  • 祖父在遗嘱中把钱财分了我们大家。
    Grandfather remembered us all in his will.
  • 这个孩子被他的爷爷惯坏了。
    The child was spoilt by his grandfather.
  • 汤普森先生按照他祖父的遗瞩将他祖父所有关于历史学的论文都赠送了公共图书馆。
    Mr Thompson gave all the historical papers of his grandfather to the public library according to his grandfather's will.
  • 祖父在遗嘱中我留下一千镑。
    I was left £1000 in my grandfather's will.
  • 她祖母甚至连饭也不愿她吃。
    Her grandma grudged her even the food she ate.
  • 孩子被奶奶用玩具哄走了。
    The boy was coaxed away by his grandma with toys.
  • 玛丽非常珍视她祖母她的那个金戒指。
    Mary sets great store by her gold ring which her grandma gave to her.
  • 外祖母写我的信是这样开始的,"亲爱的杰弗里,我留你我最为珍爱的财富--我的回忆。
    Grandma's letter began,"Dear Jeffrey,I am leaving you one of my most precious treasures--my memories.
  • 这枚戒指是祖母留我的遗产。
    I inherited this ring from my grandmother.
  • 祖母叫我把色拉从大盘里舀各人。
    Grandmother asked me to dish out the salad.
  • 约翰祖母寄了一封信。
    John got a letter off to his grandmother.
  • 她祖母不断供她学习的费用。
    Her grandmother kept her in funds during her studies.
  • 实际情况是她她奶奶惯坏了。
    The truth is she is spoilt by her grandmother.
  • 他把这杯啤酒递了他爷爷。
    He handed the glass of beer to Grandpa.
  • 祖父是一位心软的老好人;他老是我们好吃的、好玩的
    Grandpa is an old softie; he always gives us treat
  • 要想真正了解你姥爷的性格,你可读读杰克·潘兴得知你姥爷阵亡后写我的私人信件。
    To truly understand Grandpa's character,read the personal note Jack Pershing wrote me when he heard that Edwin was killed in action.
  • 妈妈正我讲有关我爷爷的事情,他就来了。妈妈说:“说谁到谁到”。
    My mother was telling me about my grandpa's story when he arrived, my mother said,"Speak of the devil and he appears."
  • 她还他们留下了她的房契、银行户头、少许当地天然气及电气公司的参股,还有她出席埃德温姥爷军事葬礼时获赠的美国国旗。
    She also bequeathed them the deed to her house,her bank account,a few shares of stock in the local Gas and Electric Company,as well as the American flag she was presented with at Grandpa Edwin's military funeral.
  • 以孩子祖父母的名字他取名
    Named the child after both grandparents.
  • 一个慈眉善目的老妇人过来向珍妮问好,珍妮的姥姥、姥爷把我介绍她。
    An elderly woman with a kindly face came to meet Jennie, and Jennie's grandparents introduced me to her.
  • 我们制作了许多卡片和礼物,准备把它们送爸爸妈妈、兄弟姐妹、祖父母和身边的同学。
    We made cards and gifts for mothers and dads, for sisters and brothers, for grandparents, and for each other.
  • 他孙子他惹了许多麻烦。
    His grandson led him a pretty dance.
  • 汤姆宠爱孙子,总是他糖果吃。
    Tom spoiled his grandson by giving him sugar candy.
  • 房地产的交是为了让所有人的孙子得到好处。
    The estate is left to the benefit of the owner's grandson.
  • 房地产的交是为了让所有人的孙子得到好处
    The estate was left to the benefit of the owner 's grandson
  • "根据老太太的遗瞩,她去世时,她的钱将遗留她的孙子。"
    "According to her will, when the old lady dies, her money will pass to her grandson."
  • “或许我可以在您的仆人中间找一位带路人吧,他可以在田庄住到明天早上——您能我一位吗?”
    `Perhaps I can get a guide among your lads, and he might stay at the Grange till morning--could you spare me one?'
  • 虽然曼梯·里的遗骸并不在这个墓地里,但他也可说是叶落归根并和这块朴素的花岗岩墓碑以及现在我交还他家的这枚戒指安眠在一起了。
    Even if ML's bones were not at Old Beaverdam, he was in his place with the simple granite headstone and now the ring I had returned to his family.
  • 政府了我们一笔补助,用来盖另外一间教室。
    The government gave us a grant to build another classroom.
  • 发给养老金
    To grant a pension to.
  • 他们拒绝予他们长期信贷。
    They refused to grant them long-term credit.
  • (律)在规定时期结束后归还授予人(或他的子嗣)的产业权(如被授予人的死亡)。
    (law) an interest in an estate that reverts to the grantor (or his heirs) at the end of some period (e.g., the death of the grantee).