  • 他们给这个男孩起为查理。
    They named the boy Charlie.
  • 他们给小孩取叫约翰。
    They named the child John.
  • 它被命名为青年渠。
    It was named the Youth Canal.
  • 者根据他人的字起的人
    One that is named after another.
  • 她是根据母亲的字取的。
    She was named after her mother.
  • 他们给婴孩取为约翰。
    They named their baby son John.
  • 过去华人讲究、字、号等不同称呼,的确相当复杂。
    Ancient Chinese were rather particular about names. They could be known by more than one name and nicknames as well. Naming was truly a complicated process then.
  • 命名的;有名称的
    Giving or constituting a name; naming.
  • 字幕电影或电视节目中供观众阅读的书面文字,通常写出摄制人员单、叙述或对话
    Written material to be read by viewers that is included in a film or television show, typically presenting credits, narration, or dialogue.
  • 在java里,造型则是一种比较安全的操作。但是,若进行一种为“缩小转换”(narrowingconversion)的操作(也就是说,脚本是能容纳更多信息的数据类型,将其转换成容量较小的类型),此时就可能面临信息丢失的危险。
    In Java, casting is safe, with the exception that when you perform a so-called narrowing conversion (that is, when you go from a data type that can hold more information to one that doesn’t hold as much) you run the risk of losing information.
  • (船舶用语)船尾部标志船的地方。
    (nautical) a plate on a ship's stern on which the name is inscribed.
  • 他是一海军将领,在1805年特拉法格海战中击败了拿破仑的军队,从而阻止了他入侵英国。
    The naval captain who defeat Napoleon in the battle of Trafalgar in1805, and so stop him from invade England.
  • 韦斯浦奇,阿梅莉格1454-1512意大利航海家和南美海岸的开拓者,美国就是以他的字命的,用来赞美他的功绩
    Italian navigator and explorer of the South American coast. America was named in his honor.
  • 他们为海军徵募了四百新兵.
    They enlisted four hundred recruits for the navy.
  • 很多书被纳粹党列入黑单。
    many books were blacklisted by the Nazis.
  • 他在世界上排第22位,是位高手,这次大满贯杯赛他是非种子选手。
    He's a top player ranked 22 nd in the world and unseeded for the Grand Slame.
  • 马拉多纳纳为那不勒斯足球队效力6年,使那不勒斯球队进入意大利牌足球队排榜,2次成功地摘取了全国锦标赛冠军,一次意大利杯,一次欧洲杯和一次意大利超级杯冠军。
    Maradona played seven years for Naples Football Team and recorded the name of the Neapolitan Team among the big names of the Italian football, succeeding in winning 2 championships, 1 Italian Cup, 1 Uefa Cup and 1 Italian Super Cup.
  • 在一九九八至一九九九学年,共有32806有需要的学生获发助学金和贷款,数额分别为8.87亿元及7.14亿元。
    In the 1998-99 academic year, $887 million in grants and $714 million in loans were provided to 32 806 needy students.
  • 他有一个与他谈判很不容易的声。
    He has a reputation for being difficult to negotiate with.
  • 在邻居心目中,她的声清白无暇。
    She stood fair in the opinion of the neighbourhood.
  • 我既不求,又不求利。
    I want neither fame nor wealth.
  • 广场上的贺拉旭·纳尔逊雕像和鸽子也同样出
    This is equally famous for its statue of Horatio Nelson and its pigeons.
  • 可是这个在中国有5000员工,生产和销售速溶咖啡和奶制品的雀巢公司发现其大多数管理人员要干到第二年才能胜任工作。
    But Nestle, which employs 5,000 people in China and manufactures and sells instant coffee and milk products, finds most executives aren't up to speed until their second year, he notes.
  • 你能说出荷兰的首都称吗?
    Can you name the capital of the Netherlands?
  • 多少女人只不过会编织钱袋,点缀屏风,就享有了多才多艺的美
    The word is applied to many a woman who deserves it no otherwise than by netting a purse, or covering a skreen.
  • 他们中间,有一部分人,在知道你的大是迪克逊之前一直坐立不安。
    Some of them were on nettles till they learned your name was Dickson.
  • 克拉夫特-埃宾,理查德·冯1840-1902德国内科医生和精神病学家,特别以他对性偏离的研究和病历总集性精神变态(1886年)的出版而闻
    German physician and neurologist particularly known for his studies of sexual deviance and the published collection of case histories Psychopathia Sexualis(1886).
  • 产生神经毒液的蛇叫马姆伯斯的非洲大毒蛇和眼睛蛇,它们的毒液称为神经毒素。
    The makers of the nerve poison include the mambas and the cobras and their venom is called neurotoxic.
  • 因此当仅使用sortbyname修饰符时,同的返回条目将按时间先后排序,从最老的到最新的。
    This causes sortByName elements to be sorted within name by date, newest to oldest.
  • 因此当仅使用sortbyname修饰符时,同的返回条目将按时间先后排序,从最老的到最新的。
    This causes sortByName elements to be sorted within name by date, oldest to newest.
  • 下周;名单的下一条
    Next week; the next item on the list.
  • 上海市戏曲学校首届昆曲班毕业,工老生。师承郑传鉴、倪传钺等家。
    He was a student of Shanghai Traditional Opera School, mainly acts the elder male character in Kunju Opera, who was taught by Zheng Chan-Jian,Ni Chuan-Yue, etc.