  • 市府对城里容易失火的建筑物采取防患措施。
    The municipal government will do something about the firetrap in the city.
  • 烟火表演在午夜准时开始。
    The firework display will begin on the stroke of midnight.
  • 抗日军们要有这样的坚定性,才算是勇敢而明智的军。
    In the War of Resistance only those generals who show this kind of firmness can be deemed courageous and wise.
  • 例如,一台台式pc机的盖子被打开了,固件就告诉代理向管理软件发送一个入侵报警,当前的编目数据与数据库相比较,根据编目,若内存已从pc机中拆走,管理软件就向管理员发出警告,该管理员能在最终用户遇到问题前换上内存并修好机器。
    For example, if the cover of a desktop PC is opened, the firmware tells the agent to send an intrusion alert to the management software to compare the current inventory data to the database.If, according to the inventory, memory has been removed from the PC, the management software sends an alert to the administrator who can replace the memory and fix the machine before the end-user has a problem.
  • 第一,除非一名新加坡人赶紧在1999年的诺贝尔得奖名单上出现,不然我那“预言”的第二半部会在公元2000年之前实现。
    Firstly, unless a Singaporean quickly appears on the 1999 Nobel Laureate list, the second part of my "prediction" would come true before the year 2000.
  • (三)1999年中国继续实行积极的财政政策
    c) The pro-active fiscal policies for 1999
  • 船快触礁时,渔夫船停下来。
    The fisherman brought the boat up before it hit the rocks.
  • 无线电发射器必须非常大,而且在探测器加速时必须能量来聚集其上。
    The transmitter has to be gigantic and must focus the energy of the beam on the fishnet as it accelerates.
  • 麦加:来吧。我想,家庭健身器的前景是很好的。
    Maiga: I think the prospect of family fitness equipment is very good.
  • 不久他们又现身银幕(五人乐队极有可能出演《油脂iii》)。2000年已变成除"后街男孩"之外,另一队奥兰多男孩的丰收年。
    and movie appearances on the horizon (Grease 3 is a very real possibility for the fivesome),2000 has turned into a banner 20 year for the “ other” boys from Orlando.
  • 开会的时间和地点由主席决定。
    The hours and the places of the meetings will be fixed at the chairman's discretion.
  • 我将尽力装好。
    I'll try to fix it.
  • 牙钉用来牙冠固定在牙根上的钉子
    A peg for fixing the crown to the root of a tooth.
  • 民主党人的攻击也会以失败告终。范围广泛的改革法案在成为法律之前大打折扣。
    Democratic attacks will fizzle, and farreaching reform bills will be watered down before they become law.
  • 他将杆上的旗降下。
    He lowered the flag on the pole.
  • 人居举办的一次关于“水与城市”的特别会议作为第三次世界水论坛的一部分举行,届时正式印发一份关于“世界各城市的水和卫生现况”的主要报告。
    A special meeting on the theme “Water and cities”, organized by UN-Habitat,will be held as part of the Forum, at which a flagship report, The State of Water and Sanitation in the World’s Cities, will be officially launched.
  • 我深信港元债务工具发行计划会成为按揭证券公司另一集资的旗舰,而按揭证券公司日后亦发展成为港元债券市场其中一个最主要的发行人。
    I believe the Debt Issuance Programme will develop into another flagship of HKMC's funding programme. I am also confident that in time to come, the HKMC will emerge as one of the largest issuers in the Hong Kong dollar debt market.
  • 火焰将一切烧尽。
    The flames licked up everything.
  • 军成功地迂回到敌后进行攻击,打跨了敌军。
    The general successfully turned the flank of the enemy troops and routed them.
  • 他们发射一发信号弹。
    They will fire off a signal flare.
  • 战争重新全面爆发,人们都说这比以前要厉害得多。
    The war will all flare up again and everyone says it will be much worse than before.
  • 电视文字广播中的一种设施,它可广播型可视数据检索系统数据库中的一项信息叠映在电视机所显示的广播画面上。通常它是以矩形黑底白字的方式显示,给人以方盒子的效果,经常用于新闻短讯或副标题。
    In teletext, a facility whereby an item of information from the teletext database is superimposed on the broadcast picture displayed on the television set. It is usually displayed as white characters on a rectangular black background, giving a boxed effect, often used for news flashes or subtitles.
  • 迟钝得不能理解他的行为的含意;愚蠢的寡头政治断然的拒绝了看到历史已经它扫进了垃圾箱——贾斯帕·格里芬。
    too obtuse to grasp the implications of his behavior; a purblind oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin- Jasper Griffin.
  • 不然,学生学的和来要从事的职业不相适应,学非所用,用非所学,岂不是从根本上破坏了教育与生产劳动相结合的方针?
    If, on the contrary, what the students learn isn't suited to the needs of their future jobs, if they study what they aren't going to apply or if they can't apply what they study, won't this flatly violate the principle of combining education with productive labour?
  • 工匠一块金属锤平。
    The workman flatten a piece of metal by hammer it.
  • 经过一段时期的波动后,预料伦敦市场的黄金价格稳定下来。
    Gold prices on the London market are expected to flatten out after a period of fluctuation.
  • 它们把作物都压平了,使你没法用联合收割机作物收割上来,”他说,“如果你的农田在树林附近,那它们出现的次数会更多。
    They flatten it so much that you can't get under it with a combine harvester,” he said. ‘If you have a field adjacent to a wood, they come out and play in it more often.
  • 而我们则更愿聊天当作一顿美味佳肴--认真地品味每一口,细细体会其中滋味。
    We prefer to see conversing as a gourmet meal--focusing on every mouthful to bring out the flavour.
  • 工人取一根亚麻或大麻,其刻成一根根的纤维,借助于一个称为纺锤的简单工具用手指把几根纤维捻在一起;
    A workman takes a stalk of the flax or hemp plant, splits it into separate fibres, twines together several of these fibres with his fingers, aided by a simple instrument called a spindle;
  • 针对这种情况,我国政府继续坚持扩大内需的方针,实行积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,增加城乡居民特别是农民的收入,完善社会保障体系,巩固和发展国有企业改革与脱困的成果,进一步开拓国际市场,积极发展对外贸易和经济合作。
    In response, the Chinese government will stick to the principle of stimulating domestic demand and adopt proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy. Besides, it will increase the income of rural and urban residents, especially that of farmers and move towards a full-fledged social security system. In addition, it will consolidate the fruits of reforming state-owned enterprises and getting them out of predicament. We are also going to further explore international market and actively develop foreign trade and economic cooperation.
  • 2.凡在任何一州被控犯有叛国罪、重罪或其它罪行者,逃出法外而在另一州被缉获时,该州应即依照该罪犯所逃出之州的行政当局之请求,该罪犯交出,以便移交至该犯罪案件有管辖权之州。
    Clause 2:A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.
  • 军命令舰队原地待命。
    The general ordered the fleet to remain where they were and wait for the further instructions.