Chinese English Sentence:
  • 上桅帆在无横帆船上,位于低层帆斜桁以上的形或三角形帆
    A triangular or square sail set above the gaff of a lower sail on a fore-and-aft-rigged ship.
  • (二)给各分散部队以明确的任务、行动的地区、行动的时期、集合的地点、联络的法等。
    and (2) we should assign to the dispersed units clearly defined tasks, fields of operation, time limits for actions, places for reassembly and ways and means of liaison.
  • 夫妻双若能不断调整关系,使婚姻重获生机、使愉悦和浪漫在婚姻中再现是明智之举。
    It would be prudent for couples to reassess their relationships and try to breathe new life, excitement and romance into their marriages.
  • 这些文化的改变是在困难度、代价、复杂性和成功的可能性面对数据仓库再评估结果。
    These cultural changes are the result of a reassessment of data warehouses, in terms of degree of difficulty, cost, complexity and likelihood of success.
  • 国有企业改革之所以取得重大进展,至关重要的是,坚持实行鼓励兼并、规范破产、下岗分流、减员增效和实施再就业工程的针,切实搞好再就业工作和社会保障体系建设。
    One important reason for our major progress in the reform of state-owned enterprise is that we stuck to the policy of encouraging mergers, standardizing bankruptcy, laying off and reassigning redundant workers, streamlining for higher efficiency and implementing reemployment projects, and we worked hard to promote reemployment and improve the social security system.
  • 我们不清楚专家调查组是否已去过发现证据的地,我们从媒体报道得知,虽然李文皓早已参与了w88的设计工作,1994年他还是再一次被指派去参与“arehiving”计划,显然,那就是warp(weaponsarchiringandretrievalproject)或与之相关的工作。?
    We don't know if the Panel of Experts had access to what was found there. We know from media reports that, although Wen Ho Lee had been associated with the W-88 design, by 1994 he had been reassigned to work on an 'archiving' project, apparently the Weapons Archiving and Retrieval Project [WARP] or something related to it.
  • 我们在这面控制得严一点,不会影响外商来华投资,恰恰相反,外商会更放心。
    Tightening our control in this area will not deter foreign businessmen from investing in China; on the contrary, it will reassure them.
  • 让她放心,她的孩子很安全.
    The police reassured her about her child's safety.
  • 当然我们谈的问题很多,经济面的问题、水、食物、边界管理面的问题都有相当多的讨论。
    They also reassured the people of Hong Kong that Guangdong will continue to provide Hong Kong with the daily necessities such as water and food supplies.We also discussed issues such as the economy and border management.
  • (英)地政府在租金减免上的补助。
    (British) a rebate on rent given by a local government authority.
  • 而另一面,“personofcolor”(意思也是有色人),指任何非欧洲种族的人,是可以被接受的,而且在某些意识形态的领域内是一个备受喜欢的词,用来指美国黑人的“negro”(西班牙语“黑”的意思),在上个世纪六十年代让位于“black”(黑人)或者“black”,只是到了80年代才又让位给afro-american”(非洲裔美国人),到了90年代又让位于african-american”或者africanamerican(还是非洲裔美国人的意思)。
    On the other hand, "person of color", meaning someone of any non-European race, is acceptable and, in some ideological circles, a favored phrase. "Negro" (the Spanish word for "black") gave way to "black" or "Black" in the 1960s, only to yield in turn to "Afro-American" in the 1980s and "African-American" or "African American" in the 1990s.
  • 如果第一季度贸易量达到...我们将给你...%的特殊回扣。
    We will allow you a special rebate of...% if the business comes up to... in the first quarter.
  • 1957年5月在西藏地政府噶伦柳霞·土登塔巴、先喀·居美多吉的支持下,成立了“四水六岗”叛乱组织,稍后又成立号称“卫教军”的叛乱武装,提出“西藏独立”及反对改革的口号,叛乱活动愈演愈烈。
    In May 1957, with the support of Galoins Neuxar Tubdain Tarba and Xainga Gyurme Doje, a rebel organization named "four rivers and six ranges" and later the rebel armed forces named "religion guards" were founded. They raised the slogan of "Tibetan Independence" and "opposition to reform" and further intensified their rebellious activities.
  • 由于红军中游民成分占了很大的数量和全国特别是南各省有广大游民群众的存在,就在红军中产生了流寇主义的政治思想。
    The political ideology of roving rebel bands has emerged in the Red Army because the proportion of vagabond elements is large and because there are great masses of vagabonds in China, especially in the southern provinces.
  • 而且物极必反,处在叛逆阶段的中学生不是笨得可以任人摆布的,你抑制他们的行为,他们表面上或许服从你,但这种服从不是校的胜利,因为说不定他们在心底正郁积着不满情绪,而这种情绪久而久之就会发展为更可怕的变相性格。
    Things will turn into their opposites if pushed too far,as the saying goes. Adolescents, who are apt to rebel against authority, hate being ordered about. Apparently, they may observe the bans imposed on them, but that is no victory for their superiors because resentment may be brewing deep in their hearts. The pent-up discontent may grow to form abnormal psychology in them, which will be even more harmful.
  • 他终於起来反抗那种严厉管教他的式.
    He finally rebelled against his strict upbringing.
  • 于是,他就为争取奴隶的自由更加辛勤地工作。不久,南各州发动了叛乱。
    Then he worked still harder for freedom for the slaves. Soon the Southern States rebelled.
  • 每个星期总有一些地发生叛乱,为了镇压起义,奥地利士兵被迫急急忙忙从一个城镇赶到另一个城镇。
    Every week there was a rebellion somewhere, and the Austrian soldiers were kept busy hurrying from one town to another in order to put down the rebellions.
  • 每个星期总有一些地发生叛乱。
    Every week there was a rebellion somewhere.
  • 军队打垮了南省的反叛。
    The army has crushed the rebellion in the southern province.
  • 军队打垮了南省的反叛。
    The army have crushed the rebellion in the southern province.
  • 据报导南叛军向法国制造捎讴购了一整个舰队的军舰。
    The rebels are reported to have ordered an entire fleet from French builder.
  • 云南、贵州、甘肃、广东等省的一些戒毒所,在规范化管理面创造了“治疗医院化、教育学校化、环境园林化、康复劳动化”的经验,被戒毒人员称为“告别毒品的再生之所”。
    Endeavoring to realize standardized administration, a number of centers in Yunnan, Guizhou, Gansu and Guangdong provinces have created the experience of "undergoing treatment along hospital lines, offering education along school lines, managing the environment along garden lines and achieving rehabilitation along labor lines," and have been called "places of rebirth where I bade farewell to drugs" by many addicts.
  • 那还是个反弹球,你在罚球线投的球甚至连篮框都没碰到,而且球还直接从篮板弹到对的手中。
    It was a rebound. You were on the free-throw line, and the ball didn't even touch the hoop.
  • 事实上,环顾所有受今次金融风暴影响的国家和地,我知道香港将会是其中一个经济最先回复向好的地
    Indeed, of all the countries and communities that have been affected by the financial turmoil, I know ours will be the first to rebound.
  • 3.广播组织应享有权利禁止未经其许可而为的下列行为:将其广播以无线式重播,将其广播固定,将已固定的内容复制,以及通过同样式将其电视广播向公众传播。
    3. Broadcasting organizations shall have the right to prohibit the following acts when undertaken without their authorization: the fixation, the reproduction of fixations, and the rebroadcasting by wireless means of broadcasts, as well as the communication to the public of television broadcasts of the same.
  • 八十年代以来,仅拉萨市对旧民房的改造就完成了30多万平米,有5226户居民迁入新
    Since the 1980s more than 300,000 sq m of old residential houses have been rebuilt in Lhasa, and 5,226 households have moved to new dwellings.
  • 第十八条 制造、更新改造、购置、进口的从事捕捞业的船舶经渔业船舶检验部门检验合格,可下水作业,具体管理办法由国务院渔业行政主管部门制定。
    Article 18 All fishing vessels that are built, rebuilt, purchased or imported must be examined and inspected by fishing vessel inspection agencies before they are launched for operation. Concrete administrative measures shall be formulated by the department of fishery administration under the State Council.
  • 这些豪华公馆的前面,尽管有若干暗绿色的破房子濒临水边,却遮不住公馆正面的美丽棱角,遮不住公馆宽大的石框形格子窗、堆满塑像的尖拱门廊、棱角总是那样分明的墙垣的尖脊,也遮不住所有这一切美妙的建筑奇珍。正是这些建筑奇珍,才使得峨特艺术看来又重新与每座宏伟建筑物结合在一起。
    A few miserable,greenish hovels, hanging over the water in front of these sumptuous Hotels, did not prevent one from seeing the fine angles of their facades, their large, square windows with stone mullions, their pointed porches overloaded with statues,the vivid outlines of their walls, always clear cut, and all those charming accidents of architecture, which cause Gothic art to have the air of beginning its combinations afresh with every monument.
  • 好的教师运用对所教导的科目的热忱和爱好,来激发学生的学习兴趣,并不断构想新法和汲取新观点,来为每一堂课注入新的生命。
    Good teachers inspire in their students a love for learning through their enthusiasm and passion for their subject, and through their own efforts to continually develop new skills and embrace new ideas in order to bring afresh perspective to every lesson.
  • 因其行动式受到法官的指责。
    The police were rebuked by the judge for the way they had acted.
  • 第三次袁德生又来,相隔不过十天,这次信上除骂了我们一大篇外,却主张红军向湘东去,又说是“绝对正确”的针,而且又要我们“毫不犹豫”。
    The third time, barely ten days later, Yuan Teh-sheng came again with a letter which, besides rebuking us at great length, urged that the Red Army should set out for eastern Hunan; This was again described as the "absolutely correct" policy, to be carried out "without the least hesitation".