  • 畜生的人,残暴的人行为象畜生或行为残暴的人
    A person who behaves in a bestial or brutish manner.
  • 人未开化时过的是“卑贱、短暂、禽兽一”的生活。
    In uncivilized conditions, life of man is "nasty, brutish and short".
  • 全年地方财政一预算收入454.2亿元,比上年增长31.6%。
    In 2001, the general budgetary revenue of local governments totaled 45.42 billion yuan, up by 31.6 percent over the previous year.
  • 象牛般大的,强壮的
    Large and strong like a bull.
  • 子弹像雨点射在我们周围.
    Bullets spattered around us.
  • 枪弹雨点地落在他们周围。
    Bullets rained about them.
  • 呼啸的子弹象割庄稼地把敌兵扫倒。
    The whistling bullets cut the enemy soldiers down like corn.
  • 里年龄较小的男生被那个小霸王吓倒了。
    The smaller boys were cowed by the class bully.
  • 沉重的或梦魇的重担
    An oppressive or nightmarish burden.
  • 窃贼对那个小孩大打出手,拳头雨点地落在他的身上。
    The burglar rained down blows upon the child.
  • 经历强烈的或针刺疼痛的。
    experiencing a burning or stinging pain.
  • 警察:一来说,公共汽车是双层的。
    Buses are double-deckers as a rule.
  • 美国西部灌木草本植物,开黄色豌豆的花。
    western United States bushy herb having yellow pealike flowers.
  • 在美国坐计程车一都要给司机小费。
    In the United States the rider usually leaves a tip for the cab driver.
  • 出租车司机有权收取小费,一大约为车费的15%坏包括过桥费及行李费)。
    Cab drivers are entitled to tips, generally about 15% of you fare (without the bridge tolls and luggage fees).
  • 小的卷心菜的头部,或沿着茎生长的芽。
    small cabbage-like heads or buds growing along a stalk.
  • 一个多分枝树状或灌木的仙人掌属,有显著的棱,棱上有圆形针状刺,夜间开花,常为白色。
    genus of much-branched treelike or shrubby cacti with pronounced ribs and rounded needlelike spines and nocturnal flowers usually white.
  • 树一的高大的墨西哥仙人掌,有可食的红色果实。
    tall treelike Mexican cactus with edible red fruit.
  • 这些voicexml页在一情况下,通常允许主叫用户方通过语音完成某种任务,并可依据存储在数据库中的主叫用户方个人配置文件加以定制。
    These VoiceXML pages typically enable a caller to accomplish a task of some kind using their voice, and may be customized to the caller's personal profile as stored in a database.
  • 每次这只"狮妈妈"总是给小羚羊们母亲的"爱抚",保护它们免受其他狮子的袭击,甚至小羚羊的生母来给它们的孩子喂奶的时候,"狮妈妈"也睁一只眼闭一只眼。
    On each occasion, she has given the calves affection, protection from other lions, and even allowed their natural mothers to come and feed them.
  • 中共国家主席江泽民于昨天访问柬埔寨,一认为这象征着两个亚洲国家的联盟关系向上发展,但却也彰显出长期以来北京与河内(越南)两宿敌之间为争取南亚地区影响力的角力战更为激烈。
    Chinese President Jiang Zemin's visit to Cambodia yesterday signifies a growing alliance between the two Asian nations and marks an intensification of the long-running battle for regional influence between old foes Beijing and Hanoi.
  • 山茶一种山茶属的生长于亚洲东部的常绿灌木或小树,尤其是山茶树,长有闪光的叶子以及艳丽的常呈红色、白色或品红色的玫瑰花朵
    Any of several evergreen shrubs or small trees of the genus Camellia native to eastern Asia, especially C. japonica, having shiny leaves and showy roselike flowers that are usually red, white, or pink.
  • 儿童的如在单纯、轻信、坦率等方面上如儿童的或适合于儿童的
    Like or befitting a child, as in innocence, trustfulness, or candor.
  • 大麻毒品由大麻属植物晒干的花簇和叶子制成的制剂,一通过吸食来获取异常的快感
    A preparation made from the dried flower clusters and leaves of the cannabis plant, usually smoked or eaten to induce euphoria.
  • 炸弹和炮弹雨点地落进那个市镇。
    Bombs and cannonballs rained upon the town.
  • 一段如歌唱的乐曲或乐章
    A cantabile passage or movement.
  • 中国当时自视为独一无二的文明大国,在广州经商的外籍人士,居住和其他方面都受到诸限制。
    The Chinese regarded themselves as the only civilised people and foreigners trading at Canton were subject to residential and other restrictions.
  • 龟一种陆地生乌龟,特别指属于龟鳖目的动物,一具有厚重,梅花状的四肢和高耸的圆形甲壳
    Any of various terrestrial turtles, especially one of the family Testudinidae, characteristically having thick clublike hind limbs and a high, rounded carapace.
  • 圣诞节时,我们一会唱颂歌。
    We usually sing carols at Christmas.
  • 尽管彼得实实在在地相信他的家庭是个自由自在、无拘无束的地方,但他总爱为了某件事对妻子或孩子们百挑剔或唠叨个没完。
    Peter is always carping or nagging at his wife or kids about something though he honestly believes his home is Liberty Hall.
  • 交通工具运输货物的费用。
    the charge for transporting something by common carrier.
  • 本店备有各色各样的套餐和点菜的一日本料理,以及许多肉类餐点。
    We serve a great variety of popular Japanese dishes in set courses and a la carte, and also many meat dishes.