  • 现在可以肯定的是,我们应当将这一问题重新提交国会,为著作权保护期的回缩进行斗
    Absolutely. It's time to take the issue back to Congress, and fight for a rollback of the duration of the copyright term.
  • 关于英国士兵、俄罗斯的蒸汽压路机、“以战结束战”以及“保障世界民主”等一厢情愿的毫无意义的时髦话,我早已知道了。
    I had known all the wishful cant about the British soldier, and the Russian steam roller, and the war to end wars, and making the world safe for democracy.
  • 埃及人为取尼罗河谷的归属曾和罗马人进行斗
    The Egyptians strove against with the Romans for the possession of the Nile Valley.
  • 451年匈奴人被罗马人和西格特人打败的战
    the battle in which Attila the Hun was defeated by the Romans and Visigoths in 451.
  • 科策布,奥古斯特·弗雷德里希·费迪南德·冯1761-1819德国剧作家,以他对浪漫主义的嘲讽,二百多部生动的戏剧,和他与歌德的吵而闻名
    German dramatist noted for his ridicule of romanticism, his more than200 lively dramas, and his quarrels with Goethe.
  • 毫不掩盖战中残酷现实的小说
    A novel that refuses to romanticize the grim realities of war
  • 第三,我们十分清楚有需要保持及加强竞力,而这方面的努力,将有助经济更迅速复原。
    The third fact is we are acutely aware of the need to sustain and enhance our competitiveness and these efforts will contribute to a speedier recovery.
  • 这三种势力的斗,也尖锐地表现在文化领域。
    The struggle among the three forces is acutely manifested in the cultural field.
  • 并不十分激烈,获胜是轻而易举的事。
    The competition wasn’t very strong and the champion romped home in record time.
  • 意气不相投的室友们经常吵。
    The uncongenial roommates were always fighting.
  • 1898年美西战中,罗斯福领导的志愿骑兵团的成员。
    a member of the volunteer cavalry regiment led by Theodore Roosevelt in the Spanish-American War (1898).
  • 交战双方间的真实战
    actual fighting between the warring parties.
  • 只有铲除了战的根源,我们才有可能把战排除于人类社会。
    Only by rooting out the cause of war can we rule out the possibility of war in the life of human society.
  • 约克王朝英国统治王朝(1461—1485年),包括爱德华四世、爱德华五世和理查德三世,在玫瑰战期间其标志是白玫瑰
    Ruling house of England(1461-1485), including Edward IV, Edward V, and Richard III. During the Wars of the Roses its symbol was a white rose.
  • 兰开斯特王朝从1399年至1461年的英格兰王朝,产生过英格兰三个国王:亨利四世、亨利五世和亨利六世。在蔷薇战期间它的标志是一朵红蔷薇
    English royal house that from1399 to1461 produced three kings of England桯enry IV, Henry V, and Henry VI. During the Wars of the Roses its symbol was a red rose.
  • 玫瑰战争
    Wars of the Roses
  • 在谈到这点的时候,与会的其他国家首脑们也纷纷鼓掌表示祝贺,美国总统布什也不例外,尽管这段时间以来由于在伊拉克战问题上意见向左美德关系处于紧张状态。
    At which point, everyone clapped. Including US President George W. Bush, whose relations with Schroeder haven't been rosy since they fell out over Iraq.
  • 的威胁使经济萧条。
    The threat of war has depressed business activity.
  • 罗塔岛西太平洋中一座位于关岛西部的马里亚纳群岛上的岛屿,日本人于1941年12月11日袭击关岛时把它做为军事基地,后来一直在日本人的控制下,直至战结束
    An island of the western Pacific Ocean in the southern Mariana Islands north of Guam. The Japanese used it as a base for their attack on Guam on December11,1941. Rota remained in Japanese hands until the end of the war.
  • ”所有的两性关系都会有权力的斗,但是,他说,如果爱情失去平衡,那么数年之后就会开始出现问题。
    All relationships go through power struggles but, he says, if a love imbalance continues for years, the rot will set in.
  • 和平主义者公开反对战,特定战或武器扩散的政治活动家;和平主义者
    A political activist who publicly opposes war, a particular war, or the proliferation of weapons; a pacifist.
  • 主席和左翼激进分子之间的论使会议中断。
    The meeting is disrupted by an argument between the chairman and leave-wing activist.
  • (2)积极地援助正义的、非掠夺的、谋解放的战
    It actively supports just and non-predatory wars of liberation.
  • 我们希望每个人都积极参加这一斗
    We hope everybody will join actively in this struggle.
  • 他在战中表现得很积极。
    he participated actively in the war.
  • 进步人士积极支持或取朝好的形势进步的人,尤指在社会或政论领域方面
    A person who actively favors or strives for progress toward better conditions, as in society or government.
  • 鹰派人物如在论中显示出一种积极好战的或有侵略性态度的人
    One who demonstrates an actively aggressive or combative attitude, as in an argument.
  • 比赛实体间的积极竞
    an active struggle between competing entities.
  • 全国人民必须团结在选出的领袖们周围,与当前的困难作斗
    The nation must rally round its chosen leaders to fight our present roubles.
  • 扭打,斗激烈而粗暴地
    To struggle roughly; scuffle.
  • 国内战的过程,大体上可以分为前后两个战略时期。
    The civil war can be roughly divided into two strategic periods.
  • 强弱对比虽然规定了日本能够在中国有一定时期和一定程度的横行,中国不可避免地要走一段艰难的路程,抗日战是持久战而不是速决战;
    It follows from the contrast between strength and weakness that Japan can ride roughshod over China for a certain time and to a certain extent, that China must unavoidably travel a hard stretch of road, and that the War of Resistance will be a protracted war and not a war of quick decision;