  • 骨胶原骨头内的胶原成
    The collagen component of bone.
  • 切骨术外科骨或切骨
    Surgical division or sectioning of bone.
  • (构词成)有特定的骨头。
    (combining form) having bones as specified.
  • (这是邓小平同志会见加蓬总统邦戈时谈话的一部。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with President EI Hadj Omar Bongo of the Gabon Republic.)
  • 上述研究成果是由波恩大学应用物理研究所完成的。它对农民可能具有重要意义,因为如果配备合适的窃听装置,他们就能够区健康与染病的蔬菜。
    The findings, released by the Institute for Applied Physics at the University of Bonn, could have important implications for farmers since, with the proper eavesdropping device, one can now distinguish between healthy and sick vegetables.
  • 祖母怀有几痴心,她很想去参加这个舞会。
    Grandmother has a bee in his bonnet about going to the dance.
  • 她女儿的漂亮眼睛是来自她的部遗传特征。
    Her daughter's bonny eyes are parts of her heredity.
  • 彭妮的生命代表了一个充满爱心、关怀和享的生命,与霍布斯愤世嫉俗的人生观形成强烈对比。
    In sharp contrast to Hobbes' cynic view of human existence, Bonny Hicks exemplified a form of life that is loving, caring and sharing.
  • 对我而言,彭妮充体现了一个自由自主的人,如何在年轻的时候根据个人的自我表现来决定她所要的生活方式。
    Bonny Hicks appeared to me to be the paradigmatic example of an autonomous, free-choosing individual who decided early on to construct a lifestyle congenial to her idiosyncratic sense of self-expression.
  • 当然,从积极面来看(也只好如此自我安慰),那是“弘扬文化”、“促进交流”、“不国界的资源共享”。
    Of course, one can look on the bright side (to console oneself) and even hail the loss of the bonsai as a gesture to “promote culture”, “encourage exchange”and“share resources beyond national boundaries”.
  • 目前已根据国际标准建成国际馆、中国馆、科技馆、大温室、人与自然馆等五大室内展馆,建成别展示珍稀植物、奇花异草、园林精品、园艺科技的树木园、竹园、盆景园、蔬菜瓜果园、药草园、茶园等六大专题展园;
    So far, at the site there are five indoor exhibition areas built according to international standards: the International Hall, China Hall, Science and Technology Hall, Grand Greenhouse and Man and Nature Hall; Six specialized gardens: the tree garden, tea garden, bamboo garden, bonsai garden, vegetable and fruit garden, medicinal herb garden, where rare plants, exotic flowers and herbs, exquisite garden arts, and science and technology of the horticultural arts are displayed;
  • 红;特别指剩余物资的发。
    a bonus; something extra (especially a share of a surplus).
  • 大部已绝迹的远古硬骨鱼类群,有甲壳状骨质鳞片。
    a group of mostly extinct primitive bony fishes characterized by armor-like bony scales.
  • 一宽而平的骨头或骨的部
    A wide flat bone or bony part.
  • 肘关节骨这个关节骨头向外的凸出部
    The bony outer projection of this joint.
  • 大部各种多骨鱼类;包括大部存活鱼类。
    large diverse group of bony fishes; includes most living species.
  • 角象角一样的一个部或结构,例如骨隆凸
    A part or structure, such as a bony protuberance, that resembles a horn.
  • 恐怖子在那辆汽车里安放了饵雷。
    The car had been booby-trapped by terrorists.
  • 恐怖子在那辆汽车里安放了饵雷.
    The car had been booby trapped by terrorists.
  • 有个书柜把房间隔开了一部
    A bookcase screens off part of the room.
  • 他会退到书桌边,一个大的书架把它同房间的其他部隔开。
    He would retire to a desk, screened off from the rest of the room by a heavy bookcase.
  • 两面下注把全部或一部定好的赌注担给另一赌马者以降低风险
    To place all or a part of an accepted bet with another bookie in order to reduce the risk.
  • 我是一个优秀的会计员,对联单记帐十熟练。
    I am a good accountant and I have a good bookkeeping by double-entry.
  • 帐簿上的借方记入簿记帐目的帐簿或类帐的左方
    The left-hand side of an account or accounting ledger where bookkeeping entries are made.
  • ”这个忠告可在名为《酒吧护照:旅游者酒吧仪俗指南》的小册子中找到,它对那些想要领略“英国生活和文化核心部”的人是一种行为准则。
    " This tip can be found in a booklet, Passport to the Pub: The Tourists' Guide to Pub Etiquette, a customers' code of conduct for those wanting to sample "a central part of British life and culture".
  • 生育高峰期出生的一代已经年过半百,他们中的大部人过不了几年将会退休。
    The baby-boom generation has entered its 50s and over the next few years will be retiring in 1arge numbers.
  • 祖父正在大干,生意十兴隆。
    Grandfather is going great guns and his business is booming.
  • 大胆的旅游者甚至把汽车停在火山口边缘,借此独览火山口的全部美景,而不必簇拥在一大群游客中与别人一同享。
    Yet the car park on the edge of the crater is nearly empty. This is a boon for daring travelers who can enjoy all the beauty without having to share it with hordes of others visitors.
  • 如果说是岛国内人民的需求,只要人们知识水平普遍提高,析事物能力强,能明辨是非黑白,政府找个适合的公共场所,设个论坛,让演讲者自由地大发伟论,畅所欲言,顺理成章的美事。
    If it were the people's desire that gave rise to the suggestion, the Speakers' Corner would be a great boon for society. As our population are becoming better educated and more discerning and insightful, a suitable venue for public speeches would enable them to air their views freely.
  • 最近,国家航空航天局放弃了研制x-33的希望,因为它的技术一直没有得到充验证。x-33是被提议用来代替航天飞机的产品,原本预计它可以无需火箭推动器而仅靠单级火箭就能直接从地面飞抵轨道。
    More recently,NASA abandoned hope for the X-33,a pro posed replacement for the space shuttle that was supposed to fly from the ground to orbit in a single stage,rather than using a booster rock et,because the technology never quite panned out.
  • 它还能泌内啡肽,缓解疼痛敏感性,增强耐受力和快感。
    It may also release brain endorphins, reducing sensitivity to pain and boosting endurance and pleasurable sensations.
  • 脚背上部的靴子部
    the part of a boot above the instep.