  • 将收入转在十年或十年以上比授予人税率低的人的一种信托。
    a trust established to shift the income to someone who is taxed at a lower rate than the grantor for a period of 10 years or more.
  • …以粒状或粗糙的结构
    To give a granular or rough texture to.
  • 他给我两串葡萄。
    He gave me two bunches of grapes.
  • 微商方程曲线在某一定点的斜率
    The slope of a graph of an equation at a given point.
  • 她一直绘声绘色地我们讲她手术的细节。
    She keep tell us about her operation, in the most graphic detail.
  • 她一直绘声绘色地我们讲她手术的细节
    She kept telling us about her operation, in the most graphic details
  • 在计算机图形学中,用点或十字线显示图象中某个区域上色的一种操作。参阅histogram。
    In computer graphics, the operation of shading some area of a display image, for example, with dots or crosshatching.
  • 情况的了解,任务的确定,兵力的部署,军事和政治教育的实施,养的筹划,装备的整理,民众条件的配合等等,都要包括在领导者们的过细考虑、切实执行和检查执行程度的工作之中。
    Grasping the situation, setting the tasks, disposing the forces, giving military and political training, securing supplies, putting the equipment in good order, making proper use of the people's help, etc. -- all these are part of the work of the guerrilla commanders, which they must carefully consider and conscientiously perform and check up on.
  • 马上给我滚开!
    Go to grass instantly!
  • 在这个过程中出现了一些消极的东西,但更重要的是,搞这些改革,走这样的路,已经我们带来了可喜的结果。
    It is true that some negative things have appeared in the process, but what is more important is the gratifying progress we have been able to achieve by initiating these reforms and following this road.
  • 这是我免费送你的。
    I'll give you this gratis.
  • 他免费了我两张锦标决赛的票子。
    He gave me two Cup Final tickets free, gratis and for nothing.
  • 为支持新疆工业发展,兵团还把已经建设起来的规模较大的一批工交建商企业无偿移交地方,为自治区的现代化建设作出了贡献。
    To support industrial development in Xinjiang, the XPCC has transferred gratis a batch of large, well-developed industrial, transportation, construction and commercial enterprises to the local areas, making great contributions to the modernization efforts of Xinjiang.
  • 偿清了欠债之后,他长久以来一直在每个圣诞节寄我20美元钱。他这是为了表达他的感激之情啊!
    He kept on sending me$20 every Christmas long after his debt was paid. That's gratitude for you!
  • 赏钱,小费出于感激而的钱;小费
    Money given as a gratuity; a tip.
  • 礼物礼物或赏金,尤指在圣诞节时予的礼物
    A gift or gratuity, especially one given at Christmas.
  • 出租车司机是不指望拿小费的,但你他们,他们也不会拒绝。
    Taxi drivers don't expect gratuity, but they won't refuse it.
  • 说到“小费”,你可千万别酒保现金以表示谢意。
    Speaking of tips, you should never offer the bar staff a cash gratuity.
  • 酒钱,小费因快捷的服务而予的赏金或小费,尤指在一些近东国家里
    A gratuity or tip, paid to expedite service especially in some Near Eastern countries.
  • 超出原定金额的小费或赏钱作为对服务的报答。
    give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the agreed-on compensation.
  • 总的说来,一个地方西化的程度越高,希望就越有可能需要小费。
    In general, the more Westernized the place is, the more likely you will be expected to leave a gratuity.
  • 小费是一件棘手的事情,在一个国家适当数目的小费在另一个国家可能会被认为太吝啬或是太阔绰。
    Gratuity can be a tricky business: What's just right in one country can be miserly or extrava gant in another.
  • 美塞苔丝庄重地点头示意说:“现在请先别这么称呼我,在我的家乡,人们说,对一个未结婚的姑娘,就拿她未婚夫的姓名称呼她,是会她带来恶运的。
    Mercédès courtesied gravely, and said--"That is not my name, and in my country it bodes ill fortune, they say, to call a young girl by the name of her betrothed before he becomes her husband.
  • 我丈夫做了一些肉汤。
    I made some gravy soup for my husband.
  • 用油润滑,…上润滑油
    To lubricate with grease.
  • 我的车添加润滑油。
    lubricate my car; grease the wheels.
  • 我下星期来请你汽车上上油。
    I'm coming in next week to have you grease the car.
  • 我下星期来请你汽车上上油。
    I am coming in next week to have you grease the car.
  • 给平底锅涂上油
    Greased the pie pan.
  • 只要马达及时上油,它会很好运转的。
    Motors will run well provide that they are greased in time.
  • 机器加润滑油的单调工作。
    an unglamorous job greasing engines.
  • 你应该试试他点小费才是。
    You should have tried greasing his palm.