  • 如同里根夫人的新闻秘书克里斯彭所形容,美国第一夫人“正在学习以柔克”。
    As Elaine Crispen, Mrs.Reagan's press secretary, described it, the U.S. first lady "is learning to roll with the punches".
  • "她有三个孩子,最大的一个已经结婚,但最小的开始上学。"
    "She has three children, and her eldest is married, but her youngest has just started school."
  • 她在三个孩子,最大的一个开始上学。
    She has three children, and her eldest has just started school.
  • ……为什么二三十年以前[穷人]福利问题开始失去控制的时候,我们不选这个人做总统呢?
    …why didn't we elect this guy President 20 or 30 years ago when the welfare problem first began getting out of hand?
  • 阿伽门农迈锡尼的国王,特洛伊战争中的希腊联军统帅,阿特柔斯的儿子,俄瑞斯忒斯、伊莱克特拉以及依菲琴尼亚的父亲。他从特洛伊返回就被其妻克吕泰尼丝特拉杀害
    The king of Mycenae and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, who was the son of Atreus and the father of Orestes, Electra, and Iphigenia. He was killed by his wife Clytemnestra upon his return from Troy.
  • 这个情况,特别集中地体现在我们党开过的中央工作会议和十一届三中全会上。
    This was most clearly reflected at the working conference of the Central Committee and the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee our Party just held.
  • 一见干,“佳乐”就用嘴梳理起那身晶莹翠绿的羽衣来。
    Once dry, Squeak preened his sparkling emerald-green garb.
  • 砂是非常坚硬的金属物质。
    The emery is a hard metallic substance.
  • 砂土和粘合剂的混合物,能铸成旋转磨石。
    a mixture of emery dust and a binder; can be molded into grindstones.
  • 他们雇用了五个新服务员.
    They've just employed five new waiters.
  • 乘上地铁,我就遇到了一个手法不高且很笨拙的小偷。
    On my first Metro ride, I encountered an incompetent, clumsy pickpocket.
  • 亨利几乎是一交战就被俘了。
    Henry was taken captive almost at the first engagement.
  • 你喜欢变形金刚?
    Do you enjoy transformer?
  • 这些工厂开办时资本很小,在最近几年里都有了很大的发展。
    Those factories which started in with small capital have grown enormously in the past few years.
  • "他们来得及游离险境,快艇又转了一圈。"
    They had just had enough time to swim out of danger when the boat again completed a circle.
  • 才是问,那些政府为什么不能停止战争。
    I am just enquiring why the government is unable to stop the war.
  • 才是问,那些政府为什么不能停止战争。
    I was just enquiring why the governments are unable to stop the war.
  • 才是问,那些政府为什么不能停止战争。
    I was just enquiring why the government is unable to stop the war.
  • 葛:我可以告诉你,印度向市场发出采购六千吨的询价。
    I may tell you that India has just entered the market with an enquiry for 6 000 tons.
  • 把我们的餐巾结在一起,把它挂起来当作幕布,忽然约瑟夫有事正从马房进来。
    I had just fastened our pinafores together, and hung them up for a curtain, when in comes Joseph on an errand from the stables.
  • 电影中的那个牛仔真是才脱小难又遭大灾,他从强盗手中逃脱却又被印地安人抓住。
    The movie cowboy was out the frying pan into the fire. After be escaped from robbers, he was captured by Indians.
  • 那一球打得真好,伊凡斯打了个非常漂亮的正手回击。
    That was a good play. Evans just hit an excellent forehand return.
  • 我们才所讲的奖赏还将用并必须用这些孩子们的父母们的幸福和福利来衡量。他们必须能够在地球上生活,而不用惧怕因政治或物质上的利益遭抢劫、遭杀害,也不因为他们是乞丐而遭唾弃。
    The reward of which we have spoken will and must also be measured by the happiness and welfare of the mothers and fa thers of these children, who must walk the earth without fear of being robbed, killed for political or material profit, or spat upon because they are beggars.
  • 柔能克刚
    Soft and fair goes far.
  • 我拿了帽子,走了四里路,到达了希刺克厉夫的花园口口,好躲过了一场今年初降的鹅毛大雪。
    I took my hat, and, after a four-miles' walk, arrived at Heathcliff's garden gate just in time to escape the first feathery flakes of a snow shower.
  • 他刚好5英尺高。
    He is five feet nothing.
  • 曾轰动一时的中泰混血小提琴家陈美,在1995年发行的专辑封面上,穿得像是赢得“性感睡衣”大赛一样,从此各家唱片公司就到处找寻能够将小提琴拉得性感紧绷的女音乐家高手。
    Ever since Thai-Chinese violin sensation Vanessa-Mae was featured on a 1995 album cover as if she had just won a wet-nightgown competition,record companies have been prowling for accomplished female musicians capable of playing fiddle at a high,steamy pitch.
  • 东南亚人也对直视感到不舒服。我到新加坡工作的第一周时,我的秘书紧张地问我:"老板,你为什么老是那么严厉地看着我们?"
    Southeast Asians also find an intense gaze unpleasant, During my first week on assignment in Singapore, my secretary nervously asked me, "Boss, why do you always look at us so fiercely?"
  • 我们才说过,在十五世纪时,这只大船由五座桥梁系泊于塞纳河两岸。
    We have just explained that, in the fifteenth century, this ship was anchored to the two banks of the river by five bridges.
  • 劲有激情的第五交响乐。
    the muscular and passionate Fifth Symphony.
  • 电影拍摄完毕,费雯丽便马上为电影《蝴蝶梦》试镜。
    As soon as the filming was finished,Vivien did a screen test for the film,Rebecca.
  • 完成了一部有关计算机犯罪的惊险片《网络》,马上又要接另一部喜剧片《双双出航》。
    She has just finished filming The Net, a thriller about computer hackers, and is due to start the comedy Two If By Sea.