| - 我没能使她明白我的感情。
I was unable to assure her of my feelings. - 如果这样,你能保证我按时到达吗?
If so, can you assure me of arriving on time? - 已经向他们保证,凡是可能做的都做到了.
They were assured that everything possible was being done. - 微薄但有保证的收入;我们完全不能保证生活。
a tiny but assured income; we can never have completely assured lives. - 他使我们相信他的工作能力。
He assured us of his ability to work. - 讲起这第一件事——隐秘——来,这真是一位听人忏悔者底德能。隐秘的人确实常是听得到许多的忏悔的。
For the first of these, secrecy: it is indeed, the virtue of a confessor, and assuredly,the secret man heareth many confessions; - 如果授权给公共服务是使国家在瞬息万变的世界里继续进步的必要步骤,我们是否同时能保有廉政呢?
If empowerment is what the Civil Service needs for the country to do well in a fast changing world, can it be done while assuring integrity? - 数字证明把拥有者与一对能用于对信息加密和签名的电子钥匙捆绑在一起,保证了这对钥匙真正属于指定的个人或机构。
Digital certificates bind owners to a pair of electronic keys that can be used to encrypt and sign information, assuring that the keys actually belong to the person or organization specified. - “如果您认为我是这样一个人的话,夫人,那么我只能请您原谅我的冒失,我不得不向您告辞,并向您保证我以后不会再这样卤莽了。”
'If that is what you think of me, Madame, all that remains for me is to ask you to forgive my indiscretion and to take my leave, assuring you that it will not happen again.' - 一种能在驱逐中使目标舰舰尾起火的大炮。
a gun able to fire astern at a ship in chase. - 我希望查理不会认为我关于挑选一个方便的时候去生病这番话是针对他的:我忘了他常因哮喘病不能工作。
I hope Charlie didn't think that remark of mine about picking a very convenient time to be ill was for his benefit: I quite forgot how often he has to be off work with asthma. - 你的哮喘显示你可能患有气喘病或支气管炎。
Your wheezing breathing suggests asthma or bronchitis. - 根据目前流行的理论,西方儿童肺部免疫系统一与发展中国家儿童不同一发展不够成熟。因为他们不能适应某些寄生虫,因此更易患哮喘及其它过敏性疾病,如花粉病,和湿疹。
According to one popular theory, the pulmonary immune systems of Western children, unlike those in developing countries, do not mature properly, because they are not conditioned to live with parasites, and so the children become more vulnerable to asthma and other allergic diseases such as bay fever and eczema. - 没有散光并且能够形成近似的图像的透镜或透镜系统。
compound lens or lens system designed to be free of astigmatism and able to form approximately point images. - 而读写课的进展更令人吃惊——学生只花4个星期就完成了过去需要5.1个月才能完成的学习任务。
In reading and writing the improvement was even more astonishing 5.1 months' progress in only four weeks. - 这一跟踪仪器还表明,信天翁有极强的耐力和航海能力,能够绕地球飞行几圈而不着陆。
The instruments have shown that albatrosses are capable of astonishing feats of endurance and navigation, and can fly round the world several times without stopping on land. - 更令人吃惊是,一幅w87分解图出现在修订报告的第78页上,很有可能与秘书o'leasy在1995年告诉世界的是同一个。
And what may be even more astonishing, is that a cut-away diagram of the W-87-which may well be the same one secretary O'Leary gave the world in 1995--appears on page 78 of the Redacted Report! - 令人吃惊的是油从25年前发明硅芯片以来,它们的性能已提高了25000倍。
Astonishingly, their performance has improved 25, 000 times over since their invention only 25 years ago. - 意想不到的是,水面薄膜不但能支撑一定的重量,还能承受一些生物从水下面倒挂着的重量。
Astonishingly, this surface film not only supports the weight of creatures like the water measurer walking on top of it-- other creatures crawl along the under side of it, upside down, like this. - 喜欢看肥皂剧的人不会抱怨参议院司法委员会听证会不能提供每天的感情刺激。在色情与权力故事方面它取代了电视台。对电视观众那是令人耳目一新的一天,可与水门事件媲美。
No soap opera fan can complain that the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings that usurped the network tales of sex and power could not deliver their daily emotional fix. It was an astounding day for television viewers, right up there with Watergate. - 是小羚羊的跳跃能力,而不是它的奔跑速度使人吃惊。
It's the chamois' leaping powers, more than its fleetness of foot, that was astounding. - 稍微不留意,孩子便有可能误入歧途,做出一些为社会所不容的事。
It is easy, for example, for a teenager to be led astray by bad company and misbehave. - 占星家声称能预知祸福.
Astrologers claim to be able to divine what the stars hold in store for us. - 我想拜访一个算命的占星家,你能向我推荐一个吗?
I want to visit a fortuneteller or an astrologer.Can you recommend one to me? - 我想拜访一个算命的占星家,你能向我推荐一个吗?
I want to visit a fortuneteller or an astrologer. Can you recommend one to me? - 命运星辰七个涉及占星术的天体之一,它与恒星一起被相信能影响人类事务和人的性格
One of the seven revolving astrological celestial bodies that in conjunction with the stars are believed to influence human affairs and personalities. - 我想当一名宇航员,你能理解我所说的意思吗?
I want to be an astronaut, Can you put that in your pipe and smoke it? - 宇航员无法理解,为什么太空船出了事故他还能安然返回地球。
The astronaut couldn't get over the fact that in spite of the accident to the space vehicle he had returned safely on Earth. - 而一个人能做的最危险的事情之一就是将自己的精神自主权任由他人摆布:就像我故事中的那个宇航员,他不知道他们是否是人类,尽管他们以双足行走。
One of the most dangerous things a man can do is to surrender his moral autonomy to others: like the astronaut in my story, he does not know whether they are human, even though they walk on two feet. - 因为我时常陪他们看闪亮的星星,我的孩子可能对天文学产生兴趣,甚至在若干年后成为天文学家。
And who knows, my child may become an astronomer years down the road. All because of the nights I spent with him watching the twinkles in the sky. - 天文学家能以绝对的精度预言每一颗星星于今晚十一时半的正确所以。他对自己的年轻女儿,却无法作出这样的预言。
An astronomer can predict with absolute accuracy just where every star in the heavens will be at half past eleven tonight. He can make no such prediction about his young daughter. - 高能天文台
High Energy Astronomical Observatory