  • 大概他不会回国了。
    It 's probable ( that ) he will not return to England.
  • 可能混合了古语鎙。
    Probably blend ofOld English鎙.
  • 会议过程内容以中文逐字记录,载于《立法会会议过程正式纪录》内。
    The proceedings of the meetings are recorded verbatim in the Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council.
  • 国在廉价棉纤维的生产方面已落后于日本。
    Britain has dropped behind Japan as a producer of cheap cotton fabrics.
  • 那位教授的语发音非常好。
    That prof. speak great English.
  • 该发言人还说:"我们的机组成员是确保旅行安全的人员,而不是航开拓市场的工具。
    "For us the cabin crew are safety professionals, not marketing tools for British Airways," said the spokesman.
  • 格兰东北部地区最为贫穷,已经流失了大量培养中的高水平专业人员。
    The northeast of England is its poorest region, and has experienced a severe loss of highly qualified professionals to be.
  • 田贵森(教授河北师范大学外国语学院院长《学语》教材中方主编):过去,我国的语教材多数是由中国教授编写的,他们更多地强调语言知识与使用语言的准确性。
    Professor Tian Guisen, the editor in chief of the text book "Learning English": In the past most English textbooks in China are compiled by Chinese professors. They tend to emphasize on English knowledge, emphasize accuracy.
  • 国邮票上有女王的侧面头像。
    The Queen's head appears in profile on British stamps.
  • 国广播公司正在报道国核工业概况。
    The bbc is work on a profile of the british nuclear industry.
  • 该公司的净利润为10,000镑。
    The company's net profit be 10,000.
  • 他们认为这些计划是企图从国夺取一个有利的市场。
    They viewed these plans as an attempt to take a profitable market from Britain.
  • 你的英语进步了。
    You have made progress with your English.
  • 国)人们组织的为玩轮换牌游戏的聚会。
    (British) a party of people assembled to play progressive whist.
  • 你仍然欠我100镑,我有你的借条。
    You still owe me a hundred pounds, and I have your promissory note to that effect.
  • 这些说法毫无疑问地解释了有关小费起源的传说。在16世纪,国小酒馆里都放着一个匣子,上面写有一条短语"确保快捷",后来这3个文词的首字母就组成了"小费"一词。
    Such explanations no doubt explain the purported origin of tipping in the 16th century,boxes in English taverns carried the phrase “ To Insure Promptitude” (later just “ TIP” ).
  • 语跟西班牙语在发音上大不相同。
    English differs greatly from Spanish in pronunciation.
  • 那种发音在国南部是不被接纳的。
    That pronunciation is unacceptable in the south of Britain.
  • 大家都讲标准英语
    Let's speak proper English!
  • 吉利海峡海底凿隧道是一个大问题。
    Tunnelling under the English Channel is a big proposition.
  • 国,除非在“1907年国有限合营法”之下注册,无限责任合营公司与单一业主同样对待。
    In Britain, the unlimited liability partnership is just like the sole proprietorship unless it is registered under the British Limited Partnership Act of 1907.
  • 这种房屋的起价约为13.15万美元(约合9.2万镑)。如果某个未来的买主还没有计算机,他们就会安装一台ibm公司的xt型计算机(pc),并增加2500镑的押金。
    The houses begin at about $ 131,500 (about £ 92,000) and if a prospective buyer doesn't already have a computer they'll put in an IBM PC XT and add £ 2, 500 to the mortgage.
  • 经检讨后,由二零零一年五月起,香港注册公司的发售章程若发给专业投资者,可获豁免遵守有关中对照及内容方面的规定,以及《公司条例》之下其他与发售章程有关的规定。
    This led to the exemption of Hong Kong incorporated companies' prospectuses — issued to professional investors relating to debt securities — from the dual language and content requirements, and other prospectus-related requirements under the Companies Ordinance, which have become effective since May 2001.
  • 反面主角叙事文学或戏剧中与主人公或雄相对立的主要人物
    The principal character in opposition to the protagonist or hero of a narrative or drama.
  • 甘比亚临大西洋的一个西非国家,在1894年以后为国的保护国,于1956年独立,班珠尔是它的首都和最大的城市。人口696,000
    A country of western Africa on the Atlantic Ocean. It was a British protectorate after1894 and became independent in1965. Banjul is the capital and the largest city. Population,696, 000.
  • 布干达一个地区,过去是东非的一个王国,位于今天乌干达境内的维多利亚湖北岸,从1900年开始属国的保护地,直到1962年加入独立的乌干达
    A region and former kingdom of eastern Africa on the northern shore of Lake Victoria in present-day Uganda. It was a British protectorate from1900 until1962, when it joined independent Uganda.
  • 汤加太平洋西南部一国家,位于斐济以东,由约一百五十座岛屿组成,其中大约三十六座有人居住。1900年成为国保护区,1970年获得独立。努库阿洛法为该国首都和最大城市。人口96,592
    A country in the southwest Pacific Ocean east of Fiji comprising about150 islands, some36 of which are inhabited. It became a British protectorate in1900 and gained independence in1970. Nukualofa is the capital and the largest city. Population,96, 592.
  • 西班牙菲立浦国王是虔诚的天主教徒,他认为新教徒都是邪恶的,他作为天主教徒的责任就是要消灭国及其他地方的新教徒。
    King Philip of Spain was very religious and thought Protestants to be evil and that it was his catholic duty to rid the world of England and every other protestant.
  • 国不是国国教成员的新教徒。
    a Protestant in England who is not a member of the Church of England.
  • 西班牙惟一的眼中钉是国,这是天主教世界中偏偏信奉新教的一个孤岛。
    The only thorn in its side was Great Britain, a Protestant island in a Catholic world.
  • 1795年在爱尔兰建立的支持新教徒和国君主的社会成员。
    a member of a society founded in Ireland in 1795 to uphold Protestantism and the British sovereign.
  • 一个在美国麻省剑桥工作的日本三菱电子实验室研究小组已经成功制造出了第一个这样的智能酒杯,不过要将这项发明卖给国人却没有那么容易。
    A team from the Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories working in Cambridge, Massachusetts has made the first prototypes, but may find it hard to sell the idea to Britons.