  • 不实行民主集中制,不但脱离人民众,脱离党员众,而且上级脱离下级,甚至在同级里也势必造成少数人或个人脱离多数,少数人或个人专断的局面。
    If we do not practice democratic centralism, we shall alienate ourselves from the masses and rank-and-file Party members. In addition, superiors will become estranged from their subordinates, and even among co-workers, a minority or an individual will split off from the majority and make arbitrary decisions.
  • 现在出现的一些问题,反映我们较长时间以来相当地脱离众。
    The problems that are arising now show that we have been quite alienated from the people for a considerable time.
  • 结果众认为政府是不中用的,一切要决定于共产党。于是要钱的是共产党,要粮的是共产党,政府一切法令都是共产党的法令,政府一切错误都是共产党的错误,政府没有威信,党也脱离了众。
    This has given the masses the impression that the government is incompetent and that it is the Communist Party that has the final say in everything, that the Party levies grain and other taxes, formulates all the decrees for the government and is responsible for all the mistakes made by the government. Hence, the government is not respected by the masses and the Party has alienated itself from them.
  • 酉、我们许多外来干部作风很坏,对本地干部的作用认识不够,没有一心一意地去发现正派的积极分子,大量地培养他们成为区村干部,反而提升了一批流氓坏人来当干部,也是我们脱离众的重要原因。
    10. Many of our cadres who came from other areas exhibited a very bad work style, lacked adequate understanding of the role played by local cadres, and failed to devote their attention to finding large numbers of honest activists or to turning them into cadres at district and village levels through training. Instead, they promoted a bunch of hooligans and scoundrels as cadres. This was an important reason for our becoming alienated from the masses.
  • 当前,特别要注意克服不思进取、无所作为的思想状况,克服种种严重脱离众的现象,坚决反对形式主义和官僚主义的歪风。
    At present,special attention should be paid to overcoming the state of lethargy and seeking no progress, doing away with the grave alienation from the people and standing firmly against the unhealthy tendency of formalism and bureaucracy.
  • 但是,把脱离众这个问题统统归到林彪、“四人帮”身上也不合乎实际,我们自己也有责任。
    Still, it wouldn't be in keeping with reality to put all the blame for our present alienation from the people on Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, for we have our own share of responsibility.
  • 这个新军阀主义倾向虽然和表现在打人、骂人、破坏纪律等等现象上面的老的军阀主义倾向同其根源(把共产党降低到国民党),同其结果(脱离众);
    The tendency towards this new type of warlordism has the same root (the reduction of the Communist Party to the level of the Kuomintang) and the same result (the alienation of the masses) as the tendency towards the old type of warlordism, which expressed itself in beating and abusing people, violating discipline, etc;
  • 演讲者在演讲结束时使人兴奋起来。
    At the end of his speech, the speaker set the crowd alight.
  • 总统异常振奋人心的演讲使全国人民情激昂,充满希望。
    The President's unusually cheerful speech has set the whole nation alight with hope.
  • 他演讲结束时,众激奋起来,开始热烈欢呼。
    At the end of his speech, the crowd caught alight and began cheering widly.
  • 盖伊演讲结束时,众激奋起来,开始狂热欢呼。
    At the end of Guy's speech, the crowd caught alight and began cheering wildly.
  • 各宗教都倡导服务社会,造福人,如佛教的“庄严国土,利乐有情”,天主教、基督教的“荣神益人”,道教的“慈爱和同、济世度人”,伊斯兰教的“两世吉庆”等。
    The various religions all advocate serving the society and promoting people's well-being, such as the Buddhists' "honoring the country and benefiting the people," the Catholics and Protestants' "glorifying God and benefiting the people," the Taoists' "being benevolent, peaceful and harmonious, saving the world and benefiting the people," and the Islam's "praying to allah to give great reward in this world and hereafter."
  • 关心群众疾苦
    Help alleviate their hardships
  • 中国政府重视这些特殊贫困体的扶贫开发工作,采取各种有效措施帮助他们与其他贫困人口同时脱贫。
    The Chinese government pays great attention to poverty alleviation work for these special groups, adopting effective measures to help them get rid of poverty together with other impoverished people.
  • 经过全社会各方面的共同努力,特别是少数民族地区广大干部众的艰苦奋斗,中国少数民族贫困地区扶贫开发工作取得了明显成效:
    Thanks to the common efforts of all sectors of society, especially the persistent hard work of the cadres and people of the minority areas, the poverty-alleviation work has attained marked achievements in the impoverished parts of the ethnic minority areas.
  • 胡同被人群堵塞。
    The alley was blocked with crowds.
  • 在特殊联盟内的一国家。
    a group of countries in special alliance.
  • 他们希望创造出一些新体来对付疾病、害虫和一些有侵害性的物种。
    They hope to create allies to unleash against diseases, pests, and invasive species.
  • 广大的小资产阶级众,革命的知识分子,是民族革命中最可靠的同盟者。
    The broad masses of the petty bourgeoisie and the revolutionary intellectuals are their most reliable allies in the national revolution.
  • 农村中的生产、供销、信用、消费等各种形式的合作经济,是社会主义劳动众集体所有制经济。参加农村集体经济组织的劳动者,有权在法律规定的范围内经营自留地、自留山、家庭副业和饲养自留畜。”
    Various forms of the cooperative economy in rural areas such as producers', supply and marketing, credit and consumers' cooperatives belong to the sector of the socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people.working people who are members of rural economic collectives have the right, within the limits prescribed by law, to farm plots of cropland and hilly land allotted for private use, engage in household sideline production and raise privately owned livestock."
  • 参加农村集体经济组织的劳动者,有权在法律规定的范围内经营自留地、自留山、家庭副业和饲养自留畜。”修改为:“农村中的家庭联产承包为主的责任制和生产、供销、信用、消费等各种形式的合作经济,是社会主义劳动众集体所有制经济。
    Working people who are members of rural economic collectives have the right, within the limits prescribed by law, to farm plots of cropland and hilly land allotted for private use, engage in household sideline production and raise privately-owned livestock," shall be amended as: "Rural household-based contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output, and other forms of cooperative economy such as producers', supply and marketing, credit and consumers' cooperatives, belong to the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people.
  • 众是不会允许[答应]的。
    The masses wouldn't allow it.
  • 贫农是没有土地或土地不足的广大的农民众,是农村中的半无产阶级,是中国革命的最广大的动力,是无产阶级的天然的和最可靠的同盟者,是中国革命队伍的主力军。
    They are the broad peasant masses with no land or insufficient land, the semi-proletariat of the countryside, the biggest motive force of the Chinese revolution, the natural and most reliable ally of the proletariat and the main contingent of China's revolutionary forces.
  • 在西藏到处都可以看到善男信女悬挂的经幡、堆积的刻有佛教经文的嘛呢堆和磕长头、转经、朝拜的信教众。
    They are also free to offer sacrifices, give food or alms to Buddhist monks and nuns, burn incense and chant scriptures. Prayer banners, cairns of stones with scripture texts painted or carved on them and religious people devoutly prostrating themselves on the ground, spinning prayer wheels or on pilgrimages can be seen everywhere in Tibet;
  • 有个衣衫褴褛的叫花子,混身在众当中,却没能捞到什么油水,就是伸手到身旁别人的口袋里,大概也得不到足够的补偿,遂灵机一动,心想何不爬到某个明显的位置,好吸引众人的目光和施舍。
    A beggar, a shocking tatterdemalion, too tightly squeezed in among the crowd to be able to collect his usual harvest, or, in all probability, had not found sufficient to indemnify himself in the pockets of his immediate neighbours, had conceived the bright idea of perching himself in some conspicuous spot from whence he might attract the gaze and the alms of the benevolent.
  • 那便是从远方高处所看见的众。
    it was the populace seen thus from aloft and afar.
  • 的不友好的,不爱交往的;超然离
    Not friendly or sociable; aloof.
  • 他远离人群。
    He stood aloof from the crowd.
  • 千万不可脱离群众。
    Never stand aloof from the masses.
  • 领导人决不应该脱离众。
    Leaders shouldn't keep themselves aloof from the masses.
  • 不少领导机关和领导干部,高高在上,不接近众,不重视调查研究,不了解工作中的真实情况。
    Not a few leading bodies and leading cadres hold themselves aloof and refrain from coming into close contact with the masses;
  • 红军每到一地,众冷冷清清,经过宣传之后,才慢慢地起来。
    Wherever the Red Army goes, the masses are cold and aloof, and only after our propaganda do they slowly move into action.