  • 电视上反复地播放同一个广告的目的无非是想传得使消费者非用不可。
    The aim of the repetitions of the same commercial on television is nothing but to brainwash consumers into compulsive sonsumption.
  • 车倒到与其他车太靠近时,它就发出嘟嘟的鸣叫声而且越来越刺耳。梅塞得斯公司3月份推出一种新型超级轿车,他们得意地称车上装有“奇妙”的行驶(车速)控制系统,该系统可设定最近的跟车距离(英尺),并能启动半刹车功能以保持适合的车距。
    The new Mercedes S-Class sedan arriving in March boasts a "smart" cruise control system -- set the minimum number of feet to be behind any vehicle, and the system will apply partial braking to keep the proper distance.
  • 如果我们的品牌被隐藏在一家软件公司或者在线服务公司品牌的后面,我们应该如何保护和传自己的品牌?
    How do we protect and propagate our brand if that brand can be hidden behind the brand of a software company or an online service provider?
  • 香港最近在进行重新塑造自我形象的传活动,旨在使外人对香港有一个崭新的看法。
    Recently, through its re?branding efforts, Hong Kong is inteading to differenti ate the city in the minds of outsiders.
  • 他们公开撕毁“十七条协议”,布“西藏独立”,全面发动了背叛祖国的武装叛乱。
    They brazenly tore up the 17-Article Agreement and declared "the independence of Tibet," launching a full-scale armed rebellion against the motherland.
  • 在战争中,为了欺骗人民,为了动员舆论,战争的双方都将不顾羞耻地称自己是正义的,而称对方是非正义的。
    In this war, each of the belligerents will brazenly declare its own cause to be just and that of its opponents unjust in order to delude people and win the support of public opinion.
  • 整个大厅都屏息等待着布一等奖的获得者。
    The whole hall held its breath to waif for the announcement of the winner of the first prize. (喻)
  • 杀人犯妄图贿赂法官判他无罪。
    The murderer tried to bribe the judge into convicting him of being unguilty.
  • 因为一个人自己实行的节操是约束自己和仆役的,而扬出去的节操,再加上公开的对贿赂的厌恨,则是约束他人的。
    For integrity used doth the one; but integrity professed, and with a manifest detestation of bribery,doth the other.
  • 英国在1914年向德国战。
    Britain declared war on Germany in 1914.
  • 作为内容包含进来;播送或扬。
    include as the content; broadcast or publicize.
  •  第六十八条在无效告请求的审查过程中,发明或者实用新型专利的专利权人可以修改其权利要求书,但是不得扩大原专利的保护范围。
    Rule 68 In the course of the examination of the request for invalidation, the patentee for the patent for invention or utility model concerned may amend its or his claims, but may not broaden the scope of patent protection.
  • 请看一下我们的传册好吗?
    May I show you our brochure?
  • 刘:我们已收到贵公司附有插图的传手册。
    We have received your illustrated PR brochure.
  • 旅游公司将押金退还给他,并承认旅游传手册内容有误。
    The tour company refunded his deposit, with an admission that the brochure was incorrect.
  • 我们写信索取了一本关于去希腊度假或关于渡船服务的传手册。
    We send off for a brochure about holidays in Greece or about ferry service.
  • 除了旅游传手册上列出的观光项目外,我们还安排了两次去当地葡萄园游览。
    Apart from the tour listed in the brochure, we have arranged two additional visits to local vineyard.
  • 除了旅游传手册上列出的观光项目外,我们还安排了两次去当地葡萄园游览。
    Apart from the tour listed in the brochure, we have arranged two additional visit to local visit to local vineyard.
  • 这个遗嘱被法院布失效。
    The will was broken.
  • 公司代表的工作就是向国外传公司的产品。
    The representative's job is to bruit the company's products abroad.
  • 所有的抗议活动都遭到当局的野蛮镇压,并被布为非法。
    All protests are brutally repressed by the government as illegal.
  • 它发展到最后,就直接反对共产主义的“野蛮破坏的”倾向,并且布自己是不偏不倚的超乎任何阶级斗争之上的。
    It went to the extreme length of directly opposing the "brutally destructive" tendency of Communism, and of proclaiming its supreme and impartial contempt of all class struggles.
  • 新影片在媒体中得到了广泛的
    The new movie was given a tremendous buildup in the media.
  • 保加利亚于1908年布独立。
    Bulgaria declared her independence in1908.
  • 保加利亚于1908年布独立。
    Bulgaria declared her independence in 1908.
  • 我要在公告牌上贴海报来布这条消息。
    I'll post the news on the bulletin board.
  • 日首相宣布新内阁。
    Japan Prime Minister Mori unveiled survival Cabinet.
  • “开罗言之条件必将实施。”
    "The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out."
  • 一九四五年,中美英三国共同签署、后来又有苏联参加的《波茨坦公告》规定:“开罗言之条件必将实施。
    The Potsdam Proclamation signed by China, the United States and Britain in 1945 (later adhered to by the Soviet Union) stipulated that "The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out.
  • 一九四五年七月二十六日,中、美、英三国签署(后苏联参加)的《波茨坦公告》又重申:“开罗言之条件必将实施。”
    The Potsdam Proclamation signed by China, the United States and Great Britain on 26 July 1945 (subsequently adhered to by the Soviet Union) reiterated: "The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out."
  • 德国的分裂,为二战期间和战后一系列国际条约所规定。而台湾问题,则有《开罗言》、《波茨坦公告》等国际条约关于日本必须将窃取于中国的台湾归还中国的规定。
    Germany was divided according to a series of international treaties during and after World War II, while the Taiwan question involves provisions of the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Proclamation and other international treaties, stating that Japan must return Taiwan, which it had stolen from China, to the Chinese.
  • 德国的分裂,为二战期间和战后一系列国际条约所规定。而台湾问题,则有《开罗言》、《波茨坦公告》等国际条约关于日本必须将窃取于中国的台湾归还中国的规定。
    Germany was divided according to a series of international treaties during and after the Second World War, while the Taiwan question involves provisions of the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Proclamation and other international treaties, stating that Japan must return Taiwan, which it had stolen from China, to the Chinese.