| - 第四十六条 本法下列用语的含义是:
Article 46 As used in this Law, the following terms respectively mean: - 她苗条,显然还没有过青春期。挺好看的体态,还有一张我生平从未有幸见过的绝妙的小脸蛋。
She was slender, and apparently scarcely past girlhood: an admirable form, and the most exquisite little face that I have ever had the pleasure of beholding; - 不附带条件;无任何限制
With no special conditions or restrictions - 我们的陈列室位于商业中心,可为商品陈列与示范操作提供非常有利的条件。
Our showrooms, situated in the business center, offer admirable facilities for display and demonstration. - 第四条之四〔专利:在法律限制销售的情况下取得专利的条件〕
Article 4quater [Patents: Patentability in Case of Restrictions of Sale byLaw] - 他们反对定出许多条条框框来捆住群众的手脚。
They opposed the creation of a lot of restrictions to tie the hands of the masses. - 爆发从受限制的条件或情形下突然涌现
A forceful emergence from a restrictive condition or situation. - 我最担心是,这些法例会带来一些不必要的雇佣常规、条款和条件,使本港的竞争力受到削弱。
My main concern is that these laws could hurt our competitiveness by bringing in unduly restrictive employment practices and terms and conditions. - 第二十七条本条例由中国专利局负责解释。
Article 27 The right to interpret these Regulations hereof rests with CAP. - 平衡条件物体或体系静止或处于非加速运动的状态,在这种状态下所有力的和为零,所有轴上的力矩和为零
The state of a body or physical system at rest or in unaccelerated motion in which the resultant of all forces acting on it is zero and the sum of all torques about any axis is zero. - 要当一个好行政管理人员要具备必要条件。
To be a good administrator you have to have what it takes. - 第七十二条 依照本法规定应当给予行政处罚,而有关土地行政主管部门不给予行政处罚的,上级人民政府土地行政主管部门有权责令有关土地行政主管部门作出行政处罚决定或者直接给予行政处罚,并给予有关土地行政主管部门的负责人行政处分。
Article 72 Whereas related land administrative departments have failed to give administrative punishments due, the land administrative departments of the people's governments at a higher level have the right to command the land administrative departments to take punishment decisions or give administrative punishments directly and give administrative punishments to the person responsible of the related land administrative departments. - 鱼梁在河流中用来捕获或拦截鱼的栅栏或枝条篱
A fence or wattle placed in a stream to catch or retain fish. - 继续加强“两个确保”和城市“低保”工作,搞好“三条保障线”的衔接。
We should continue improving the work of ensuring payment on time and in full of the living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises, the basic pensions for retirees and subsistence allowances for the urban poor. We should also do a good job of streamlining the "three-stage guarantees." - 第四十八条著作权侵权纠纷可以调解,调解不成或者调解达成协议后一方反悔的,可以向人民法院起诉。
Article 48 A dispute over copyright infringement may be settled by mediation. If mediation is unsuccessful, or if one of the parties retracts from his promise after a mediation agreement is reached, proceedings may be instituted in a people's court. - 使调整或者成为一条直线
To become adjusted or aligned. - 在两起事故中,医生把长达11英寸的牵开器金属条落在病人体内。
In two cases, 11-inch retractors metal strips were forgotten inside patients. - 用来旋转大的管道的扳手;一个可以调整的链条其头尾部连在管道头部锯齿合在管上。
a wrench used for turning large pipes; an adjustable chain circles the pipe with its ends connected to the head whose teeth engage the pipe. - 为确保本地工人可优先获聘,雇主提出的输入劳工申请必须先符合三项条件,才会提交教育统筹局局长批核。这三项条件是:已在报章刊登招聘广告;已由劳工处安排为期六星期的就业选配(在可能的情况下,包括为本地工人提供特别设计的再培训课程);以及已由劳工顾问委员会审议。
To ensure priority of employment for local workers, each application for imported workers has to pass three tests before it is submitted to the Secretary for Education and Manpower for a decision - advertising in newspapers, job-matching by the Labour Department for six weeks (plus tailor-made retraining course for workers, if possible), and consideration by the Labour Advisory Board. - 美国版权法110节第5段经1998年10月27日颁布的《音乐许可公平法案》修正,规定了,在一定条件下,传播或传送含有公众可以在一种在私人家庭中经常使用的单一接收装置上接收到的一件作品的表演或展示(a小段称为"家庭免除);以及在一定条件下,一个设施传送或二次传送旨在让公众接收的含有非戏剧音乐作品的表演或展示,可以不必获得分别的版权持有人的授权。
Section 110(5) of the United States Copyright Act, as amended by the "Fairness in Music Licensing Act" enacted on 27 October 1998, exempts, under certain conditions, the communication or transmission embodying a performance or display of a work by the public reception of the transmission on a single receiving apparatus of a kind commonly used in private homes (sub-paragraph A, referred to as "homestyle exemption") and, also under certain conditions, communication by an establishment of a transmission or retransmission embodying a performance or display of a non-dramatic musical work intended to be received by the general public (subparagraph B, often referred to as "business exemption") from obtaining an authorization to do so by the respective right holder. - 瞄准器的后部有一个带有小孔的可调整目镜,通过它前方的景物和目标能够排成一条线。
rear gunsight having an adjustable eyepiece with a small aperture through which the front sight and the target are aligned. - 说敌人的大规模战略进攻和我们的战略退却在一定条件下基本上已经停止,并不是说一切进攻的可能和一切退却的可能都没有了。
When we say that the enemy's large-scale strategic offensive and our strategic retreat have in a sense largely come to an end, we do not altogether exclude the possibility of further offensives and retreats. - 一条能在前桅到甲板或船首斜桅之间调整的支索;控制着桅杆的弯曲度。
a adjustable stay from the foremast to the deck or bowsprit; controls the bending of the mast. - 三脚架一种可调节的三条腿的支架如支撑经纬仪或照相机的三脚架
An adjustable three-legged stand, as for supporting a transit or camera. - 描述符在信息的存取系统中标识一条信息的单词、词组或数字串
A word, a phrase, or an alphanumeric character used to identify an item in an information storage and retrieval system. - 当这位年轻女子从棕色的大文件袋中取出有关文件时,一张纸条掉了出来。
As the young woman reached into a large brown envelope to retrieve the documents, a piece of paper fell out. - 能够轻易的适应不同的条件。
able to adjust readily to different conditions. - 近期储存的条目能够被重新得到的处理数据的存储装置。
a storage device that handles data so that the next item to be retrieved is the item most recently stored; last in first out (LIFO). - (一七)加上日本是小国,地孝物少、人少、兵少,中国是大国,地大、物博、人多、兵多这一个条件,于是在强弱对比之外,就还有小国、退步、寡助和大国、进步、多助的对比,这就是中国决不会亡的根据。
17. There is the additional factor that while Japan is a small country with a small territory, few resources, a small population and a limited number of soldiers, China is a big country with vast territory, rich resources, a large population and plenty of soldiers, so that, besides the contrast between strength and weakness, there is the contrast between a small country, retrogression and meagre support and a big country, progress and abundant support. This is the reason why China will never be subjugated. - 国务院还颁布了《计算机软件保护条例》,规定了保护计算机软件的具体实施办法,作为著作权法的配套法规,于1991年10月施行。
The State Council has, moreover, promulgated the Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software, providing the specifics whereby the laws protecting computer software will be implemented. These regulations, a necessary adjunct to the Copyright Law, came into effect in October 1991. - 中国政府一直重视留学回国人员,为他们回国工作创造条件,并设立了负责接待、安置留学回国人员的专门机构。
The Chinese government, always valuing returned students and creating favorable working conditions for them upon return to China, has set up special organizations to take direct responsibility in receiving and arranging suitable jobs for returned students. - 宣判由法院或其它司法机构根据法律条款或原则对法院判决的正式陈述
A formal statement by a court or other adjudicative body of the legal reasons and principles for the conclusions of the court.