  • 人名或绰号
    A personal name or nickname.
  • 他的绰号“小不点”取得符其实、恰到好处。
    His nickname, Tiny, suited him to a turn.
  • 起绰号取一个诙谐或好玩的字;给…起绰号
    To give a name to facetiously or playfully; nickname.
  • 后来,我奔走外面,十余年没有回过家乡,落花生的消息,我已无从知道,惟有这个奇特的字,和儿时可笑的情事,连带着浮沉于脑海中而已。
    I later left the village and did not return for 10 odd years. I had no more news of Peanuts. Only this rather odd nickname stuck in my mind, together with all the amusing stories surfacing and submerging in my memory.
  • 但他告诉我们,只说是路上拾得的太太,因就取“拾得”。
    But he told us that this " wife" had been picked up by the road-side and he nicknamed her "Picked Up".
  • 真假姑且不论,这个昵称尼西的怪兽在过去的半个世纪中已经吸引了3000余游客。
    Is it real or imaginary, this monster, which has been nicknamed Nessie, has collected a good 3000 sightings over the last 50 years?
  • 史密斯博士说,有理由相信千万别用别。“如果你用别的话,就会较早地给孩子造成一种错误的印象,认为性有什么不对劲的地方。
    There is a very important reason for not using nicknames for sex organs, according to Dr. Smith:" If you use nicknames,it sends out early messages that there's something wrong with sex," he says.
  • 竞赛本来在尼日利亚举办,但一尼日利亚记者的一篇文章引发了当地穆斯林和基督徒之间的骚乱,致使200多人死亡,于是竞赛被匆忙决定转移至伦敦举办。
    It was to take place in Nigeria,but when an article by a Nigerian journalist sparked Muslim-Christian riots there and more than 200 people were killed,a decision was hastily taken to relocate the competition to London.
  • 每晚这警察都在这条街道巡逻。
    Night after night the policeman patrols the street.
  • 那时原来的飞行中队要飞往纽约,一位飞行员飞行穿过了这所城市在纽约人杂志上非常著的蓝色天使夜总会的牌。
    One of the pilots came across the name of the city's famous Blue Angel nightclub in New Yorker Magazine.
  • 她在“一曲相思情未了”(thefabulousbakerboys)中的夜总会女郎的出色演技,1988年她有获得了另一项奥斯卡提奖--最佳演员奖。
    In 1990, she was rewarded with yet another Oscar nomination - this time for Best Actress - for her portrayal of a nightclub singer in The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989).
  • 克里米亚战后,南丁格尔不计个人的美,继续培养护士,并一直与人们对护士的偏见进行着斗争。
    Following the war,Nightingale avoided fame and continued to train nurses,ever battling against what she herself declared “ a commonly received idea.
  • 活动举行期间,每晚均有来自区内和世界各地的人参加精彩的音乐会、音乐短片放映会和时装表演。
    Celebrities from around the region and the world took part nightly in a spectacular concert, music video broadcast and fashion show.
  • 一般情况下,其他的父母可以有9个月的时间给孩子起。我们好像只有9分钟左右的时间。
    Other people take nine months to name babies we had more like nine minutes.
  • 二零零零年,香港的服务出口总值在世界排第九。
    In the global league table of exports of services, Hong Kong ranked ninth in 2000.
  • 在九届全国人大和九届全国政协中,共有少数民族代表428、委员257,分别占代表总数和委员总数的14.37%和11.7%。
    There are altogether 428 ethnic minority deputies to the Ninth NPC and 257 ethnic minority members on the CPPCC Ninth National Committee, accounting for 14.37 percent and 11.7 percent of the total, respectively.
  • 在美国的逗留使他写成了第九交响曲——《来自新大陆》,这大概是他最著的作品。
    His stay in the United States resuited in his ninth symphony From the New World-probably his best-known work.
  • 钶铌的旧,已被废弃
    Niobium. No longer in scientific use.
  • 他们将以“日本屋”(可按风格,头衔,业务性质命)为店号开展业务。
    They will carry on the business under the firm-name( style, title, trade-name) of nippon-ya.
  • 他们将以“日本屋”(可按风格,头衔,业务性质命)为店号开展业务。
    They will carry on the business under the firm - name ( style, title, trade - name ) of Nippon-ya.
  • 用於道路的称,尤用於城镇
    N names of roads, esp in towns
  • 词在本词典中用n表示。
    Nouns are marked n in this dictionary.
  • 他获得了诺贝尔奖的提
    He won the nomination of the Nobel Prize.
  • 这个学院的成员里包括好几诺贝尔奖得主。
    The academy counts several Nobel Prize winners among its members.
  • 贵族前缀(用于姓前表示某人系贵族)
    the nobiliary particle [prefix]
  • 以非常的勇气、高贵和力量而著的人。
    a man distinguished by exceptional courage and nobility and strength.
  • 西藏和平解放前,仅有2000余僧侣和贵族子弟在旧式官办学校和私塾学习。
    Before Tibet's peaceful liberation, only some 2,000 monks and children of the nobility studied in government and private schools.
  • 西藏和平解放前,仅有2000余僧侣和贵族子弟在旧式官办学校和私塾学习。
    Before Tibet's peaceful liberation, only some 2,000 monks and children of the nobility studied in government and private schools of old style.
  • 一个著的花花公子(放荡的西班牙贵族)。
    a successful womanizer (after a profligate Spanish nobleman).
  • 特罗斯特赢得了共和党的提
    Troast got the G.O.P. nod.
  • 不,我不知道埃弗顿队队长的姓。我对足球的知识很肤浅。
    No, I don't know the name of Everton's captain; I've only a nodding acquaintance with football.
  • 一种文档,其内容仅由根节点组成,无相关数据单元,也无节点称。
    A file whose file contents consists of only a root node with no associated data unit, and no node name.