| - 微分算法得出的数学结果;一个量相对于另一个量的瞬间变化;df(x)/dx。
the result of mathematical differentiation; the instantaneous change of one quantity relative to another; df(x)/dx. - 也许cim有别于以前标准的最重要之处是其表示组成计算机系统或公司网络的不同单元和部件之间关系的能力。
Perhaps CIM's most important differentiator from previous standards is its ability to show the relationships between different elements and components that make up a computer system or a corporate network. - 关于两性之间的区别特征。
relating to characteristics that are expressed differently in the two sexes. - 星云星际空间的尘埃或气体或两者共同构成的巨大天体,由其对光线的吸收和反射来决定其明亮可见或黑暗一团
A diffuse mass of interstellar dust or gas or both, visible as luminous patches or areas of darkness depending on the way the mass absorbs or reflects incident radiation. - 尽管流体运动会在几千年的时间尺度上使磁场倒转,但因为磁场的变化(扩散)在内核里不能与在外核的流体中一样快,所以固体的内核会尽力阻止倒转。
Fluid motions try to reverse the field on a few thousand years timescale, but the solid inner core tries to prevent reversals because the field cannot change (diffuse) within the inner core as quickly as in the fluid, outer core. - 挖出一个隐藏很深的间谍
Dig out a well-hidden spy - 我花了一些时间才把听到的东西弄明白。
It took me some time to digest what I had heard. - "数字手表是用电子显示数字来表示时间的,例如1021。"
"A digital watch shows the time by electronically lit up numbers, e.g. 1021." - 用数字显示时间的表。
a watch with a digital display. - 11、使用数字化消除中间商。
11.Use digital delivery to eliminate the middleman - clusternumber(中间三位数)。
Cluster number (middle three digits). - 第3-10位(中间三位数)--取值范围为000到255。
Bit 3 - 10 (middle three digits) - values range from 000 to 255. - 第3-10位(中间三位数)--取值范围为000到255。
Bit 3 - 10 (middle three digits) - value range is 000 to 255. - clusternumber(中间三位数)--取值范围为000到317。
Cluster number (middle three digits) - values range from 000 to 317. - 产于中国长江的小型短吻鳄,脚趾间无蹼。
small of the Yangtze valley of China having unwebbed digits. - 数字书面数字中一个中间用逗号隔开的数字组
A group of digits separated by commas in a written number. - 第三,这里有沉静而庄严的树木,在夏天使我们得到荫影,可是在冬天并没有把温暖的阳光遮蔽了去:宇宙间真没有一样东西比此更好。
In ihe third place, there are the silent and dignified trees, giving us shade in summer and not shutting out the warm sunshine in winter, and there is nothing better than that. - 旧汽车使用时间长的、破旧的机动车辆,尤指汽车
An old, dilapidated motor vehicle, especially an automobile. - 要是有时间,我可以详细谈谈这个问题的。
If there are time, I can dilate on the subject. - 如果我有时间,我就可以详谈这个话题。
If I had time, I could dilate on this topic. - 要是有时间,我可对此加以详述。
If there are time, I can dilate on this point. - 要是有时间,我可对此加以详述
If there is time, I can dilate on this point - 进入黑暗的房间时,瞳孔就扩大。
The pupil of your eyes dilate when you enter a dark room. - 种族根源与国家认同之间的明显矛盾,却是更基本课题。
The other issue, far more fundamental, is the apparent dilemma between ethnic rootedness and national identity. - 两方面的事实使政府左右为难:既希望缔造一个全民融洽无间的新加坡,又认识到,如果超越各族群的意愿而令其快速融合,则足以引发怨恨、抗拒而加深彼此的疏离。
These realities create a dilemma for the Government. While the Government aspires for a more integrated Singaporean Singapore, it also realizes that attempts to bring communities together quicker than they are ready to will only generate resentment, resistance and further entrench divisions. - 世间无所谓天才,它仅是刻苦加勤奋。
There is no such thing as genius; it is nothing but labour and diligence. - 小学校长关于勤奋的讲话没有取得所需要的效果,那些懒惰的学生照样把他们的时间浪费掉。
The headmaster failed to strike the right note in his speech on diligence and the lazy pupils continued to idle away their time. - 他为了选择工作犹豫不决地浪费了一个月的时间。
For a month he dillydallylied over the choice of a job. - 夜亮灯夜间一直开着的光线暗的小灯
A small, dim light left on all night. - 在租来的单间里就能完成的微不足道的工作;微不足道的男演员。
a nickel-and-dime operation run out of a single rented room; a small-time actor. - 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. - 线是一度空间,平面是两度空间。
A line has one dimension and a square has two.