  • 地中海地区俯卧的多刺的灌木,由于其绿色的有盐渍的蓓而载植。
    prostrate spiny shrub of the Mediterranean region cultivated for its greenish flower buds which are pickled.
  • 一年生有轮生叶子和小白绿色的杂生野草;广泛分布于北美洲。
    annual prostrate mat-forming weed having whorled leaves and small greenish-white flowers; widespread throughout North America.
  • 有粉红色的匍匐杂草草本;广泛分布于欧洲和亚洲的沙丘和低矮灌木中及海岸悬崖。
    prostrate weedy herb with tiny pink flowers; widespread throughout Europe and Asia on sand dunes and heath and coastal cliffs; naturalized in eastern North America.
  • 轮生粟米草一种(轮生粟米草粟米草属)属匍匐的、可做草席的一年生杂草,广泛分布在北美洲,生有轮生叶和细小的绿白色
    A prostrate, mat-forming annual plant(Mollugo verticillata) widespread as a weed throughout North America and having whorled leaves and small, greenish-white flowers.
  • 主要在北半球长有扭曲的螺旋的粉囊的的艰难成长的草本。
    genus of low-growing herbs mostly of northern hemisphere having flowers with protruding spirally twisted anthers.
  • 有点像穆斯林头巾的大南瓜,从束中间伸出一个圆形部分。
    large squash shaped somewhat like a turban usually with a rounded central portion protruding from the blossom end.
  • 芽,萌芽茎或枝上小的隆起物,有时被包在保护性的介壳中,内中有未发育的根、叶子或
    A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower.
  • 一种兰蓝色到紫色、唇瓣底部有舌状或带状突起。
    orchid having blue to purple flowers with tongue- or strap-shaped protuberances (calli) at the lip base.
  • 给(木等)支棚架提供攀架
    To provide with an espalier.
  • 他告诉我们他把钱丢了,但我们查明他把钱了,从而确定这是谎言。
    He told us that he had lost the money but we nailed down that lie by proving he had spent it.
  • 他对我们说他丢了钱,但是我们证实是他把钱了,从而确定他是说谎。
    He told us that he had lost the money but we nailed down that he had lied by proving he had spent it.
  • 沙皇的统治非常暴虐,所以不用多大气力就能激发大众起来革命。
    The rule of the tsars was so oppressive that it did not take much to provoke the masses into a revolution.
  • "我半夜醒来,听到园里有人偷偷摸摸地在走动。"
    I woke in the middle of the night and heard someone prowling about in the garden.
  • 这些大兵逛来逛去,希望碰上姑娘。
    The soldiers went on the prowl hoping to meet some girls.
  • 我半夜里醒来听到有人在园里蹑手蹑脚地走动。
    I woke in the middle of then night and heard someone prowling about in the garden.
  • 钱过多,超支钱超过了预算的或必要的限度
    To spend more than is prudent or necessary.
  • 妈妈正设法削减我们的费。
    Mother has been trying to prune unnecessary costs from our list.
  • 她修剪玫瑰时把自己划伤了一大片。
    She scratched herself badly while pruning the roses.
  • 养玫瑰的秘诀就是适时细心修剪.
    Careful pruning at the right time is the secret of success with roses.
  • 读书补天然之不足,经验又补读书之不足,盖天生才干犹如自然草,读书然后知如何修剪移接;
    They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience: for natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study;
  • 首先是生物武器,我们已频频谈到生物武器,对于其简况和历史,我想我只需阐明三点,第一点,联合国监督伊拉克销毁化学、生物和核武器特别委员会(unscom)了四年的漫长时间才艰难地使伊拉克承认其拥有生物武器。
    First, biological weapons. We have talked frequently here about biological weapons. By way of introduction and history, I think there are just three quick points I need to make. First, you will recall that it took UNSCOM four long and frustrating years to pry--to pry--an admission out of Iraq that it had biological weapons.
  • 第二天,波西卡的两个妹妹正在边走边摘,一阵清风吹来,将她们带到了波西卡的宫殿,她正在那儿等着呢。
    The next day,as Psyche's two sisters were walking,picking up some flowers,the gentle wind rose again and lifted the two of them and flew them off to Psyche's palace,where their sister was awaiting them.
  • 美国人在书籍、药物和各种形式的心理疗法上了几千美元,就是为了感觉良好。
    Americans spend thousands of dollars on books,drugs, and various forms of psychotherapy in order to feel good.
  • 欧洲西南部的一种灌木,白色,有软毛,粉红色。
    compact white pubescent shrub of southwestern Europe having pink flowers.
  • 北美东部紫罗兰,有柔软的被绒毛的叶和茎,鲜黄色,脉络棕紫色。
    violet of eastern North America having softly pubescent leaves and stems and clear yellow flowers with brown-purple veins.
  • 一个曾了半年时间,去了英国61000家酒吧中的800个,访谈50位酒吧老板和酒保以及1000多个酒客的荷兰旅游者说:“我不明白英国人是怎么给自已买到酒的。
    One Dutch tourist who spent six months visiting 800 of Britain's 61,000 pubs and interviewing 50 publicans and bar workers and more than 1,000 customers said :" I cannot understand how the British ever manage to buy themselves a drink.
  • 原稿有很多错误,审稿所的时间比出版商预料的要长。
    The manuscript contained so many mistakes that it took longer to mark up than the publisher had expected.
  • 雨後,孩子们在园里的水坑中嬉戏。
    The children puddle about in the garden after the rain.
  • 一辆公共汽车从路旁一个大水坑上开过去,突然溅起一片水,把我们身上的衣服都溅湿了。
    A passing but swept through a large puddle by the side of the road and soaked us to the skin.
  • 她一下午都在园里拔草。
    She spent the afternoon pulling weeds in the garden.
  • 欧洲的一年生植物,开绿,果实红色,类似于草莓;在北美归化。
    European annual with clusters of greenish flowers followed by red pulpy berrylike fruit; naturalized North America.
  • 有刺激性气味的针叶树叶和白的灌木;分布在澳大利亚东部。
    shrub with pungent rigid needle-shaped leaves and white flowers; eastern Australia.