  • 疯狂的杂耍演员一个狂欢节的表演者,表演内容包括怪举动,如把活鸡的头咬下来
    A carnival performer whose show consists of bizarre acts, such as biting the head off a live chicken.
  • 但是越过事件本身特的法律定性,我认为格林事件很能说明美国的情况。
    But beyond the bizarre legalities of the affair,I believe Green's case says a lot about America.
  • 如果那个身着装异服的男孩是个老师的话,那他一定是个不咋地的老师。
    If the boy with that bizarre dress is a teacher, he must be a teacher with a little T.
  • 回到金的房间,我们所做的只是用电话把这个稀古怪的事告诉亲朋好友。
    Back in Kim's room, we had just a phone and a bizarre story to tell our friends and relatives.
  • 可是一组派往克利夫兰的记者可以发现美国生活和为人父母的稀古怪的事情。
    But a team of journalists sent to Cleveland could also come up with some bizarre things about American life or parenting.
  • 这一内涵丰富的话题令人想驰骋。媒体上各种谈怪论纷纷出笼。
    Faced with such a fertile prospect, the human imagination runs riot, and the media have come up with some very bizarre ideas.
  • 设计古怪的餐馆——一个像帽子,另一个像兔子;以其古怪的拼写而闻名;风格的异组合;青年人的装异服;异、做作的舞台动作。
    restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit; famed for his eccentric spelling; a freakish combination of styles; the outlandish clothes of teenagers; outre and affected stage antics.
  • 形怪状的丑陋的玩具娃娃。
    a grotesque black doll.
  • 简心里难受,以为他要娶布兰·英格兰姆。
    Jane, miserable, assumes he intends to marry Blanche Ingram.
  • 然而她的希望遇到挫折,因为罗切斯特开始去邻里参加聚会,并向漂亮轻浮的布兰·英格兰姆献殷勤。
    But her hopes are thwarted when Rochester begins going to parties in the neighborhood where he is courting the beautiful, frivolous Blanche Ingram.
  • 这也许会带来平淡无的标准化语言,但更多的则是适用于特定环境的充满个人色彩的语汇。
    This will tend to produce either bland, have-a-nice-day standardisation of, more usually, various idiolects-private versions of the language---that work only in specific contexts.
  • 他是个该死的白痴;这是耻大辱;该死的寒冷冬季;不是该死的一毛钱;如果我做了什么这样的事,那我就该死了;他是个该死的笨蛋;该死的白痴;被他该死的哀诉弄得疲倦了;该死的。
    he's a blasted idiot; it's a blamed shame; a blame cold winter; not a blessed dime; I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing; he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool; a deuced idiot; tired or his everlasting whimpering; an infernal nuisance.
  • 同年晚些时候,她在令人惊的夏季火爆片《永远》中饰演一个16世纪的灰姑娘,表现了出众的吸引力。她还在黑色喜剧片《家庭野餐》中担纲主演,迷人的演技获得了影评界更多的赞誉。
    Later in the year,she demonstrated impressive drawing power playing a 16th? century Cinderella in the surprise summer blockbuster Ever After,and won further critical kudos for her charming lead performance in the darkly comic Home Fries.
  • 愚昧像个娇嫩异的水果,稍一触摸,就会失去其清晰。
    Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit: touch it, and the bloom will go.
  • 怪他居然设法招摇撞骗闯过所有难关。
    It's queer that he managed to bluff his way through all the difficulties.
  • 但不知何故,整个事情看起来简直像个迹。
    Somehow,though,the whole thing seemed like a magical blur.
  • 经历怪的身体感觉。
    experiencing odd bodily sensations.
  • 工作人员轮流喂奶,小鹿晃晃悠悠的腿很快长得有劲,好心也随之增长,开始从锅炉后面的床出来。
    With the men taking turns feeding the fawn, the little deer's wobbly legs and curiosity soon grew strong enough to bring it out from its bed behind the boiler.
  • 因此我们常见勇气在民治国家中曾有效,而在有统治阶级或君主的国家中则不如此之甚:又勇气总是在勇敢的人们初次活动的时候功效大,而以后就没有这样大了;因为勇气是不善于守信的。
    Therefore, we see it hath done wonders, in popular states;but with senates and princes less; and more ever upon the first entrance of bold persons into action, man soon after, for boldness is an ill keeper of promise.
  • 当他论叙他怪的观点时,听众都离开了;当她开始。
    The listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas; When she started to tell silly stories, I ran out.
  • 这就是为什么去年拉丁摇滚顶尖男孩瑞·马丁格外卖力地制作其第二张英文专辑《先声夺人》,以证明自己并非只会扭屁股。
    That's why last year's Latin rock poster boy Ricky Martin is working extra hard to establish himself as more than just a bonbon shaking phenom with his second English? language album,“ Sound Loaded.
  • 比如说,烟火曾经就是篝火。我可以这么说,直到今天,黑夜中的篝火仍然是最妙的景观之一。
    Fireworks, for example, were once no more than bonfires and to this day, I may add, a good bonfire on a dark night remains one of the most magical of spectacles.
  • 我弟弟对现代艺术有一套怪固执的念头
    My brother has a bee in his bonnet about modern art
  • 我弟弟对现代艺术有一套怪固执的念头。
    My brother have a bee in his bonnet about modern art.
  • 老人对保健食品有他自己的一套特的见解。
    The old man had a bee in his bonnet about health foods.
  • 目前已根据国际标准建成国际馆、中国馆、科技馆、大温室、人与自然馆等五大室内展馆,建成分别展示珍稀植物、花异草、园林精品、园艺科技的树木园、竹园、盆景园、蔬菜瓜果园、药草园、茶园等六大专题展园;
    So far, at the site there are five indoor exhibition areas built according to international standards: the International Hall, China Hall, Science and Technology Hall, Grand Greenhouse and Man and Nature Hall; Six specialized gardens: the tree garden, tea garden, bamboo garden, bonsai garden, vegetable and fruit garden, medicinal herb garden, where rare plants, exotic flowers and herbs, exquisite garden arts, and science and technology of the horticultural arts are displayed;
  • 对于玛丽嫁给杰克这事我没感到怪。他们真是龙配龙,凤配凤;俩人都是寡言的书呆子。
    I’m not surprised that Mary has married Jack. Like begets like, and they are both rather silent bookish people.
  • 帕耶一直热爱诗歌,科尔里、奥登和里尔克是她最喜欢的三个诗人。为了找到要引用的词句,她翻遍了堆放在她办公室书架上的大量书籍,从莎士比亚到歌德。
    To find the quotations she uses,the lifelong poetry lover (Coleridge, Auden and Rilke are three favorites) flips through the scores of volumes from Shakespeare to Goethe that are crammed on her office bookshelves.
  • 杰夫:接替他的好像是来自南斯拉夫的米卢蒂诺维吧?
    Jeff: The one who replaced him must be Bora Milutinovic of Yu-goslavia?
  • 不过,有一件事是肯定的:今年夏天,博拉·米卢蒂诺维将在日韩创造世界杯的历史。
    One thing is certain, though: Bora Milutinovic will be making World Cup history in Japan and Korea this summer.
  • 无趣味的很少或不能引起兴趣或好心的;令人厌烦的
    Arousing little or no interest or curiosity; boring.
  • 穆梭斯基,莫德斯特·彼得罗维1839-1881俄国作曲家,其作品包括戏剧鲍里斯·戈东诺夫和钢琴曲展览会上的画(两种都作于1874年)
    Russian composer whose works include the opera Boris Godunov and the piano suite Pictures at an Exhibition(both1874).