  • 安德鲁邀请她一起开车去玩。
    Andrew invited her to come for a drive with him.
  • 噢,是你啊,安德鲁,是吗?我没听是你来。听起来你好象在好远的地方外呀。
    Oh, it's you, Andrew, is it? I do not recognize your voice. Sound as if you were mile away.
  • 当我还在乔治城大学就读法律系时,就已接受安德鲁·卡内基委托版一本关于成功哲学的书。
    I accepted Andrew Carnegie's commission to organize and publish the principles of success when I was a law student at Georgetown University.
  • 由斯蒂芬-斯皮尔伯格的梦幻制片厂品、并由维克多里亚-简森和安德鲁-阿达姆森执导的动画片《施莱克》受到了影迷的热烈欢迎。
    The animated film Shrek, produced by Steven Spielberg's Dreamworks Studio and directed by Victoria Jensen and Andrew Adamson, received a warm welcome among moviegoers.
  • 孩子们叫声来,"安迪!长得跟安迪一模一样!"。
    He looks just like Andy."
  • 安迪想了爬上杆顶的办法。
    Andy thought out a way of climbing to the top of the pole.
  • 一九九七年礼貌运动随着八月二十八日举行的"828礼貌日"展开,由18位"礼貌小天使"于18区宣扬待人以礼的信息,而大会更邀请了"礼貌之星"刘德华在开幕礼中演
    The 1997 Courtesy Campaign kicked off with 828 Courtesy Day on August 28. A total of 18 Courtesy Kids helped spread the message about courtesy in all 18 districts, while Courtesy Star Andy Lau lent his talents to the opening ceremony.
  • 讲述轶事趣闻者,收集轶事趣闻者,版轶事趣闻者
    One who tells, collects, or publishes anecdotes.
  • 一种先天的贫血症,大多发生在黑人;现新月形状的不正常细胞。
    a congenital form of anemia occurring mostly in blacks; characterized by abnormal blood cells having a crescent shape.
  • 血液中现小红细胞的一种血液病。
    a blood disorder characterized by the presence of microcytes (abnormally small red blood cells) in the blood; often associated with anemia.
  • 小红细胞一种畸形小的红血细胞,直径小于5微米,在某些贫血症状中
    An abnormally small red blood cell that is less than five microns in diameter and may occur in certain forms of anemia.
  • 现在牛或羊身上的一种疾病。
    a disease of cattle and sheep attributed to a dietary deficiency; characterized by anemia and softening of the bones and a slow stiff gait.
  • 白血病一种急性或慢性骨髓赘生疾病,其中白血球不受控制地增生,通常伴随有贫血,受损血液现凝块及淋巴结、肝和脾肿大
    Any of various acute or chronic neoplastic diseases of the bone marrow in which unrestrained proliferation of white blood cells occurs, usually accompanied by anemia, impaired blood clotting, and enlargement of the lymph nodes, liver, and spleen.
  • 银莲花,白头翁一种银莲花属植物尤指银莲花长有蓝色、紫色或白色的大花,每朵能结许多显眼的羽状瘦果
    Any of several plants of the genus Anemone, especially A. patens, having large blue, purple, or white flowers, each producing many conspicuously plumed achenes.
  • 测高仪,高度计一种测量高度的仪器,尤指飞机中的无液气压表,其可以测伴随高度变化的压力变化
    An instrument for determining elevation, especially an aneroid barometer used in aircraft that senses pressure changes accompanying changes in altitude.
  • 通过麻醉显现无知觉状态。
    rendered insensible by means of anesthesia.
  • 局部麻醉后通过扩张宫颈来刮除子宫内膜的手术;用来获得组织细胞样本、阻止大血、割除小肿瘤,或者作为流产方法在分娩后割除胎盘。
    a surgical procedure usually performed under local anesthesia in which the cervix is dilated and the endometrial lining of the uterus is scraped with a curet; performed to obtain tissue samples or to stop prolonged bleeding or to remove small tumors or to remove fragments of placenta after childbirth or as a method of abortion.
  • 每当走地铁的时候,我常常会感觉迷失了方向;麻醉剂使她完全失去了知觉。
    I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway; the anesthetic left her completely disoriented.
  • 讲起班纳特小姐,他想象不人间会有一个比她更美丽的天使。
    and as to Miss Bennet, he could not conceive an angel more beautiful.
  • 很多女子既能料理家务同时又外工作——譬如安杰拉,就是个例子。
    A lot of women manage to bring up families and go out to work at the same timetake Angela, for example.
  • 很多女子既能料理家务同时又外工作--譬如安杰拉,就是个例子。
    A lot of women manage to bring up families and go out to work at the same time take Angela, for example.
  • 当安杰拉查她丈夫和她最好的朋友在布顿一家旅馆共度周末时,她勃然大怒。
    When Angela found out that her husband had spent the weekend with her best friend in a Brighton hotel she went off the deep end.
  • 唱诗班的男童唱的优美动听的曲子
    The angelic strains of choirboys singing
  • 他因发怒而说不话来。
    Anger choked his words.
  • 他气得说不出话来.
    Anger left him speechless.
  • 愤怒使他说不话来。
    Anger bereft him of words.
  • 愤怒中咬紧她的牙齿发吱吱声
    Grated her teeth in anger.
  • 血管造影照片用血管造影术给一个或多个血管拍的x射线照片,用于诊断心血管系统的病理状况
    An x-ray of one or more blood vessels produced by angiography and used in diagnosing pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system.
  • 渔人放线轮上的钓丝。
    The angler reeled out his fishing line.
  • 垂钓者把钓线抛了
    The angler cast the line.
  • 试用照相机斜著照,照来的相片更有意思。
    Try angling the camera for a more interesting picture.
  • 卡宾达安哥拉领土,它在刚果和扎伊尔之间大西洋上形成一块孤立领土。是在比利时属刚果(今扎伊尔)要求沿刚果河下游建造一条通向海洋的通道时,被割离安哥拉本土的
    A territory of Angola forming an exclave on the Atlantic Ocean between Congo and Zaire. It was separated from Angola proper when the Belgian Congo(now Zaire) acquired a corridor to the sea along the lower Congo River.