  • 他的失败是因为无还是因为运气坏?
    Is his failure ascribable to incompetence or to bad luck?
  • 持续几个月或几年的珊瑚虫阶段中,发生的是无性生殖。
    During this stage, which can last for several months or years, asexual reproduction occurs.
  • 子芽,胞芽一种无性别的蓓蕾状繁殖体,发展成一新个体,如地钱;胞芽
    An asexual budlike propagule as in liverworts, capable of developing into a new individual; a bud.
  • 厚垣孢子一种由菌丝细胞形成、细胞壁很厚的无性真菌孢子,起休眠孢子的作用
    A thick-walled, asexual fungal spore that is derived from a hyphal cell and can function as a resting spore.
  • 裂殖子亲本孢子虫通过裂殖法产生的原生动物细胞,开拓新的无性或有性生命循环
    A protozoan cell that arises from the schizogony of a parent sporozoan and may enter either the asexual or sexual phase of the life cycle.
  • 他常常不遵守诺言。
    You made me feel ashamed of myself.
  • 只要你有一条船搁置不用,你就可以要损失100万美元。
    Whenever you have a ship ashore you can kiss a million bucks away.
  • 就在汽车开走的时候,泰勒先生冲了出来,紧追贼车,一边投掷烟灰缸和花瓶,但要逮到这伙窃贼是不可的了。
    Just as it was leaving, Mr Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves.
  • 在烟灰缸中还残留着一小片字条,由于被上校的泪水浸湿而未燃尽。在这块残片上有这样几个字“昨天去世”。
    In the ashtray a small portion of the note remained. Where it had been wetted by his tear it had failed to bum, and on that scrap of paper were the words "died yesterday."
  • 苦力没有特殊技的亚洲体力劳动者
    An unskilled Asian laborer.
  • 他的意见不漠然视之。
    His opinions cannot be brushed aside.
  • 能问个问题吗?
    May I ask a question?
  • 失眠长期不入睡或维持相当长一段时间不入睡
    Chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for an adequate length of time.
  • 不论你是内部安装、还是外包给asp,所有组件服务一般都具有四项共有的核心功:通过共享日历、计划调度和任务表的项目管理;
    Whether you host internally or outsource to an ASP, all teamware services have four core functions in common: project management through shared calendars, schedules, and task lists;
  • 天门冬醯胺酶由细菌中分离出来的一种酶,催化天门冬醯胺的水解,用于对白血病的化疗
    An enzyme isolated from bacteria that catalyzes the hydrolysis of asparagine and is used in the chemotherapeutic treatment of leukemia.
  • 认定为假设而给出合理的证据;似乎证明
    To give reasonable evidence for assuming; appear to prove.
  • 变数够假设为一组值中的任一数量
    A quantity capable of assuming any of a set of values.
  • (化学;物理学)够采取或者产生两种状态。
    (chemistry; physics) capable of assuming or producing either of two states.
  • 这是假设他们像过去的微软公司那样工作。
    That is assuming that they can react like the Microsoft of old.
  • 从现实退回到较早的或较不成熟的感情或行为方式的一种自卫机
    a defense mechanism in which you flee from reality by assuming a more infantile state.
  • 狼人变成狼的或变成狼形的人
    A person transformed into a wolf or capable of assuming the form of a wolf.
  • 河豚一种鱼,尤指翻车魨或刺魨,具有或够膨胀形成球形
    Any of various fishes, especially the ocean sunfish or puffer, having or capable of assuming a globular shape.
  • 触发器,双稳态多谐振荡器一种采用两种稳定状态中任一种的电子电路或机械装置,尤指用于储存单个信息单位的计算机电路
    An electronic circuit or mechanical device capable of assuming either of two stable states, especially a computer circuit used to store a single bit of information.
  • 她可不胆小--任何场合都为自己说话.
    She's no shrinking violet always ready to speak up for herself.
  • 相反因事件所引起的紧张只削弱而不加强目击者的记忆。
    Contrary to a common assumption, the strain of involvement in an accident actually impairs, rather than enhances, eyewitness memory.
  • 正是这个假设,才使我们够画出具有确定经纬度坐标的板块和大陆过去的位置。
    It is this assumption that allows us to plot the past positions of plates and continents in absolute latitude and longitude coordinates.
  • 他竟狂妄地宣称他流利地讲十种外语。
    He had the assurance to claim that he could speak ten foreign languages perfectly.
  • 我向你保证这项工作按时完成。
    You have my assurance that the job will be finished on time.
  • 形势变化明显有利,买主可会同意你方所提的上述保证。
    Situation apparently turning favorable buyer wily to compromise upon your assurance as above
  • 大多数人一度相信死后确保再有一次生命这件事。
    The great majority of us the assurance of another life beyond the grave.
  • 任何染出橙色的颜料。
    any pigment producing the orange color.
  • 没有什么东西确保永久的幸福。
    Nothing can assure permanent happiness.