Chinese English Sentence:
  • 配置若有错,运作便会出问题。
    the outcome depends on the configuration of influences at the time.
  • 不公正划分的选区由于不公正划分选区而在面积和人口方面异极大的一个区或选区结构
    A district or configuration of districts differing widely in size or population because of gerrymandering.
  • 通过预防性地切断不必要的和潜在危险的协议和服务,好的防火墙将最大程度地提高操作系统安全性,但是防火墙不能弥补安装和配置很的操作系统或网络服务。
    A good firewall will maximize operating system security by proactively disabling unnecessary and potentially dangerous protocols and services.But no firewall can make up for a poorly installed and configured operating system or network service.
  • 使矛盾的或明暗别强烈的情况两极分化。
    become polarized in a conflict or contrasting situation.
  • 相互冲突的事实或主张或观点之间的别性。
    a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions.
  • 特定的数据站解决数据传送中出现的冲突或错状态的过程。
    A process in which a specified data station resolves conflicting or erroneous conditions arising during the transfer of data.
  • 知事及其僚佐要发财,全靠经手钱粮捐派,办兵和在民刑诉讼上颠倒敲诈这几件事,尤以后一件为经常可靠的财源。
    To get rich, the magistrate and his underlings used to rely entirely on collecting taxes and levies, procuring men and provisions for the armed forces, and extorting money in civil and criminal lawsuits by confounding right and wrong, the last being the most regular and reliable source of income.
  • 他如果这样,便跟颜回相无几了;颜回有的正是这种美德,孔子在众弟子中,最佩服的也就是他。
    If so, he cannot be very different from Yen Huei, who had exactly that virtue and whom Confucius desperately admired among all his disciples.
  • 旧金山和华盛顿这两个城市因交通情况最而获了奖。
    San Francisco and Washington, D.C., win the prize for the two cities with the worst congestion.
  • 不过有一点应该注意的是,市场通常不是对实际数字做出反应,而是它与市场的平均预测相有多远。
    However, it is crucial to recognize that markets react to the variance to the consensus forecast than to the absolute change in the indicator.
  • 不过有一点应该注意的是,市场通常不是对实际数字做出反应,而是它与市场的平均预测相有多远。
    Although the reported figures are important, it is crucial to recognise that markets react to the variance to the consensus forecast than to the absolute change in the indicator.
  • 结算银行间支票、汇票和钞票之间的交换和相应额的结算
    The exchange among banks of checks, drafts, and notes and the settlement of consequent differences.
  • 不同人作出的回答,别相当大。
    The answers given by different people vary considerably.
  • 两个形体之间显著的别。
    a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures.
  • 据布斯拜洽斯底记述,君士坦丁堡有一个耶教青年,因为在玩笑中撑住了一只长喙鸟底嘴的缘故,一点被人用石头打死了。土耳其人爱物底程度有如此者。
    in so much,as Busbechius reporteth; a Christian boy in Constantinople had like to have been stoned, for gagging, in a waggishness, a long billed fowl.
  • 文丘里管一种带有收敛喉管的短管,用于确定液体的压力和流速,通过在液体流经该管时测量出喉管处产生的有别的压力来实现
    A short tube with a constricted throat used to determine fluid pressures and velocities by measurement of differential pressures generated at the throat as a fluid traverses the tube.
  • 每一个异中无不包含矛盾。
    Each and every difference contains contradiction.
  • 正像背景上的细微别会导致信息传传递中的失误一样,不恰当的背景也会导致信息处理的错误。
    Just as subtle differences in context can lead to negative transfer in performance, so too, can an inappropriate context lead to errors in information processing.
  • 如果负责传承的华文师资也出现参不齐的现象,如何确保语文、传统价值和文化精神得以延续?
    If standard varies even among teachers who are responsible for teaching the language, how do we ensure the continuity of the language, traditional values and culture?
  • 额最后按合同价格结算。
    The difference is calculated according to the contracted price at a later time.
  • 荷加斯,威廉1697-1764英国艺术家,他的讽刺画批评了当时社会上奢侈和贫穷之间的强烈反
    British artist whose satirical paintings attacked the contradiction of luxury and squalor in society.
  • 善与恶有明显的别。
    There is a great contrast between good and evil.
  • 你的行为和道义对比时就显示出别。
    Your action contrast with your principles.
  • 你的行为与你的处世原则相甚远。
    Your actions contrast unfavourably with your principles.
  • 差别对比是显著的。
    The difference contrast is notable.
  • 他的言行相差太远。
    His actions contrast sharply with his promises.
  • 北方话与南方话有显著的
    The contrast between Northern and Southern speech patterns.
  • 而事实上,长时间的高负荷工作将会导致严重的工作错,并对管制员的身体和精神造成伤害。
    Requiring sustained high-perceived workload over long periods can result in errors and be harmful to both the controller's physical and mental health.
  • 一种独特类型的浮点控制器,其输出可以按两个或多个速率改变,每一速率对应于一个确定的激发误信号的值域。
    A unique type of floating controller; the output may change at two or more rates,each corresponding to a definite range of values of the actuating error signal.
  • 对该谈话的一字不的汇报
    A verbatim report of the conversation.
  • 从通用汽车公司到德国宝马汽车公司,越来越多的制造商都在提供全球定位系统,它利用卫星可把你的位置准确地确定在误不超过100英尺的范围内,通过蜂窝电话传送信息或将其显示在屏幕上。
    More manufacturers ranging from General Motors to BMW are offering global positioning systems, which pinpoint your location with in 100 feet using satellites, conveying the information over a cell phone or displaying it on a screen.
  • 过去规定,机密文件不能出办公室,保密员带文件出要两个人同行,不能一个人出去。
    We used to have a rule that classified documents were not to be taken out of the office and that the persons responsible for secret documents must travel in pairs when conveying them from place to place.