  • 他们把多余的水煮掉。
    They boiled the excess liquid away.
  • 他将马铃薯煮了20钟。
    He boiled the potatoes for 2 0 minutes.
  • 绝缘护套蒸汽管、电线、锅炉或类似部的绝缘外套
    An insulation covering for a steam pipe, wire, boiler, or similar part.
  • 那些马铃薯已经煮沸二十钟了。
    The potatoes have been boiling for 20 minutes.
  • “大胆发展而又不让一个坏子侵入”,这才是正确的方针。
    The only correct policy is: "Expand the Party boldly but do not let a single undesirable in."
  • 但是在同时,又不可因为大胆发展而疏忽对于奸细子和投机子乘机侵入的警戒。
    But while boldly enlarging our membership, we must not relax our vigilance against enemy agents and careerists who will avail themselves of this opportunity to sneak in.
  • 被人指为缺乏勇气和远见的布什政府,采纳近似西德对苏联的析,总算首次完成了一项令人刮目相看的外交政策。
    By moving closer to the West German analysis of the Soviet Union, Mr.Bush managed to pull off the first policy coup of an Administration that had been accused of lacking boldness and vision.
  • 人性之中总以愚者底部比智者底部为多;因此那些能够引动人心中愚蠢之一部的才能是最有力的了。同这个非常之相似的,就是在世务中的勇气:头一件是什么?
    There is in human nature, generally,more of the fool than of the wise, and therefore those faculties, by which the foolish part of men's minds is taken, are most potent Wonderful like is me case of boldness in civil business; what first?
  • 请允许我提起他们中的一位。由于他准确的判断、大胆的假设以及他和他的学生们所进行的无数调查研究,他不仅成功地增进了我们的知识,而且还非常清楚地对此进行了类;
    Allow me to recall to you one of them who, by the certainty of his judgement, and the boldness of his hypotheses and through the many investigations carried out by him and his pupils, has succeeded not only in increasing our knowledge but also in classifying it with great clarity;
  • 巴西以众多比的优势进入决赛,于6月29日击败了玻利维亚队,赢得了过去8年未获得的美洲杯。
    Brazil entered the final with many goals, and defeated Bolivia in 29th June to win the Copa America. Which she didn't get for the past 8 years.
  • 马拉内洛是一个靠近法拉利赛车生产大本营博洛尼亚的小镇,马拉内洛的镇长计划在午夜时举行庆典活动,让车迷们前来品尝蛋糕,体验一下作法拉利冠军的滋味。
    The mayor of Maranello, the central Italian town near Bologna where Ferrari is based, was scheduled to open festivities at midnight, when fans will be able to dig in and find out what it really tastes like to be a Ferrari champion.
  • 被发现后,阿富汗前总统纳吉布拉把它们锁在很多个箱子里,藏入在地下室,用钢门封住,并安装了7把锁,钥匙别保存在7个人手中。
    After that,the country's former President Najibullah, sealed it in many trunks and hid them in a vault and protected by a steel door bolted shut by seven locks with keys held by seven different people.
  • 恐怖子在邮局安放了一枚炸弹。
    The terrorists planted a bomb in the post office.
  • 恐怖子炸毁了几所警察局。
    Terrorists bombed several police stations.
  • 恐怖子是这次爆炸事件的罪魁祸首。
    Terrorists were responsible for the bomb explosion.
  • 曼梯·里一毕业就入了伍,被派到陆军航空兵第27轰炸队,这个轰炸队在1941年12月7日前两周到达马尼拉。
    Right after graduation, ML enlisted and was assigned to the 27th Bombardment Group of the Army Air Corps. The group arrived in Manila two weeks before Dec.7, 1941.
  • 印度西部一工业化的邦,包括孟买的一部
    an industrialized state in western India that includes parts of Bombay.
  • 马哈拉施特拉邦印度历史上中西部的一个地区。从14世纪早期到17世纪中期由印度的穆斯林统治者控制,到19世纪被英国人并入孟买省。说马拉地语的那部地区在1960年成为一个独立的邦
    A historical region of west-central India. It was controlled by the Moslem rulers of India from the early14th to the mid-17th century and incorporated by the British into the province of Bombay in the19th century. The Marathi-speaking section of the region became a separate state in1960.
  • 恐怖子用炸弹袭击了警察局报复逮捕行动。
    Terrorists bombe the police station in revenge for the arrest.
  • 恐怖子用炸弹袭击了警察局报复逮捕行动.
    Terrorists bombed the police station in revenge for the arrests.
  • 他们仅5钟就给他们的飞机装好了炸弹。
    They bombed their planes up in five minutes.
  • 虽然波音公司拒绝说明哪些工程项目造成赤字,但是析家指出海军a-16攻击轰炸机事后改装合成材料机翼、v-22垂直起飞飞机,以及b-2隐形轰炸机都可能是赤字来源。
    While Boeing declines to which projects are producing the red ink, analysts point to the retrofitting of the Navy's A-6 attack bomber with composite materials wings, the V-22 vertical takeoff aircraft, and the B-2 Stealth bomber, on which Boeing is a subcontractor to the Northrop Corporation.
  • 让我们析一下在过去50年里发生的3次战争,轰炸一个长100英尺宽60英尺的目标(通常是一幢可容纳一个指挥所、一家工厂或其他单位的大楼),毁伤概率为90%,需要多少飞行架次和投掷多少炸弹:在40年代(二战时期),需出动重型轰炸机(b?17)1500架次,投掷1吨重的炸弹9000枚(有一半炸弹偏离目标3300多英尺);
    To put this into perspective,consider what it took--in three wars,over the past fifty years-- to achieve a 90 percent probability of destroying a target measuring sixty feet by one hundred feet (a building,usually housing a headquarters,factory,or whatever).In the s (World War II) this required 1,500 heavy bomber (B-17) sorties dropping 9,000 one- ton bombs (half of which would land more than 3000 feet from the target).
  • 警方认为这次事件和上周的恐怖子爆炸事件有关。
    The police are connecting this incident with last week's terrorist bombing.
  • 恐怖子增加了炸弹爆炸活动。
    Ntensified their bombing campaign.
  • 恐怖子增加了炸弹爆炸活动.
    The terrorists have intensified their bombing campaign.
  • 恐怖子扬言要大搞爆炸,警方正在认真对付。
    Police are taking the terrorists' threats of a bombing campaign very seriously indeed.
  • 恐怖子采用了爆炸城市中心的手段以达到他们的政治目的。
    Terrorists resorted to bombing city centres as a means of achieving their political aims.
  • 国际商业机器有限公司昨天又在华尔街宣布了一项骇人听闻的消息,警告析家说他们可以预期第二季度盈利至少下降百之八十。
    IBM dropped yet another bombshell on Wall Street yesterday, warning analysts to expect at least an 80% slide in second-quarter earnings.
  • 邦德刚错过了一个得机会。
    Bond has just missed an open goal.
  • 合金陶瓷一种包含经加工的合金成的陶瓷材料,在高强度和高温环境下应用
    A material consisting of processed ceramic particles bonded with metal and used in high-strength and high-temperature applications.
  • 子间的氢键不仅存在于液态水中,也存在于冰和水蒸气中。
    Hydrogen bonding between water molecules occurs not only in liquid Wa er but also in ice and in water vapor.