  • 新闻版、广播影视集团要大力拓展对外业务,扩大国际知名度;
    Businesses in news and publications, in broadcasting and movie-making shall all aggressively expand themselves overseas so as to raise their name recognition on the international markets.
  • 就是通过探求而有所发现,“ranging”就是测量精确的距离。
    "Detection" is finding something as the result of a search;"Ranging" is finding the exact distance."detection".
  • 数月之内,他们罗织自身的广泛影响,营造乐队丰硕的音乐特质。
    Within a few months,they had meshed16their wide-ranging influences to create the band's rich musical texture.
  • 数月之内,他们罗织自身的广泛影响,营造乐队丰硕的音乐特质。
    Within a few months,they had meshed their wide ranging influences to create the band's rich musical texture.
  • 目前,国内生产总值已由七十年代的居世界第十一位上升到第七位,进口总额和外汇储备分别由七十年代的居世界第三十二位和第三十九位跃居第八位和第二位。
    To date, China's GDP has increased from the 11th in world ranking in the 1970s to the seventh. In the 1970s, the total import and export volume and foreign exchange reserve ranked 32nd and 39th, respectively, in the world, but now they rank eighth and second, respectively.
  • 积极进取格地行动,尤指在生意场上
    To act aggressively, especially in business dealings.
  • 大牌玩比(刚玩过的牌)更高级的牌
    To play a higher-ranking card than(the one previously played).
  • 他们曾搜遍我的房间设法找那封信。
    They had ransacked my room to try and find the letter.
  • 推销员,宣传员做大力推销努力的人
    One who makes aggressive selling or promotional efforts.
  • 1999年,法国农民身的活动家琼斯·博韦带头砸了法国南部的一家麦当劳快餐店,成为法国反全球化运动中执掌大旗的一名楷模。
    In 1999, sheep farmer-turned-activist Jose Bove became a standard-bearer for the French anti-globalization movement when he led a group that ransacked a McDonald's in southern France.
  • 肿瘤对这种攻击疗法作了积极响应。
    The cancer reponded to the aggressive therapy.
  • 他为救被绑架的儿子向恐怖分子交付了。
    He paid the terrorist a ransom of 50000 for his kidnapped son.
  • 她父亲付了一万美元赎金将她从绑架中解救
    Her father paid a $10,000 ransom to get her back from a snatch
  • 她父亲付了一万美元赎金将她从绑架中解救来。
    Her father pay a $10, 000 ransom to get her back from a snatch.
  • 由于绑架者的恐吓信,这对父母被迫付赎金。
    The parents were intimidated into paying the ransom by the kidnapper's threatening notes.
  • 你现已遭我们禁锢,要到交赎金以後,才能放你走.
    You are our prisoner now and we won't release you until a ransom is paid.
  • 你现已遭我们禁锢,要到交赎金以后,才能放你走。
    You are our prisoner now and we wo n't release you until a ransom is paid.
  • 他认为英侨缴鸦片,无异被迫缴纳赎命金(英侨其实并无生命危险),因此要求中国与英国订立贸易条约,以平等地位通商,或割让一个小岛给英国,使英侨能在其国家荫庇下,安居乐业。
    Arguing that, in surrendering the opium, the British in Canton had been forced to ransom their lives - though, in fact, their lives had never been in danger - he demanded either a commercial treaty that would put trade relations on a satisfactory footing, or the cession of a small island where the British could live under their own flag free from threats.
  • 他们用巨款赎遭绑架的孩子。
    They ransomed the kidnaped child with a great sum of money.
  • 当夜幕降临菜茵河岸的时侯,阿尔特斯塔特古城突然间充满了生机:爵士乐俱乐部和迪斯科舞厅开门营业,餐馆里充满了欢声笑语,当地酿造的阿尔特啤酒从无数啤酒桶中流
    As night falls over the Rhine, the Altstadt springs to life:jazz clubs and discos open their doors, restau rants are filled with conversation and laughter and the local Altbier flows from countless pumps.
  • 一个口狂言者得意洋洋地骂一仓房的庄稼汉万劫不复的声音使苔丝在仓房门口停了一会儿。那里麦包垒成的平台上站着亚历克·德伯,他留着假装神圣的络腮胡子,穿着半牧师式的黑服。
    The voice of a"ranter" triumphantly consigning a barnful of rustics to eternal damnation caused Tess to pause a moment in a doorway, and there on a platform of corn-bags, in sanctimonious sidewhiskers and semi-clerical blacks, stood Alec D'Urberville.
  • 尖锐地说出埋怨之词
    Rap out a complaint.
  • 性是美国黑人d.j.发展的绕舌音乐的主题。
    Sex is the gist of rap music by the American black D.J.
  • 这类事情错时,政府总是会受到指责。
    When these thing go wrong, the government tend to take the rap.
  • 在一次教会举办的专题座谈会上,有数百名妇女席讨论堕胎问题。
    At a church rap session a few hundred women came to talk about their abortions.
  • 坎贝尔说:"我们都是色的信号兵,能够飞快地破译信号。
    "We were both good signalers, and could rap out a good message pretty fast," Campbell says.
  • 如果用鞋跟踢门,肯定有人会听到,并过来把我们放去。
    Rap with the heel of your shoe on the door, someone is sure to hear and let us out of here.
  • 那部机器从油菜籽榨油。
    The machine crushes the oil out of rape seeds.
  • 海甘蓝任一种旧大陆十字花科两节荠属的某些一年生植物,因其种子能榨类似菜籽油的有用的油而被栽培
    Any of certain Old World annual plants of the genus Crambe in the mustard family, cultivated for their seeds, which yield a useful oil similar to rape oil.
  • 一对大括号,当圆括号和方括号已经用过时用于表示加总或标一个数量组
    , used to indicate aggregation or to clarify the grouping of quantities when parentheses and square brackets have already been used.
  • 喜剧演员连续说的笑话
    The rapid-fire jokes of a comedian
  • (例如水的)突然、快速的流
    a sudden rapid flow (as of water).