  • 卫生福利局局长会在今年年底前提出建议。
    The Secretary for Health and Welfare is now finalising the review, and will put forward her recommendations by the end of this year.
  • 如果我能在个人记录上再添上几笔的话,我要说这些因素确实提醒我一个终结性的结局,那就是我在进人新千年后就没有工作了。
    If I may add something on a personal note, I must say that at a personal level these facts do remind me with some finality that I shall be entering the new millennium without a job.
  • 我终于将他们说服。
    I finally argued them down.
  • 网球决赛于明天举行。
    The tennis finals will come off tomorrow.
  • 比赛是如此令人兴奋,以致我把即来临的期末考忘得一乾二净。
    So exciting was the game that I forgot all about the coming finals.
  • 预赛一结束,我们就开始半决赛。
    As soon as the heats have been run off, we shall begin the semi-finals.
  • 除非我们能得到更多的资金,我们不得不关闭这家商店。
    Unless we can get more finance, we'll have to close the store.
  • 政府用它所征得的税收为修建这条新公路提供资金。
    The government will finance the building of the new roads with the taxes it collects.
  • 我们而且必须使社会福利保险制度更加稳定。我们应该允许建立个人退休账户,年轻工人可以选择这一种方式。
    We must make Social Security financially stable and allow personal retirement accounts for younger workers who choose them.
  • 为你们融资额的三分之二开一张一百二十天的远期信用证。
    I'll open a 120-day usance L/C for the two thirds of your financing.
  • 遗失钻戒一枚,寻得者获重酬
    Lost one diamond ring. Finder will be rewarded.
  • 出乎意料,他很快要公布他的发现。
    Surprisingly he will publish his findings very soon.
  • 法庭的裁决於星期三公布。
    The findings of the court will be published on Wednesday.
  • 我准备这些发现与伊拉克政府进行交流。
    I intend to communicate these findings to the Government of Iraq.
  • 月球观察家们对世界主要地点的职业天文学家们报告他们的发现。
    The moonwatchers will report their findings to professional astronomers at key points around the world.
  • 他如果从少年时起就惯于作远虑,惯于积极活动,他在这方面的习惯越巩固,他的高尚感情就越加发展,身心就越加获得了锻炼;他从小所看到的榜样越好,他利用他的身心力量以改善他周围情况的机会就越大;他的正当活动所受的束搏越少,已往努力的成就越大,所获得的成果越巩固,他的有组织、守纪律的活动就越加能够博得社会的同情和尊敬,他的心情由于偏见、谬论、迷信、无知等而受到的打击也越少;在这样的情况下,他的身心力量对生产目标作更大的发挥,获得更大的成就,对于他已有的劳动成果也作更加圆满的利用。
    the more he has been from his youth accustomed to forethought and activity, the more his nobler feelings have been developed, and body and mind cultivated, the finer examples that he has witnessed from his youth, the more opportunities he has had for utilising his mental and bodily powers for the improvement of his condition, also the less he has been restrained in his legitimate activity, the more successful his past endeavours have been, and the more their fruits have been secured to him, the more he has been able to obtain public recognition and esteem by orderly conduct and activity, and the less his mind suffers from prejudices, superstition, false notions, and ignorance, so much the more will he exert his mind and limbs for the object of production, so much the more will he be able to accomplish, and so much the better will he make use of the fruits of his labour.
  • 它打开之后,爱惜地瞧着那套在东部最出色的盗窃工具。
    He opened it and looked fondly at the finest set of burglar’s tools in the East.
  • 在那时,北京拥有具有时代特征、技术先进的体育设施网络。
    By then, Beijing will have one of the finest networks of state-of-the-art sport facilities found anywhere.
  • 你夜里一定要东西放好,这里的一些人是要偷东西的。
    Make sure you put your thing away at night; some people round here are light-fingered.
  • 如果在本结构中包含了多个tmodelkey,那么仅有包含了与所有(逻辑与)传入的tmodelkey值相匹配的bindingtemplate结构的businessservice结构被返回。
    If more than one tModel key is specified in this structure, only businessService structures that contain bindingTemplate structures with fingerprint information that matches all of the tModel keys specified will be returned (logical AND only).
  • 在纪念世界水日(2003年3月22日)时,在芬兰举行一个关于可持续预防水灾和水建筑工程安全问题的讨论会;
    On the occasion of World Water Day, 22 March 2003, a seminar will be held in Finland on sustainable flood prevention and safety of water construction works;
  • 我说:"他们绑架这个男孩子。"芬恩眼盯着我问道:"这样干究竟是为了什么呢?
    "They'll kidnap the boy, " I said. Finn stared at me. "What in the world for? "
  • 我说:“他们绑架这个男孩子。”芬恩眼盯着我问道:“这样干究竟是为了什么呢?
    "They'll kidnap the boy," I said. Finn stared at me. "What in the world for?"
  • 鮟鱇和圆燕鱼;鳍呈刺状的鱼类,其胸鳍生于一个臂状突出物的顶端,脊骨生于背鳍之上,较长,可移动,用以猎物吸引至其大嘴边。
    anglers and batfishes; spiny-finned marine fishes having pectoral fins at the ends of armlike processes and a long movable spine on the dorsal fin to lure prey to the large mouth.
  • 枪弹从(火器)中取出
    To remove the charge from(a firearm).
  • 推弹杆用于弹药塞入前装式火器的棍子
    A rod used to force the charge into a muzzleloading firearm.
  • 政府制定法规限制枪支出售。
    The government will introduce legislation to restrict the sale of firearms.
  • 火门早期火器和大炮中的开口,由此火药点燃
    The opening in early firearms and cannons through which the powder was ignited.
  • 至于新的五号灭火轮,已于十月建成,于一九九八年提供防护屯门第38区内河船货运码头的新服务。
    The new Fireboat No.5 was completed in October to provide a new service to protect the River Trade Terminal in Tuen Mun Area 38 in 1998.
  • 消防队员用力门击破冲了进去。
    The firemen smashed in/down the door and rushed in.
  • 烟斗的烟灰敲在壁炉中,不要敲在地板上。
    Please tap your pipe out into the fireplace not onto the floor.
  • 我们文件装入防火的保险箱。
    We packed the papers in a fireproof safe.