  • 一个党和它的党员,只有认真地总结群众的经验,集中群众的智慧,才能指正确的方向,领导群众前进。
    Only by carefully analyzing the experience of the masses and pooling their wisdom can a party and its members point out the correct path and lead the masses forward.
  • 监管工作人员对罪犯的改造表现要进行记载,定期分析、汇总,对改造表现突的及时给予表扬、记功,并在生活和监内活动等方面给予较优惠的待遇;
    They keep records of the prisoners' progress in reform, regularly analyzing and summarizing their records. They commend and record the merits of those who have made outstanding progress in reform-through-labour and grant them favoured treatment in their living conditions and activities within the prison ,etc.
  • 我们若不加强控制就会现动乱和无政府状态.
    If we do not have strong government, there will be rioting and anarchy.
  • 法治一垮,就会现无政府状态.
    If law and order break down, anarchy will result.
  • 我们若不加强控制就会现动乱和无政府状态。
    If we do not have strong government, there will be riot and anarchy.
  • 我们若不加强控制就会现动乱和无政府状态.
    If we do not have strong government, there will is rioting and anarchy.
  • 属于、关于或展示显示接合的。
    of or relating to or exhibiting anastomosis.
  • 受诅咒使…受罚或诅咒;将…逐教会
    To put under a ban or an anathema; excommunicate.
  • 但是,最要者,假如他有圣保罗底至德,就是,假如他肯为了他底兄弟们底得救而受基督底诅咒的话,那就显他颇合乎天道,与基督自身竟有一种符合之处了。
    But above all, if he have St Paul's perfection, that he would wish to be an anathema from Christ, for the salvation of his brethren, it shows much of a divine nature, and a kind of conformity with Christ himself.
  • 他出身名门。
    He is sprung from noble ancestors.
  • 旁系的有共同的祖先但自不同家系
    Having an ancestor in common but descended from a different line.
  • 祖先生在非洲的美国人。
    an American whose ancestors were born in Africa.
  • 在英国生或祖先是英国人的美国人。
    an American who was born in England or whose ancestors were English.
  • 在法国生祖先是法国人美国人。
    an American who was born in France or whose ancestors were French.
  • 甚至那些在实验室里饲养的已经历数代繁殖的动物也表现和它们祖先一样的生理节奏。
    Even animals bred in the laboratory through many generations show the same kinds of rhythms that their ancestors did.
  • 但这也是八字坟山的吗?
    But is this due to the Eight Characters and the location of the ancestral graves?
  • 系枝进化从共同远祖世系分支的新类别而形成的进化和多样化
    The evolutionary change and diversification resulting from the branching off of new taxa from common ancestral lineages.
  • 从前祠堂里“打屁股”、“沉潭”、“活埋”等残酷的肉刑和死刑,再也不敢拿来了。
    No one any longer dares to practise the cruel corporal and capital punishments that used to be inflicted in the ancestral temples, such as flogging, drowning and burying alive.
  • 英裔印度人住在印度的英国生或有英国血统的人
    A person of English birth or ancestry living in India.
  • 爱尔兰人生于爱尔兰的人,有爱尔兰血统的人
    A man of Irish birth or ancestry.
  • 伊俄身于神祗世家,父亲是俄刻阿诺斯的儿子,河神伊那科斯。
    Io was of divine ancestry. Her father was the river-god Inachus, son of Oceanus.
  • 锚链失去控制而滑了来。
    The anchor chain took charge and ran out.
  • 最后他们起了锚,扬帆发了。
    Finally they got the anchor up and set sail.
  • 锚线上的像刀刃一样平的突物。
    flat blade-like projection on the arm of an anchor.
  • 古语说得极是:“地位显为人”。
    It is most true, that was anciently spoken;
  • 欧登塞市在菲恩岛上,位于丹麦南部的城市,其附近的欧登塞湾是卡特加特海峡的一部。它建立于10世纪,欧登塞是汉斯·克里斯坦·安德森的生地。人口170,961
    A city of southern Denmark on Fyn Island near the Odense Fjord, an arm of the Kattegat. Founded in the tenth century, Odense is the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen. Population,170, 961.
  • "你敢肯定那是安德森吗?""当然,我敢肯定,就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别来。"
    "Are you sure it was Anderson? ""Of course I'm sure. With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him."
  • 这个人显示高且瘦骨嶙峋的特征-舍伍德.安德森;注意那个细长的窗户。
    a race of long gaunt men- Sherwood Anderson; looked out the long French windows.
  • 实际上克鲁斯可以自由选择要演的电影,这种情况下为什么安德森认为他能得到肯定的答复?
    When Cruise can choose virtually any movie, why did Anderson think he got the yes?
  • “你敢肯定那是安德森吗?”“当然,我敢肯定,就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别来。”
    "Are you sure it was Anderson?" "Of course I'm sure. With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him."
  •  到他的第三部电影为止,这位29岁的个性导演(在剧组成员表中他将自己的名字缩写为p.t.安德森)已经拥有了一个固定演员组:朱利安·摩尔、演过《一夜成名》的威廉·h·玛西,约翰·c·瑞利,还有演过安德森所有影片的菲利普·贝克·豪尔。
    By his third feature, the 29-year-old auteur[4] (who has shortened his billing to P.T. Anderson) has a regular stable of actors: Julianne Moore and William H. Macy from Boogie Nights and John C. Reilly and Philip Baker Hall, who've been in all of Anderson's films.
  •  从美国最大的能源交易商恩龙开始,丑闻就像传染病一样迅速蔓延开来,美国其他重量级企业,例如环球电讯、世界通讯、泰科、qwest、世界通讯、施乐、默克公司、布里斯托尔—迈尔斯和安达信审计等也陆续爆丑闻。
    Starting with Enron, the largest US energy-trading company, the contagion spread quickly to other heavy-weight enterprises like Global Crossing, Tyco, QWest, WorldCom, Xerox, Merck, Bristol-Myers and Arthur Anderson.