  • 在可忽略不計的時間,信號從一個值按單位增量躍變到另一個值。
    The change from one value to another in a single increment and in negligible time.
  • 發展對外經濟貿易有利於維持和擴大就業,保持需的基本穩定,保持社會的穩定。
    Foreign economic and trade development will be incremental to sustain and increase employment, and to maintain basic stability of domestic demand as well as social stability.
  • 例如,企業能以幾條t-1鏈路的代價建立一條t-3或oc-3鏈接,把增加的帶寬在整個機構進行分配。
    For example, the enterprise could establish a T-3 or OC-3 connection forth cost of several T-1 links and distribute incremental bandwidth throughout the organization.
  •  堅持體育社會化和産業化的發展方向,鼓勵全社會投資興辦體育,鼓勵國外企業和個人開發與經營體育,最大限度地引入增量資源,盤活存量資源。
    Adhere to the direction for the socialization of sports and the development of the sports industry, encourage the whole society to invest in developing sports, encourage domestic or foreign enterprises and individuals to develop and operate sports businesses, and absorb incremental resources and revitalize the stock resources to the maximum extent.
  • 拒絶嚮法院或法庭或委員會拿出證據,因為這樣的證據可能會將你牽連進刑事案
    To refuse to give evidence to a court or tribunal or committee, because the evidence may incriminate you.
  • 科技園公司提供一係列完善的服務,全面照顧産業在各階段的不同需要,包括通過培育計劃培育新成立的科技公司、在科學園為應用研究發展活動提供設備和服務,以及在工業區為生産工序提供土地和設備。
    It offers a comprehensive range of services to cater for the needs of industry at various stages, ranging from nurturing technology start-ups through the incubation programme, providing premises and services in the Science Park for applied research and development activities, to providing land and premises in the industrial estates for production.
  •  國務院和省、自治區、直轄市人民政府應當分別對所管轄的滯洪區、蓄洪區有關居民的安全、轉移、生活、生産、善後恢復、損失補償等事項,製定專門的管理辦法。
    Article 44: Whoever draws, intercepts, blocks or discharges water in violation of this law and thereby causes impediments or losses to others shall stop the infringements, remove the impediments and compensate for the losses incurred.
  • 經過了長時間黨的鬥爭和客觀事實的教訓,例如拚一下遭了損傷,逃跑遭了失敗,纔逐漸地改變過來。
    This opportunist ideology has been gradually corrected through prolonged inner-Party struggle and through lessons learned from actual events, for instance, from the losses incurred in reckless battle and the reverses suffered during precipitate flight.
  • 目前,居民儲蓄存款增加較多,銀行資金比較充裕,利率水平較低,市場價格穩定,國債餘額占國生産總值的比重仍在安全綫以,發行長期建設國債還有一定的空間,不會有大的風險。
    At present, people's savings deposits have increased considerably; banks have sufficient funds; interest rates are low; market prices are stable; and the ratio of national debts to GDP is still within safe limits. There is still room for issuing more long-term treasury bonds for construction without incurring great risks.
  • 美國戰;格蘭特戰役期間反擊李的一係列非决定性的雙方都遭重創的戰役。
    American Civil War; a series of indecisive battles in Grant's campaign (1864) against Lee in which both armies suffered terrible losses.
  • 新西蘭的一種小灌木狀喬木,具有下垂的枝條和白色至紫羅蘭色的總狀花序,莢果有毛、果皮不開裂、有兩粒種子。
    small shrubby tree of New Zealand having weeping branches and racemes of white to violet flowers followed by woolly indehiscent 2-seeded pods.
  • 部網的優點在於平臺獨立性。
    The beauty of an Intranet lies in platform independence.
  • 各寺廟均由民主選舉的管理機構,自主地管理寺廟部的事務。
    The internal affairs of temples and monasteries are independently handled by
  • 各宗教團體在法律允許的範圍,自主地開展教務活動。
    All religious bodies independently carry out religious activities within the scope prescribed by law.
  • 內部超靜定(的)
    interior statically indeterminate
  • 此外,很多(但不是所有的)搜索實用程序也引用元標記(文檔中用來描述其容的、看不見的html標記),作為控製容如何編索引的方法。
    In addition, many, but not all, search utilities also reference metatags -- invisible HTML tags within documents that describe their content -- as a way to control how content is indexed.
  • 給web做索引與在部網上做索引差異極大。
    Indexing the World Wide Web is one thing, from indexing an intranet which is very different.
  • 它很好用,但如果你要部網數據中的一些索引的信息,或者要識別零件編號、或者庫存、或者雇用日期等,會怎麽樣呢?
    This is fine, but what if you want some indexing information, or want to identify part numbers, or inventories or date of employment in your intranet data?
  • 指一般包括俄亥俄州、印第安那州、伊利諾斯州、愛荷華州、密蘇裏州、堪薩斯州和布拉斯加州以及有時包括密歇根州、威斯康星州和明尼蘇達州在的美國地區。
    of a region of the United States generally including Ohio; Indiana; Illinois; Iowa; Missouri; Kansas; Nebraska; and sometimes Michigan; Wisconsin; Minnesota.
  • 非石油進口則能反映國需求。
    The indicator that reflects the domestic demand is the non-oil imports.
  • 事實上,《考剋斯報告》中題為“中國竊取美國熱核彈頭情報”的容中揭露的事實——如被正確理解——已經足以稱得上“控告”兩字了。
    Indeed, the evidence presented in the Chapter of the Cox Report, entitled "PRC Theft of US Thermonuclear Warhead Information," is--when properly understood--sufficient to "indict":
  • 生於西印度群島或美洲的西班牙殖民地歐洲人的後裔。
    a person of European descent born in the W Indies or Spanish America.
  • 位於西印度群島委瑞拉海岸東北的一個島上的共和國。
    an island republic in the West Indies off the northeastern coast of Venezuela.
  • 他裝出一副滿不在乎的樣子,但在心深處卻感到非常失望。
    He assumed an air of indifference, but at the bottom of his heart he was greatly disappointed.
  • 新幾亞和附近島嶼當地民族的一員
    A member of any of the indigenous peoples of New Guinea and neighboring islands.
  • 新幾亞、新不列顛和所羅門群島幾種當地語中的任意一種
    Any of the indigenous languages of New Guinea, New Britain, and the Solomon Islands.
  • 除馬來坡利尼西亞語以外的在巴布亞新幾亞或新不列顛所羅門群島上所說的任何語言。
    any of the indigenous languages spoken in Papua New Guinea or New Britain or the Solomon Islands that are not Malayo-Polynesian languages.
  • 遊擊隊員以小股部隊在被占領區通過突然襲擊等方式侵撓或破壞敵軍的非正規軍,通常是本地的軍事或半軍事組織的成員
    A member of an irregular, usually indigenous military or paramilitary unit operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the enemy, as by surprise raids.
  • 憤怒的電視觀衆一直嚮電視臺寫信,抱怨電視劇的容不健康。
    Indignant viewers have been writing in to complain of the moral content of plays.
  • 在戰爭爆發以後的一切組織和鬥爭,則是直接或間接地配合戰爭的,例如北伐戰爭時期,革命軍後方的一切組織和鬥爭是直接地配合戰爭的,北洋軍閥統治區域的一切組織和鬥爭是間接地配合戰爭的。
    After war breaks out, all organization and struggle are co-ordinated with the war either directly or indirectly, as, for instance in the period of the Northern Expedition when all organization and struggle in the rear areas of the revolutionary army were co-ordinated with the war directly, and those in the Northern warlord areas were co-ordinated with the war indirectly.
  • 當然,部隊中的民主生活必須是在軍事紀律所許可的範圍,必須是為着加強紀律而不是為着減弱紀律,所以在部隊中提倡必要的民主的時候,必須同時反對要求極端民主的無紀律現象。
    Of course, democracy in the army must not transcend the limits of military discipline, which it must serve to strenghen and not weaken. Therefore, while a necessary measure of democracy should be promoted, the demand for ultra-democracy, which amounts to indiscipline, must be combated.
  • 前任閣令人睏惑的政策
    The indiscriminate policies of the previous administration.