指机器中的)
    Oining two pipes, rods or shafts, esp in a machine
  • 在两个旋转的轴或滑轮中间的由柔韧性材料制作的续的线圈。
    endless loop of flexible material between two rotating shafts or pulleys.
  • 接两个转轴可以在任何方向自由移动的耦合。
    coupling that connects two rotating shafts allowing freedom of movement in all directions.
  • 震颤病一种突发的抖动。常与the
    A convulsive fit of shaking. Often used with the.
  • 有多少人与港口丑闻有牵
    How many people were mixed up in the shameful harbour matter?
  • 政治家剪羊毛,政客则羊皮也剥掉。
    The statesman shears the sheep, the politician skins them.
  • 结婚好比一把大剪力,在一块儿分不开来;虽然时时朝相反的方向动,但对走进其间的人,则常常会加以惩罚。
    Marriage resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated; often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing anyone who comes between them.
  • 肌外衣包围肌肉的结组织的外鞘
    The external sheath of connective tissue surrounding a muscle.
  • 导电构件间的一种低阻电接,如机箱和金属电缆壳之间,以使其保持相同电位,通常为大地电位。
    A low-resistance electrical connection between conducting structures such as racks and metal cable sheaths, made in order to keep them at the same potential, usually that of the earth.
  • 导电构件间的一种低阻电接,如机箱和金属电缆壳之间,以使其保持相同电位,通常为大地电位。
    A low resistance electrical connection between conducting structures such as racks and metal cable sheaths, made in order to keep them at the same potential, usually that of the earth.
  • 断了线的珠子一般的泪水也不能打动她冷漠的陛下——莎士比亚。
    nor silver-shedding tears could penetrate her uncompassionate sire- Shakespeare.
  • 流眼泪的过程(通常伴随有哭泣或发出不清楚、不贯的声音)。
    the process of shedding tears (usually accompanied by sobs or other inarticulate sounds).