  • 流量控制--如果某个链路出现短期的塞,则与无法确认已收到消息的远端进行通信。
    Flow control - communicates to far end that it will not acknowledge received messages if a link experiences short term congestion.
  • 出现的第一个问题,即介质挤,是因为局域网有太多的工作站,产生了过大的信息流。
    The first problem -- media congestion -- crops up simply because there are too many stations on the LAN generating too much traffic.
  • 由于七号信令比诸如isdn的基础速率接口等用户网络接口协议更具智能功能,所以七号信令有助减轻因特网上的挤。
    Because SS7 has more intelligent capabilities than User-Network Interface protocols such as ISDN Primary Rate Interface, SS7 can help ease congestion across the Internet.
  • 信息流量的每一类是被规定了优先等级,在链路挤或使用过度时,队伍中优先权更高的排队首先借用资源。
    Each class of traffic is prioritized, so the higher priority queues are first in line for borrowing resources during periods of link congestion or over subscription.
  • 流量管理、挤控制以及最近才落到atm头上的服务质量(qos)问题,现在也成了千兆位以太网关心的问题。
    Traffic management, congestion control and quality-of-service (QoS) issues that until recently fell on ATM's lap now become Gigabit Ethernet's concern.
  • 分析家们认为,那些遇到有媒介挤问题,且其工作站不需要快于10兆位/秒速度的公司最好用交换式以太网。
    Companies finding they have a media congestion problem with stations that do not need to run more quickly than 10M bit/sec are better off going with switched Ethernet, analysts said.
  • 他们到后台和我们见面,向我们祝贺。
    They crowded behind the scenes to meet and congratulate us.
  • 这一大堆市民住宅,好像蜂房似地挤在一起,却也不无其美观之处。
    That congregation of bourgeois habitations,pressed together like the cells in a hive, had a beauty of its own.
  • 保守犹太教的或护保守犹太教的
    Of or adhering to Conservative Judaism.
  • 护首相!赞成保守党!
    Up with the Prime Minister! Vote Conservative!
  • 土地有权有土地的权力,通常指大片土地
    A landed property, usually of considerable size.
  • 而且,随着有高科技的国际大财团、大企业纷纷进入中国市场叁与竞争,对於香港资金是很大的挑战,亦可能加剧了香港投资者和国外投资者的竞争;
    Moreover, international consortia and large enterprises equipped with high technology are entering into the China market in a steady flow, to join in the competition. This poses a great challenge to the Hong Kong investors, and may greatly intensify the competition between Hong Kong and overseas investors;
  • 据一个叫tcl/tk的贸易团体称,有50万~100万名程序员使用有tk的tcl,能生成作为其他程序前端的基于gui的程序,或者把几个程序连在一起。
    The 500,000 to 1 million programmers who use Tcl with Tk -- according to the trade group The Tcl/Tk Consortium -- can create GUI-based programs that serve as front ends to other programs or string together several programs.
  • 伟人很显著地有力量、坚毅或其它美德的人
    One that conspicuously embodies strength, firmness, or another virtue.
  • 所有这些原因共同使得个人和政府,在估算其财力时,几乎只重视实际有的(inesse)或可能有的(inposse)货币,而把所有别的东西(当把它们看作是其财源的一部分时)仅仅看作是获得货币的间接手段,因为只有获得了货币,才能对欲望对象有无限的而又即时的支配权,这便是重商主义者对财富观念所作的最好解释。
    All these causes conspire to make both individuals and governments, in estimating their means, attach almost exclusive importance to money, either in esse or in posse, and look upon all other things (when viewed as part of their resources) scarcely otherwise than as the remote means of obtaining that which alone, when obtained, affords the indefinite, and at the same time instantaneous, command over objects of desire, which best answers to the idea of wealth.
  • 地方总督罗马共和国和罗马帝国的有执政官权威的地方总督
    A provincial governor of consular rank in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire.
  • 在作压力咨询顾问这十几年期间,我所见到的最为普遍最具毁灭性的心理趋向,就是专注于我们想要得到的而非我们所有的。
    In over a dozen years as a stress consultant, one of the most pervasive and destructive mental tendencies I’ve seen is that of focusing on what we want instead of what we have.
  • 政治协商会议是由各党派、各人民团体和护社会主义、护祖国统一的爱国民主人士的代表组成的。
    The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) consists of representatives of all the political parties and people's organizations and from among patriots and democrats who support socialism and the reunification of the motherland.
  • 包含或者有;有内部。
    contain or hold; have within.
  • 有或者包含一定的措辞或者形式。
    have or contain a certain wording or form.
  • 表现出或者有勇气和对危险的轻视。
    showing or requiring courage and contempt of danger.
  • 该局的资本全数由香港特区政府有,而特区政府又为该局最高或有负债提供保证,目前的法定最高负责限额为125亿元。
    Its capital is wholly owned by the Government, which also guarantees its maximum contingent liability, currently standing at $12.5 billion.
  • 信保局的资本全数由香港特区政府有,而特区政府又为该局的最高或有负债提供保证,目前的限额为100亿元。
    Its capital is wholly owned by the HKSAR Government, which also guarantees its maximum contingent liability, currently standing at $10 billion.
  • 我们必须肩负道德上的责任,确保由先辈苦心经营,今日我们所有的新加坡,能够在我们这一代延续下去,并取得更好的成绩。
    On our part, we have to assume moral responsibility to ensure the continuance and bettering of what our predecessors started.
  • 此外,本港申请人须有最少1.5亿元的实收股本,曾作为认可机构经营最少十年,以及符合总资产(减去对销项目)及公众存款分别为40亿元及30亿元的最低要求。
    A local applicant must also have a paid-up capital of at least $150 million and a minimum trading period of 10 years as an authorised institution. The minimum requirements for assets (net of contra items) and public deposits are $4 billion and $3 billion, respectively.
  • 得到(拥有)合同
    To land a contract
  • 就如劳动要签订保险索赔之类的合同那样,对于自家有计算机终端的自由职业者来说,这种逻辑似乎也是无懈可击的。
    The logic seems flawless, as does the contracting out of labor such as insurance claims handling to freelance workers with terminals in their own home.
  • 财富这一名词是用来指他们所有的满足其需要的物品,并不包括他们本身,而是与之对立的。
    The term wealth is wanted to denote the desirable objects which they possess, not inclusive of, but in contradistinction to, their own persons.
  • 在游牧状态下,有些人有大量畜群,足以供众多人食用,而另一些人则没有多余的物品,或许根本没有牲畜。
    In the nomad state, some have an abundance of cattle, sufficient for the food of a multitude, while others have not contrived to appropriate and retain any superfluity, or perhaps any cattle at all.
  • 一个有或控制一家或更多家银行的控股公司。
    a holding company owning or controlling one or more banks.
  • 午夜都过了,便利商店还这般挤,真是奇怪。
    It is weird how crowded convenience store is even after midnight.
  • 我们有更多的便利,时间却日显紧张;
    more conveniences, but less time;