  • 按照我的劝告,他决定把这本小再读一遍
    Acting on my recommendation, he has decided to read the novel once more.
  • 按照我的劝告,他决定把这本小再读一遍。
    Acting on my recommendation, he have decide to read the novel once more.
  • 晚些时候,希腊及其殖民地向罗马帝国提供了另一类冒险家,即所谓哲学家或演家,这些人向上层阶级子弟传授所谓最宝贵的技艺;他们大都是非生产性劳动者,但他们优厚的报酬却是本国财富的一个来源。
    At a later period the same country and its colonies supplied the Roman empire with another class of adventurers, who, under the name of philosophers or of rhetoricians, taught to the youth of the higher classes what were esteemed the most valuable accomplishments : these were mainly unproductive labourers, but their ample recompense was a source of wealth to their own country.
  • 你怎样把这个法和你昨天的话统一起来?
    How can you reconcile this statement with what you said yesterday?
  • 我看不出你所的与本案诸事实相符合。
    I can not reconcile what you say with the facts of the case.
  • 马勒伯朗士,尼古拉斯·德1638-1715法国哲学家,试图把笛卡尔学的形而上学与新柏拉图主义及圣奥斯汀的哲学思想综合起来
    French philosopher who sought to reconcile the metaphysics of Descartes with Neo-Platonism and the philosophy of Saint Augustine.
  • 阿施,肖洛姆1880-1957波兰裔美国意第绪语作家,在其有争议的小中试图使犹太教和基督教得到和解,如拿撒勒人(1939年)
    Polish-born American Yiddish writer who sought to reconcile Judaism and Christianity in his controversial novels, such as The Nazarene(1939).
  • 比方,现代化的生产只需要较少的人就够了,而我们人口这样多,怎样两方面兼顾?
    For example, modern production requires only a small number of people, while our population is enormous.How shall we reconcile these two facts?
  • 和解为消除误解而进行的相互明;和解
    A mutual clarification of misunderstandings; a reconciliation.
  • 对致力消弭社会分歧,促成谅解,为人类带来新希望的和平人士来,北爱尔兰和平进程是莫大的鼓舞。
    It gives encouragement to everyone who labours to bring communities together, to bring reconciliation and new hope.
  • 76.对於中等入息人士,即夹心阶层来,由於现时许多优质私人楼宇单位的价格已经下降到他们能够负担的水平,所以我们决定,除了已经开展的计划外,政府会暂停为中等入息人士兴建更多夹屋单位。
    76. As to middle income earners, or the "sandwich" class, as many good-quality flats in the private sector are now affordable to them we have decided to suspend the building of flats under our schemes for this group, with the exception of projects which we have already started work on.
  • 安妮:你的建议不错,不定我真的要重新确定专业了。
    Annie: Your suggestion is not bad. I might reconfirm my specialty.
  • 《爱情生活》的作者,珍妮特·赖伯斯坦“色情”周末是繁忙的夫妻重新沟通的有益方式。
    Janet Reibstein, the author of Love life, says that a steamy weekend is a he alty way for busy couples to reconnect.
  • 我意识到我再不能经历另一次这样的事情了,因此就像一个好爸爸一样,如果蒂娜能重新考虑,我会付给她现钱。
    I realized I didn't think I could go through another one of these things, so, like any good dad, I offered Deanna cash if she'd reconsider.
  • 当时我还跟她,如果在十五年的过渡期间香港发生意外的事情,发生动乱,中英双方根本谈不拢,中国将重新考虑收回香港的时间和方式。
    I told her then that if anything unexpected happened in Hong Kong during the 15-year period of transition, if there were disturbances, and if the Sino-British talks failed, China would reconsider the timing and manner of its recovery of Hong Kong.
  • 今天正赶上“把女儿带到工作场所活动日”。数百万9到15岁的女孩子拥入全国各地的工作场所。在过去5年内许多活动的参加者这种参与已经产生了影响,那就是有助于孩子们选择职业或重新考虑职业的选择,而且还使孩子们更富于进取心。
    As millions of girls 9 to 15 years of age invaded workplaces all across the country today on Take Our Daughters to Work Day, many of the participants over the last five years say the experience has made an impression that helped them pick a career or reconsider career choices, and become more ambitious.
  • 国务院官员今天,里根政府拆除莫斯科新建美国大使馆的决定,布什政府正在考虑。这座大使馆被发现布满设计精巧的窃听装置,所以从来未使用过。
    The Bush Administration is reconsidering the Reagan Administration's decision to tear down the new American Embassy chancery in Moscow, State Department officials said today. The chancery has been found to be riddled with sophisticated eavesdropping systems and has never been used.
  • 在这扰动之后,对发电机来,重新组建一个流动方向相反的发电机在理论上是可能的。
    Following such a disturbance, it is theoretically possible for the dynamo to reconstitute itself with an opposite direction of current flow.
  • 这种改造过的认识,不是更空虚了更不可靠了的认识,相反,只要是在认识过程中根据于实践基础而科学地改造过的东西,正如列宁所乃是更深刻、更正确、更完全地反映客观事物的东西。
    Such reconstructed knowledge is not more empty or more unreliable; on the contrary, whatever has been scientifically reconstructed in the process of cognition, on the basis of practice, reflects objective reality, as Lenin said, more deeply, more truly, more fully.
  • 展望灾后重建,可以,这次洪水是灾难,也是机遇,是一次扩大内需的机遇,是一次加快发展的机遇。
    Reconstruction in the wake of floods indicates that the floods, while causing disasters, have also brought opportunities, including those to expand domestic demand and expedite development.
  • 这记录没有任何明。
    The records afford no explanation.
  • 在中国各地,近年来运用法律武器解决知识产权纠纷的现象增多,从一个侧面明了全社会知识产权法律意识的增强和知识产权知识的普及。
    The fact that there has been an increasing number of cases involving intellectual property rights in recent years and that these cases have been remedied through recourse to law reflects the people's heightened awareness and the wide spread of intellectual property rights knowledge throughout society.
  • 他能不能康复现在还难
    It is doubtful whether he will recover.
  • 伦敦皇家学院:"家境不佳的学生实际上在全职工作。我们所认为的全日制学生现在实际上全部是非全日制学生。
    "Students from less affluent backgrounds are working practically full time. Virtually all our notionally full-time students are part-time now,"said King's, London.
  • 英国人对“海洋运输货物险”只理解为海运中的意外风险,诸如船舶碰撞、搁浅、起火、海水侵入船舱等,换句话,投保“一切海洋运输货物险”,其损失的赔偿只限于因海上灾难和海运意外事故所引起的损失。而保“一切险”在全部承保期内的任何时间,不论海上或陆上所产生的意外事故,其全部损失都予以赔偿。在这个意义上,“一切海洋运输货物险”比“一切险”所承保的责任范围更为有限。
    The English understand by "marine risks" only risks incident to transport by sea, such as collision, stranding, fire, penetration of sea water into the holds of the ships, etc. in other words, under "all marine risks" recoverable loss will only be confined to those arising from perils of the sea and maritime accidents only. The "all risks" coverage will admit all losses occurring at any time throughout the whole currency of the coverage, irrespective of whether they are caused by accidents at sea or on land. In this sense, "all marine risks" provides a more limited cover than "all risks".
  • 你复元我很高兴。
    I am pleased at hearing of your recovery.
  • 后来,他对塞尚所分析的艺术家的世界作了再创造的试验,“你必然会在自然界看到圆柱体、圆体、锥体”——像有一位艺术家所的”小立方体”。
    Later, he experimented in recreating the artist's world as Cezanne had analyzed it, “You must see in nature the cylinder, the sphere, the cone, the little Cubes,” as one artist called them.
  • 现在,这个边缘群体--最引人注目的那个边缘一一就是保守派评论员戴维·弗罗姆所的"有史以来第一个上层群体",其数目之多如其财富之丰一样令人咋舌。
    Now the outlying group--the fringe that commands the greatest attention, anyway--is what the conservative commentator David Frum has called "history's first mass upper class," and its numbers are as startling as its affluence.
  • 换句话,我们最好工作后,消遣消遣来轻松一下。
    In other words, we had better take sufficient recreation to relax after work.
  • 他和妻子并没有责备女儿,而是把水渍擦得干干净净。女儿抬起头看着他们:“谢谢爸爸妈妈!
    After the water was cleaned up without any recriminating remarks from her parents, she looked up and said, " You know, I really want to thank you guys for not being like other parents.
  • 这件工作对新手来困难重重。
    This job presents many difficulties to the new recruit.
  • 嗯,听在招人,我都不晓得。
    Well, recruit exist, but I do not know.