  • 贝里英格兰西北部一个自治市,位于曼彻斯特西北偏北。建于一个撒克逊部落的旧址上,自14世纪以来一直是个纺织中心。人177,600
    A borough of northwest England north-northwest of Manchester. It was founded on the site of a Saxon settlement and has been a textile center since the14th century. Population,177, 600.
  • 安徽中国中东部的一个省,17世纪满清王朝统治时成为独立的省份,合肥是其省会。人51,560,000
    A province of east-central China. It was made a separate province in the17th century under the Manchu dynasty. Hefei is the capital. Population,51, 560, 000.
  • 镇江位于中国东部一城市,位于南京以东,大运河畔。它是明清时期的一个重要商业中心,人250,000
    A city of eastern China on the Grand Canal east of Nanjing. It was an important trade center during the Ming and Manchu dynasties. Population,250, 000.
  • 沈阳,奉天中国东北部的一个城市,位于北京东北偏东方,它是辽宁省的省会,是所谓的满洲或满洲里事件的旧址,在该事件中日本军队将该城北部的铁路炸毁并以此揭开了占领满洲的序曲。人3,250,000
    A city of northeast China east-northeast of Beijing. The capital of Liaoning province, it was the site of the so-called Mukden, or Manchurian, Incident(1931), in which the Japanese army used an explosion on the railroad north of the city as a pretext to occupy Manchuria. Population,3, 250, 000.
  • 将被捕食的动物衔在里,这只鸟正在回自己的窝去
    Taking up the prey in its mandible, the bird is returning to its nest
  • 今天利用万能服务器完成更深入的数据挖掘、多媒体的intranet和internet体系结构、开发大规模的应用程序以及把复杂的数学计算和数据管理特点加到当前的客户接和后台办公室系统上,企业便能获得战略上的优势。
    Enterprises can gain strategic advantage today by using Universal Servers for deeper data mining, multimedia Intranet and Internet architectures, developing large-scale applications, and adding complex-mathematics and data manipulation features to current customer-interface and back-office systems.
  • 布兰登加拿大马尼托巴省西南部一城市,位于温尼伯西部阿西尼博因河畔。是工业和交通中心。人36,242
    A city of southwest Manitoba, Canada, on the Assiniboine River west of Winnipeg. It is an industrial and transportation center. Population,36, 242.
  • 她的英国音是她访问伦敦学会的。
    Her British accent is just a mannerism picked up on her visit to London.
  • 齿不清一种语言缺陷或习气,特点是把(s)和(z)发作(th)和(th)
    A speech defect or mannerism characterized by mispronunciation of the sounds(s) and(z) as(th) and( th).
  • 马华一气控制两家华文报,华社对最后的一堵墙被推倒感到愤怒,引发了排山倒海的反对声音。
    By taking control of two Chinese newspapers in a single manoeuvre and thus destroying the last line of defence of the Chinese community, the MCA has angered the latter.
  • “进步”是他们的头禅。
    " Progress" was their mantra.
  • 你得找些借口。
    You will have to manufacture some kind of excuse.
  • 你该听听玛格丽特为接待顾客所操的上流社会的音,真是滑稽得要命。
    You should hear the upper-class accent Margaret puts on for the benefit of customers. It’s enough to make a cat laugh.
  • 出口大幅度回升
    Export picked up by a large margin.
  • 每天结算、把损益过帐到保证金户头后,只要保证金余额高于规定的“维持保证金”水平,盘持有人就不会收到“补仓通知”。
    After each day's settlement, if the balance of his margin account is above the "maintenance margin" level , Mr Tan will not get a "margin call".
  • 玛丽亚:是吗?我知道那是你第一次吹那可笑的哨。
    Maria: What? I knew the first time you blew that silly whistle 9.
  • 蒂明斯加拿大安大略省中部一城市,位于苏圣马里东北部。它是一个金矿中心。人46,114
    A city of central Ontario, Canada, northeast of Sault Sainte Marie. It is a gold-mining center. Population,46, 114.
  • 人口的婚姻状况
    marital status of population
  • 尽管当时的拉丁语已经与古典文学中的拉丁语有了显著的差别,但是开始时拉丁语语仍较为统一。
    Spoken Latin remained fairly uniform in the beginning, though it already differed markedly from the Latin of classical literature.
  • 根据联合国提供的资料,中国的人增长率已明显低于世界其它发展中国家的平均水平。
    According to statistics supplied by the United Nations, China's population growth rate has already been markedly lower than the average level of other developing countries.
  • 用于市场调查的事先毫不知情的味测试
    Blind taste tests used in marketing studies.
  • 戈尔兹伯勒美国北卡罗来纳州中东部,罗利东南部的城市。制造业中心和烟草区的交易场所。人40,709
    A city of east-central North Carolina southeast of Raleigh. It is a manufacturing center and marketplace for a tobacco-growing region. Population,40, 709.
  • 那牲身上烙有主人的印记。
    The owner's mark was burnt into the animal's skin.
  • 我背部左侧抽取骨髓的伤感染了,低烧不退。
    The left side of my back, where they'd removed the bone marrow, became infected and I developed a low? grade fever.
  • 数据集市的一个先决条件是有一个点与击的图形用户接(指鼠标器——译注),让用户执行所有的特性集,同时在整个产品中都是一致的。
    One prerequisite of a data mart is a point-and-click GUI that allows the user to execute all features sets and is consistent across the product.
  • 我们说的马克思主义,是要在群众生活群众斗争里实际发生作用的活的马克思主义,不是头上的马克思主义。
    By Marxism we mean living Marxism which plays an effective role in the life and struggle of the masses, not Marxism in words.
  • 头上的马克思主义变成为实际生活里的马克思主义,就不会有宗派主义了。
    With Marxism in words transformed into Marxism in real life, there will be no more sectarianism.
  • 马里兰州最大的城市;是一个主要的港和工业中心。
    the largest city in Maryland; a major port and industrial center.
  • 波托马克美国马里兰州中部社区,是华盛顿特区的郊外住宅区。人22,800
    A community of central Maryland, a residential suburb of Washington, D.C. Population,22, 800.
  • 克林顿区美国马里兰州中西部、华盛顿特区东南部的一个未合并社区。安德鲁斯空军基地位于附近。人19,987
    An unincorporated community of west-central Maryland southeast of Washington, D.C. Andrews Air Force Base is nearby. Population,19, 987.
  • 哈格斯顿美国马里兰州北部一城市,在弗里德里克的西北部。为一个农业区制造业中心。人35,445
    A city of northern Maryland northwest of Frederick. It is a manufacturing center in an agricultural region. Population,35, 445.
  • 盖瑟斯堡美国马里兰州中西部的一座城市,位于华盛顿特区西北偏北,是一座拥有轻工业的居住城市,人39,542
    A city of west-central Maryland north-northwest of Washington, D.C. It is a residential city with light industries. Population,39, 542.