  • 包尼日利亚的一种货币单位
    A unit of currency in Nigeria.
  • 挖掘考古现场
    Excavate an archaeological site.
  • 古学家把陶瓷留在了原处。
    the archeologists left the pottery in situ.
  • 因为这个花瓶保持着原样,古学家可以确定它的时代;在现场的调查人。
    the archeologists could date the vase because it was in situ; an in-situ investigator.
  • 传统意义上,管制工作压力是由当时管制状况决定的,如航空器的数量、航班密集度、陆空通话和管制协调的数量、天气情况等等,上述种种因素主要描述了管制状况的多样性,但是工作压力是从人为角度来虑的。
    ATC workload is traditionally defined in terms of the ATC situation: number of aircraft, complexity of aircraft mix, amount of communication and coordination needed, weather, and so forth. These situational variables describe essentially the demands of the situation, but workload is another matter from a human factors perspective.
  • 不过,如果订货数量大,我们可以虑。
    But if the order is a sizable one, we'll consider it.
  • 如贵方订货量大,我们可以虑给佣金。
    If your order is a sizable one, we'll consider allow you a commission.
  • 一个自私而吝啬的人虑的只是他自己,所以他根本不会有朋友。
    A cheap skate thinks only himself so he has no friends at all.
  • 他似乎在虑,就自已想说的话打着草稿。
    He seemed to be thinking, sketching out in his mind what he was going to say.
  • 我不经虑无法告诉你答案。
    I can't tell you the answer off the top of my head.
  • 运动和身体的关系,如同思和头脑的关系。
    Exercise is to the body what thinking is to the brain.
  • 一个完全碎掉了的陶壶的碎片,在古学院巧妙地恢复了原状。
    fragments of a nearly complete jug, skillfully restored at the institute of archaeology.
  • 他缺了些课。勉强通试。
    He missed some lectures. He only skinned through.
  • 一部分同学得不错,大部分同学只是勉强及格。
    Some of you passed well, but most of you only skinned through the examination.
  • 他们还虑跳绳时和音乐配合得怎样。
    They also considered whether skipping went well with the music.
  • 你们的要价太高,我们觉得实在难以接受,我们在虑是否向其他买主购买。
    Your price is skyrocketing, we find it hard to accept. Therefore, we are thinking of turning of turning to other buyers.
  • 摩天大楼的兴建丝毫不虑我们的利益。
    The skyscraper have been built with no regard for us.
  • 克斯报告》诬称,中国通过商业发射“获缺了美国的制导技术并推进了中国导弹的发展。
    The Cox Report slanders China by saying it had "acquired" US missile guidance technology through commercial launches to promote the development of its own missiles.
  • 她顺利通过期末考试
    She sailed through her finals.
  • 如果你通过试,我将带你去吃一顿上等饭菜。
    If you pass you exam I'll treat you to a slap-up meal.
  • 现在剩下留待虑的只有二位候选人,其余的人几天前就全被淘汰不予虑了。
    There are only two candidates that remain to be considered. The rest were cleaned the slate days ago.
  • 现在剩下来留待虑的只有两位候选人,其余的人,包括你弟弟在内,几在前就全被淘汰不予虑了。
    There are only two candidates that remain to be considered. The rest, your brother among them, were wiped off the slate days ago.
  • 南极察队乘雪橇沿海岸线游览过。
    the antarctic expedition sledged along the coastline.
  • 现代时髦风格整个布局究别致,需要用玻璃以及其他人造材料营造的简洁线条;
    Modern Contemporary Sleek and chic, calls for clean lines, with lots of glass and other man-made materials.
  • 虑一项技术革新,度过好几个不眠之夜。
    He spent many a sleepless night pondering over a technical innovation.
  • 李明参加完高又疲劳又困,一下子倒在床上睡了一整天。
    Li Ming, when he finished his entrance examination to the university, was so tired and sleepy that he fell into bed and slept the clock round.
  • 我们必须虑到最终的结果。
    We must consider the eventual results.
  • 我们正虑在这样的事情上给他们更多的发言权。
    We are considering giving them greater say in such matters.
  • 大多数学生通过了试。
    Most students passed the examination.
  • 关于NetMeeting指南,可参Microsoft文档或在线帮助。
    For netmeeting instructions refer to microsoft's documentation or online help.
  •  对人民负责的文艺工作者,要始终不渝地面向广大群众,在艺术上精益求精,力戒粗制滥造,认真严肃地虑自己作品的社会效果,力求把最好的精神食粮贡献给人民。
    Writers and artists who are responsible to the people should always keep their faces turned towards the masses and constantly improve their skills, doing their best to avoid slipshod work, seriously considering the likely impact of their works on society and trying to provide the people with the best mental nourishment.
  • 她喜欢临考前用功。
    She likes slogging going away at her studies just before the examination.