  • fǒu duō men wéi de chéng jiù shí shàng néng wán quán huì dài lái hǎo chù
    Otherwise , various perceived accomplishments might in fact prove to be far from beneficial.
  • zài 1 qiān zhào wèi / miǎo de shàngchú fēi wǎng gōng liǎo zhì néng deshòu zhù zhù de gōng néngfǒu cpu jiù gēn shàng wǎng luò de tūn liàng
    At 1G bit/sec, CPUs cannot keep up with network throughput unless the NIC provides intelligent, host-assist functions.
  • sān nián qián měi guó méi pèi zhèng jiāng suǒ jiě fàng jūn dìng wèi wéikǒng fènzǐ”, dào liǎo jīn yòu bèi shì wéizhèng dǒu shì”, biāo qiān de rèn biàn huànyuán yīn zài sān nián qián měi guó zhù yào zhī jiě luó shì wéi biāoshè ruò dāng shí jiāng nán yòu lǐng suǒ bāo kuò jìn láishì zào chéng nán yán fǎn duìér shǐ luó shì wèn jiě jué
    Three years ago, the American media worked closely with the US government, and labelled the Kosovo Liberation Army as "terrorists". But today, they are seen as "fighters for a just cause". This arbitrary change in labels stems from the fact that three years ago, the United States had wanted both Croatia and Bosnia to secede. If then it had included Kosovo, an inherent part of Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia would have given strong opposition, and the problem of Croatia and Bosnia would not have been solved.
  • zhōng guó zhèng jiān jué hàn wèi zhōng guó yuán duì dēng huī wéi dài biǎo de tái wān fēn liè shì de zhǒng zhǒng fēn liè huó dòngzhōng guó zhèng rén mín zhí bǎo chí zhe gāo de jǐng bìng jìn xíng liǎo jiān jué de dǒu zhēng
    The Chinese government and people have always maintained sharp vigilance and fought resolutely against the secessionist activities of the Taiwan separatists, represented by Lee Teng-hui. The Chinese government firmly defends the One-China Principle.
  • zhōng guó zhèng jiān jué hàn wèi zhōng guó yuán duì dēng huī wéi dài biǎo de tái wān fēn liè shì de zhǒng zhǒng fēn liè huó dòngzhōng guó zhèng rén mín zhí bǎo chí zhe gāo de jǐng bìng jìn xíng liǎo jiān jué de dǒu zhēng
    The Chinese Government firmly defends the One-China Principle. The Chinese Government and people have always maintained sharp vigilance and fought resolutely against the secessionist activities of the Taiwan separatists, represented by Lee Teng-hui.
  • 'èr shìxuǎn xìng de bāo hán xùn”。
    Secondly, there is "selective inclusion" and "misinformation".
  • fǒu xià shí nián méi yòu wàng
    Otherwise, we shall accomplish nothing over the next decade.
  • ér zhōng mùdì zài shuō gōng zhòngshǐ rén mín liǎo jiě rén de xié 'èbìng shè dìng gān shèdiān zhī chí guó jiā kǒng zhù de táijìn 'ér dào xiū zhǐ de jūn bèi jìng sài chōng zhī mùdìbìng shǐ zhè qiēdōu yòu gāo guì de yóu。”
    Its ultimate aim is to convince the public, make them realise how evil the enemy is, and set the stage for the inteference, sedition or support of national terrorism, so as to achieve the goals of perpetuating a never-ending arms race and armed conflicts. To all of this, a noble reason is bestowed.
  • de xué qín fèn de yán jiū juàn de yán jiū dào de yuán
    her assiduous attempts to learn French; assiduous research; sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles.
  • jìn xíng zhǒng yòu guī jié pāi shì zuò xíng jūn bàn zòu de yīnyuètōng cháng wéi liǎng pāi
    A composition in regularly accented, usually duple meter that is appropriate to accompany marching.
  • suǒ qiú suǒ huò
    Nothing seek, nothing find.
  • suǒ qiú suǒ huò。 / rén yào yòu zhuī qiú
    Nothing seek, nothing find.
  • lìng wèi xué zhě zhū xué qín rèn wéi:“ zhǐ yuàn huí guò shì xué zhědàn shì rén wén xué zhězhǐ yòu shǐ zhōng huí jīn tiān de xué zhěcái chēng shàng shì rén wén xué zhě。”
    Added scholar Zhu Xueqin: “ Scholars who seek only answers for the past are, well, just scholars, only scholars who insist on seeking answers for the here and now are truly scholars with a sense of humanity.”
  • men zhǐ zhī zhuī qiú zhě men de chǔshì guī
    They only know the rules of a generation of self seekers.
  • 'àn zhù yào guān shèn shuǐwēi xiǎn xié huǒ jǐng zào chéng de sǔn huǐ
    The remaining cases related mainly to water seepage, dangerous slopes and damage by fire.
  • yào zhuǎn dào fèi de quán guó gāo zhǎng de mìng zhōng bāo kuò chéng shì xiǎo chǎn jiē zài nèi de zhèng zhì de jīng de mín quán zhù dǒu zhēng de dòngshì jīng de dào
    Only by launching a political and economic struggle for democracy, which will also involve the urban petty bourgeoisie, can we turn the revolution into a seething tide that will surge through the country.
  • huò duō xiǎn shì yuán yòu 'ān pái de zhǒng yòu guī de liàng biàn huà
    An intentional regular change in the intensity of one or more display elements or segments.
  • vda bàn dòng tàide fāng shì duàn fēn kāiyòng běn guī duì mǒu xiē xié de jiě duì vda biān chéng
    Separating segments in a "semidynamic" manner, VDA is programmed with basic rules and with understanding of some protocols.
  • shí kāi shǐ de shí hòu men de xué xiào zài xiāng dāng de chéng shàng shì xiāng fēn huà deyīn wéi hěn duō huá rén bào huá xiào lái xué tóng zài lái xué xiào shòu jiào yīng xiào shì wéi rén kǒu zhōng de shǎo shù 'ér kāi shè de
    In fact, our starting point was schools, which were very substantially differentiated and segregated, because many of the Chinese were in Chinese schools, many of the Malay children were in Malay schools, and the English schools catered to a minority of the population.
  • wài huì jīn xiǎng yòu zhù shōu
    Thus the fund enjoys the seigniorage of the currency notes.
  • biān de jiè xiàn shì shù zhe fāng xíng lóu ( xué chéng chéng qiáng què shì yuán xíng lóu ) de gāo qiáng yuánlìng biān shì héng jià zhe zuò zuò qiáo liáng chuān xíng zhe shù zhōu chuán de sài
    for boundary on one side, an enclosure of lofty walls with square towers (that of the University had round towers); on the other, the Seine,cut by bridges, and bearing on its bosom a multitude of boats;
  • " huān " hào gōng 60 míng qīng shàonián zuò háng chéngér yào guò de háng chéng gōng 50 míng qīng shàonián cān jiā
    The ship can accommodate 60 youngsters on day trips and 50 on overnight voyages.
  •   ( ) guǒ guó zhǔn zài shū shí kòu zhǔn jìn zhǐ shū huò zài guó nèi kòu zài zuò chū xiāng yìng xiū gǎi qiányìng dài zhī gāi guó guó mín zài zhǒng qíng kuàng xià 'àn gāi guó cǎi de sòng jiù shǒu duàn shí tiáo wěi biāo : duì biāo yòu wěi de huò yuán huò shēng chǎn zhě biāo de shāng pǐn zài jìn kǒu shí kòu
    If the legislation of a country permits neither seizure on importation nor prohibition of importation nor seizure inside the country, then, until such time as the legislation is modified accordingly, these measures shall be replaced by the actions and remedies available in such cases to nationals under the law of such country.Article 10
  • běi duàn shì zhōng duàn jìn shǒuyòu tài jìn liǎo de zhèng zhì huì guǒ méi yòu xùn duó cháng shā huò hàn de jìhuà bīng fàng zài liú yáng língpíng xiāngtóng dài shì hěn wēi xiǎn de
    The northern section has terrain which is less suitable for our taking either the offensive or the defensive, and it is too close to the enemy's big political centres. Besides, stationing large forces in the area of Liuyang, Liling, Pinghsiang and Tungku would involve a considerable risk, unless we plan a quick seizure of Changsha or Wuhan.
  • dàn cǎi yòng jiù xíng shì biǎo xiàn xiàn shí nèi róng wéi zhùfāng yīngshì pàn de yòu xuǎn de yòng
    However, a critical and selective approach should be adopted in using them, depending on how well they can help portray reality.
  •   bào yuàn shǐ xīn líng yīn 'àn yuè de 'ài shǐ shì míng lǎng kāi kuò。             héng héng hǎi lún · kǎi
    As selfishness and complaint cloud the mind, so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision.                  héng héng Helen Keller
  • 'ào shuō:“ guāng yào shì yòu jiān qiáng zhèng zhì jué xīn de lǐng dǎo rén。”
    Lucio Tan explains: "Lee Kuan Yew has strong political will and selflessness as a leader."
  • yīn měi guó huì jiào de jià shòu gěi běn gèng duō de shāng pǐnér běn huì jiào gāo de jià shòu gěi měi guó gèng shǎo de shāng pǐn
    So the United States sells them more at lower prices; they sell the United States less at higher prices.
  • chú fēi míng qián jiē shòufǒu mài zhù jiāng chè xiāo bào jià
    Seller will withdraw offer unless accept by tomorrow noon.
  • shū mǒu zhǒng yán de guī guī guī de shū
    A book containing the morphologic, syntactic, and semantic rules for a specific language.
  • guī jué dìng gōng néng jiàn zài tōng xìn shí jìn xíng gōng zuò
    A set of semantic and syntactic rules that determines the behavior of functional units in achieving communication.
  • men huò gēn běn wàng liǎo qiáng ruò zhè máo dùnér dān dān liǎo máo dùnhuò duì zhōng guó de cháng chùkuā kāi liǎo zhēn shí qíng kuàngbiàn chéng lìng zhǒng yàng huò shí de qiáng ruò xiàn xiàng dài liǎo quán zhōng de qiáng ruò xiàn xiàng zhàng jiàn tài shānér wéi shì
    Either they completely forget the contradiction between strength and weakness, remembering only the other contradictions, or they exaggerate China's advantages beyond all semblance of reality and beyond recognition, or they presumptuously take the balance of forces at one time and place for the whole situation, as in the old saying, "A leaf before the eye shuts out Mount Tai."