  • 一种用来治疗高血的抗高血药物(商标是aldomet)。
    an antihypertensive drug (trade name Aldomet) used in the treatment of high blood pressure.
  • 一种通过口腔或经由跨皮肤渠道起作用的抗高血药物(商标是catapres)。
    an antihypertensive (trade name Catapres) that can be administered orally or via transdermal patches.
  • 阿替洛尔和利尿剂混合物组成的抗高血药物的商标。
    trade name for an antihypertensive drug consisting of a fixed combination of atenolol and a diuretic.
  • 十四世达赖喇嘛早年曾指出:“帝国主义利用西藏人民反对满清和国民党反动政府的情绪,进行各种诱骗和挑拨,企图使西藏人民脱离祖国而处于他们的迫和奴役之下。”
    The 14th Dalai Lama in his early years pointed out, "It was the imperialists who, taking advantage of the Tibetan people's antipathy to the Qing Dynasty and the reactionary Kuomintang government, attempted by enticement, deception and instigation to get the Tibetan people to separate from the motherland and come under their oppression and enslavement."
  • 炮兵以各种制火炮、反坦克火炮、反坦克导弹和战役战术导弹为基本装备,遂行地面火力突击任务。
    The artillery corps, equipped basically with artillery for suppression and anti-tank purposes, and missiles for antitank and other operational-tactical purposes, carries out ground fire strikes.
  • 没有精神力或焦虑。
    the absence of mental stress or anxiety.
  • 心脏各室的收缩,收缩时把血液入大动脉和肺动脉。
    the contraction of the chambers of the heart (especially the ventricles) to drive blood into the aorta and pulmonary artery.
  • 左心室位于心脏左侧的心室,从左心房接收动脉血并收缩把血入主动脉
    The chamber on the left side of the heart that receives arterial blood from the left atrium and contracts to force it into the aorta.
  • 使服刑者过有规律的劳动生活,保持健康,避免在单纯的监禁中,长年无所事事,导致心情抑、意志消沉;
    This policy enables criminals in custody to stay healthy through a regular working life and avoid feelings of depression and apathy resulting from a prolonged monotonous and idle prison life.
  • 高压电器试验
    high voltage apparatus test
  • 高压电器
    high voltage electrical apparatus
  • 低压电器
    low voltage electric apparatus
  • 因此患神经衰弱症的人更多,吃阿司匹灵药饼的人更多,患贵族病的人更多,患结肠炎、盲肠炎和消化不良症的人更多,患脑部软化和肝脏变硬的人更多,患十二指肠烂溃症和肠部撕裂症的人更多,胃部工作过度和肾脏负担过重的人更多,患膀胱发炎和脾脏损坏症的人更多,患心脏胀大和神经错乱的人更多,患胸部平坦和血过高的人更多,患糖尿病、肾脏炎、脚气症、风湿痺、失眠症、动脉硬化症、痔疾、瘘管、慢性痢疾、慢性大便秘结、胃口不佳和生之厌倦的人更多。
    Consequently more neurasthenia, more aspirin, more expensive illnesses, more colitis, appendicitis and dyspepsia, more softened brains and hardened livers, more ulcerated duodenums and lacerated intestines, overworked stomachs and overtaxed kidneys, inflamed bladders and outraged spleens, dilated hearts and shattered nerves, more flat chests and high blood pressure, more diabetes. Bright's disease, beri-beri, rheumatism, insomnia, arterio-sclerosis, piles, fistulas, chronic dysentry, chronic constipation, loss of appetite and weariness of life.
  • 熨斗带有把手和沉重平底的金属器具,加热后用来平织物上的褶被
    A metal appliance with a handle and a weighted flat bottom, used when heated to press wrinkles from fabric.
  • ,盖运用力;重
    To apply with pressure; press.
  • 用力压紧补片。
    Apply the patch with firm pressure.
  • 一种原电池;能产生大约.伏的电
    a primary cell; produces approximately 1.5 volts.
  • 全区平均海拔高度在4000米以上,空气稀薄,低温缺氧,气和含氧量都不及平原地区的三分之二,气温在10摄氏度以上的时间还不及中国最北部的黑龙江省的一半,可耕地仅占总面积的0.2%至0.3%。
    The region is more than 4,000 metres above sea level on the average. The air there is thin, cold and oxygen deficient and its barometric pressure and oxygen content are less than two-thirds of those at lower altitude plains. The duration of time with a temperature of above ten degrees Centigrade is less than half that in Heilongjiang Province in northernmost China. Only 0.2-0.3 percent of it is arable.
  • 迫的武断地但不正当地利用权力的,威迫的
    Exercising power arbitrarily and often unjustly; tyrannical.
  • 对于制批评的现象,党中央也进行了尖锐的斗争,处分了一些专横地制下级批评的领导人员。
    The Central Committee has carried out a sharp struggle against the suppression of criticism and applied disciplinary measures to some leading personnel who arbitrarily stifled criticism from below.
  •  (二)埋、圈占消火栓或者占用防火间距、堵塞消防通道的,或者损坏和擅自挪用、拆除、停用消防设施、器材的;
    (II) Those who bury, occupy fire hydrant or occupy fire prevention space, block fire control passageway, or damage and arbitrarily use, dismantle and stop use fire control facilities and devices;
  • 第二十一条 任何单位、个人不得损坏或者擅自挪用、拆除、停用消防设施、器材,不得埋、圈占消火栓,不得占用防火间距,不得堵塞消防通道。
    Article 21 Any unit or individual shall not damage or arbitrarily use, dismantle and stop using fire control facilities and devices, and shall not bury and occupy hydrant, occupy fire prevention space and block fire control passageway.
  • 迫的,残酷的,专横的人
    An oppressive, harsh, arbitrary person.
  • 这个巨大的拱廊中有一家名为柯特尔蒙的豪华休闲和健康中心。其中的芬兰式桑拿浴、罗马式蒸汽浴池可帮助消除因生意而产生的紧张和力。
    Within this grand arcade is the Ko -Thermen, a luxurious haven and fitness centre where the stresses and pressures of business can be soaked away in the Finnish sauna, Roman steam bath or pool.
  • 把射手的弓通过挤的方式使底部逆着中心而支住。
    brace (an archer's bow) by pressing the foot against the center.
  • 这种建筑风格让我感到很抑。
    This kind of architectural style depresses me.
  • 服批评抗议或争论。
    overbear criticism, protest, or arguments.
  • 这些年来,由于“四人帮”的破坏,在学风方面出了不少问题,例如制讨论、互相封锁等。
    As a result of sabotage by the Gang of Four, a number of problems in the style of study have arisen in recent years, such as the stifling of discussion, refusal to share information, etc.
  • 因此,我们有决心、有信心通过深化改革、扩大开放,变力为动力,迎接加入世贸组织带来的挑战,促进国民经济不断取得新的发展。
    Therefore, we have the determination and confidence that through the deepening of reform and opening wider to the outside world, we can turn pressure into motive force to take the challenges arisen from our accession to the WTO and enable the national economy to achieve new progress on a continuous basis.
  • 我必须处理积的工作和信件。
    I have to clear off arrears of work and correspondence.
  • 她已把积的一堆信复掉了。
    She has worked off her arrears of correspondence.
  • 共清理超审限案件13.8万余件,清理执行积案47.5万余件,基本消除了案件积现象,有效地维护了公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益。
    and cleared over 138,000 cases exceeding the trial time-limits, and some 475,000 long-pending cases, basically liquidating the arrears of cases and effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations.