| - 皮尔斯·布罗斯南的第一部007电影《黄金眼》脚本即因美国军方反对一名叛变的美国海军上将这一角色而被迫修改,也许是认为法国人不会介意,这位叛变者变成了法国海军的一名海军上将,从而保证了美国军方的支持。
The original script for Pierce Brosnan's first outing as 007, GoldenEye, had to be changed when military brass objected to the character of a treacherous US admiral. Perhaps sensing the enjoyment the French get out of being offended, the traitor became an admiral in the French Navy instead. US military support was assured. - cheenah是形容词,也是名词,含有贬意,是很多受英文教育的新加坡人,对受华文教育的新加坡人的谑称。
Cheenah. Both an adjective and a noun. Not exactly respectful. What the English-educated Singaporean calls his Chinese-educated counterpart. - 在你初次与美国人会面时,出于尊敬,你常常可单用“先生”或“女士”来代替他们的“名字”。
When you first meet an American and want to be respectful, you can always use "sir" or "madam" in place of their names. - 接着,这名年仅19岁的凶手罗伯特·施泰因豪泽毕恭毕敬地回答说:"今天已经够了,海泽先生。"然后放下了手中原本指向老师的手枪。
"Herr Heise, that's enough for today," replied 19-year-old Robert Steinhaeuser respectfully, putting down the pistol with which he had been about to shoot his former teacher. - 请注意下列我们的分别签名。
Please give attention to our respective signature at foot. - 惠请注意我们每个人在下面的签名。
Please give your attention to our respective signatures at foot. - 产品名称为它们各自所有者的商标或注册商标
Product name is trademark or registered trademark of their respective owner - 惠请留意我们每个人在下面的签名。
We will ask you kindly to note our respective signature give below. - 文中提及的其他所有产品和服务名都可能是其各自所有者的商标。
All other product and service names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. - 交换名片之后,李先生与布什先生谈了一会儿各自的公司。
After exchanging business cards, Mr Li and Mr Bush have talked about their respective companies for a while. - 议席按照各份名单获得的票数分配。
The seats for the constituency will be distributed among the lists according to the number of votes obtained by the respective lists. - 须有国际武联会员协会的主席或秘书长的签名和盖有该协会会章方为有效。
They are valid only when signed by the President or Secretary General of the respective Federation and bearing the official stamp of the Federation. - 二零零一年,两所大学分别录取医科学生161名及155名。
They took in 161 and 155 medical students, respectively, in 2001. - 若是母校争气,风生水起则门庭若市,不但在新生报名日挤满了殷切的父母,平时也不乏热心的家长贡献时间精神,名正言顺攀亲搭戚,其良苦用心令人摇头叹息。
If one's old school turns out a prestigious institution, it will see large crowds of enthusiastic parents thronging into its gate on registration days. At other times, it will have no lack of volunteers contributing their time and energy to its various programmes, trying to build up the right connections. Their diligence is admirable - and lamentable. - 竞技体育方面已连续在最近两届奥运会上获得金牌和奖牌总数第四名的好成绩。
At the previous two Olympic Games, China ranked fourth respectively on the gold medal tallies. - 曼桑:挪威、芬兰、奥地利分别获得第一、二、三名。
Mensanh: Norway, Finland, and Austria won the first, the second and the third place respectively. - 年内,出生人数为60379名,死亡人数则为32079名,而一九九六年的出生及死亡人数分别为64559名和32049名。
During the year, 60 379 live births and 32079 deaths were registered, compared with 64559 and 32049 respectively in 1996. - 用来治疗上呼吸道阻塞的药物的商标名;包含抗组胺剂和血管收缩剂。
the trade name for a drug used to treat upper respirator congestion; it contains an antihistamine and a bronchodilator and a vasoconstrictor. - 他出名是靠他的戏剧,并不是靠小说
His fame rests more on his plays than on his novels - 他因酗酒被捕,结果这一坏名声毁了他的前程。
He is arrest for drunkenness and the resultant publicity ruined his career. - 他因酗酒被捕,结果这一坏名声毁了他的前程
He was arrested for drunkenness and the resultant publicity ruined his career - 亮点回顾:在弗吉尼亚大学就读时成绩是班里的第一名。
Resume highlights: University of Virginia, first in class. - 个人经历中最引以为荣的事情:克服幼儿时期所患的诵读困难症后以第二名的优异成绩毕业于一所中学。
Resume highlight: Overcame childhood dyslexia to graduate second in his high-school class. - 德国零售业家族theoandkarlalbrecht的排名上升一位排到了第三名,净资产达268亿美元。
German retailers Theo and Karl Albrecht climbed two notches to No.3, with a net value of $26.8 billion. - 海关已把一支共有147名队员的特遣队纳入常额编制,专责打击非法制造和零售盗版光碟活动。
The formation of a Special Task Force, comprising 147 Customs officers, was made permanent and the task force continued to take action against illicit manufacturing and retailing of optical discs. - 保护法庭委派一名财产管理人管理委托人的事务。
The court of protection appointed a receiver to administer the client's affairs. - 经核查,这位在1988年2月24日入院的病童由福利院取名叫简训,入院前患有严重的精神发育迟滞等病状,入院后在护理人员的精心救治照护下,一度体重有所增加,后因病情发展,病及呕吐中枢,喂食后即频繁呕吐,人逐渐消瘦,医生对其进行救治,喂食牛奶、静脉补液,但终因其吸收功能出现严重障碍,救治无效而于1992年7月17日病死。
It was learned, after investigation, that the child, given the name of Jianxun by the welfare home, suffered a serious illness caused by mental retardation; after he entered the welfare home, on February 24, 1988, he put on weight under meticulous care and medical treatment.Later, his illness deteriorated and affected the vomiting center, which caused frequent vomiting after feeding. As a result, the patient grew thinner and thinner, but the doctors still persevered in their efforts, feeding him milk and giving intravenous injections. However, because of the serious handicap in his assimilating function, the treatment ended in failure and he died on July 17, 1992. - 经核查,这位在1988年2月24日入院的病童由福利院取名叫简训,入院前患有严重的精神发育迟滞等病状,入院后在护理人员的精心救治照护下,一度体重有所增加,后因病情发展,病及呕吐中枢,喂食后即频繁呕吐,人逐渐消瘦,医生对其进行救治,喂食牛奶、静脉补液,但终因其吸收功能出现严重障碍,救治无效而于1992年7月17日病死。
It was learned, after investigation, that the child, given the name of Jianxun by the welfare home, suffered a serious illness caused by mental retardation; after he entered the welfare home, on February 24, 1988, he put on weight under meticulous care and medical treatment. Later, his illness deteriorated and affected the vomiting center, which caused frequent vomiting after feeding. As a result, the patient grew thinner and thinner, but the doctors still persevered in their efforts, feeding him milk and giving intravenous injections. However, because of the serious handicap in his assimilating function, the treatment ended in failure and he died on July 17, 1992. - 除此之外,还建立了低视力康复点574个,为2万多名低视力者配用了助视器;建立了智残儿童康复站463个,直接训练智残儿童4060名,培训家长和基层康复指导员3万多名。
In addition, China has founded 574 poor-eyesight rehabilitation centers, providing more than 20,000 poor-sighted people with sight aids, and established 463 rehabilitation centers for mentally retarded children, which have trained 4,060 mentally retarded children and over 30,000 parents and rehabilitation instructors in grass-roots units. - 截止1995年底,共有36万小儿麻痹后遗症患者经矫治手术改善了功能,有效率达98%左右;完成6万多名聋儿康复任务,使他们都能开口说话,其中10%的康复聋儿进入普通幼儿园、小学学习;为3万名低视力儿童配用了助视器,提高了视力;使10万智残儿童增强了认知和自理能力
By the end of 1995, China had rectified 360,000 children of polio sequelae (a success rate of 98 percent), helped more than 60,000 deaf children recover their hearing and speech abilities (10 percent of which had entered regular kindergartens and elementary schools to receive regular education), had provided 30,000 poor-sighted children with sight aids and helped 100,000 mentally retarded children enhance their cognitive capacity and self-suciency. - 明星们也难免有“积存水分”,但他们从不为其所困——相反他们遵循好莱坞名星梅格·瑞恩的教练麦克·乔治的建议:“如果名星们想快速瘦身,在肌肉松弛的部位涂些痔疮膏即可。”他说:“痔疮膏的确可以吸收水分并在几小时见效。”
Yes, stars get fluid retention, too, but they don't put up with it instead they follow the advice of Michael George, trainer to Hollywood star Meg Ryan:“If celebrities need to look thinner fast, they often apply a little of the haemorrhoid treatment cream to where they're feeling flabby,” he told us. “The cream actually sucks out moisture and can slim you sonw in a matter of hours.” - 他努力想记起她的名字——但他却惊慌地发现他竟想不起来了,尽管他以博闻强记能记住以前的事儿而自豪。
He tried to remember her name and he was surprised to find that he could not remember it, although he was proud of the retentiveness and reach of his memory and it had only been six months before.