  • 第二届中国戏剧梅奖和首届上海戏剧白玉兰表演艺术主角奖得主。
    Liang Gu-yin is the winner of Second Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Prize and Leading Role Prize of First Shanghai Magnolie Drama Prize.
  • 我们有磨和套色的两种。
    We have both hand cut and color processed tea sets.
  • 在(婚宴)持队伍中的年幼女孩。
    a young girl who carries flowers in a (wedding) procession.
  • 北美北部和日本的一种生长很慢、常绿的平卧灌木,有白色和许多白色、有粗毛的肉质种子。
    slow-growing procumbent evergreen shrublet of northern North America and Japan having white flowers and numerous white fleshy rough-hairy seeds.
  • 雄性的表明是或与某种器官组织有关的,此组织可以产生使雌性组织产生的配子受精的配子,如药或孢子植物精子囊
    Relating to or designating organs, such as anthers or antheridia, that produce gametes capable of fertilizing those produced by female organs.
  • 她精于花样滑冰。
    She is proficient at / in figure skating.
  • 那儿有很多花朵。
    There are profuse blossoms.
  • 长满了野花的田地
    A field profuse with wildflowers.
  • 东印度常绿的蔓生植物,由于其丰富的香的白而被载植。
    East Indian evergreen vine cultivated for its profuse fragrant white flowers.
  • 南美洲一种每年落叶的树,有大型的奇数羽状的叶片和大量芳香的橘黄色朵;产一种红色的汁液和沉实、坚韧、经久耐用的木材。
    deciduous South African tree having large odd-pinnate leaves and profuse fragrant orange-yellow flowers; yields a red juice and heavy strong durable wood.
  • 夏天园里开满了鲜
    There is a profusion of flowers in the garden in summer.
  • 夏天园里开满了鲜,那里草十分茂盛。
    There is a profusion of flowers in the garden in summer; flowers grow there in profusion.
  • 许多的颜色、样、鲜、美好祝愿
    A profusion of colour, patterns, flowers, good wishes
  • 南非的灌木,由于其丰富的白而被种植。
    South African shrub grown for its profusion of white flowers.
  • 东印度的一种乔木,多且密集,丝绒质地,呈朱红色,可产一种黄色染料。
    East Indian tree bearing a profusion of intense vermilion velvet-textured blooms and yielding a yellow dye.
  • 由于其肉质苔藓状叶片和丰富、亮丽的色品种而被广泛种植的一种植物。
    widely cultivated in many varieties for its fleshy mosslike foliage and profusion of brightly colored flowers.
  • 一种南非的菊科植物,大量黄色的类似雏菊的冠和堆状香叶。
    any of several South African plants grown for the profusion of usually yellow daisylike flowers and mounds of aromatic foliage.
  • 热带和亚热带草本植物灌木和乔木植物的一个属,常因其多种颜色的大量大作为观赏植物种植。
    large genus of tropical and subtropical herbs and shrubs and trees often grown as ornamentals for their profusion of large flowers in a variety of colors.
  • 无需关心在访问被程序所调用的存储位置时所时间的一种程序设计方法。
    Programming without concern for the time needed for access to the storage positions called for in the program.
  • 联合国及其各机构、基金和方案(主要是联合国开发计划署、世界粮食计划署、联合国儿童基金和联合国人口基金)每年费近65亿美元进行发展方面的业务活动,大多为帮助世界上最贫穷国家的经济、社会和人道主义的方案。
    The United Nations and its agencies, funds and programmes – mainly the UN Development Programme, the World Food Programme, the UN Children’s Fund and the UN Population Fund – spend nearly $6.5 billion a year on operational activities for development, mostly for economic, social and humanitarian programmes to help the world’s poorest countries.
  • 具有特别漂亮的暗蓝色朵的一种多产的种类。
    prolific species having particularly beautiful dark blue flowers.
  • 有生殖力的南美洲水生野草,有类似草的叶子和白色穗状序;大量漂浮阻塞水道。
    prolific South American aquatic weed having grasslike leaves and short spikes of white flowers; clogs waterways with dense floating masses.
  • 汽船的推进器卷起浪
    The propeller of the steamboat churned the waves.
  • 轮船加速时,螺旋桨转动,浪翻滚。
    The ship's propellers churned up the water as it increased speed.
  • 他的费与收入不相称。
    His expenditure is out of proportion to his income.
  • 我的大部分时间在学习上。
    A large proportion of my time is spent in studying.
  • 代价要和所费的时间成比例。
    The pay will be proportional to the amount of time put in.
  • 某些人可能认为,运输业者和商人也应归入这一类,因为他们的劳动并不给物品增添任何性质。但我的答复是,他们的劳动给物品增添了性质,使物品处在人们需要它们的地方,而不是别的地方。这是一种非常有用的性质,它所提供的效用体现在了物品上,物品现在实际上是在人们需要它们的地方,由此而增加了效用,物品可以按较高的价格出售,价格提高的幅度与所费的劳动成比例。
    It may appear to some, that carriers, and merchants or dealers, should be placed in this same class, since their labour does not add any properties to objects: but I reply that it does: it adds the property of being in the place where they are wanted, instead of being in some other place: which is a very useful property, and the utility it confers is embodied in the things themselves, which now actually are in the place where they are required for use, and in consequence of that increased utility could be sold at an increased price, proportioned to the labour expended in conferring it.
  • 报酬将与工作量成比例, 而不是与费的时间成比例.
    Payment will be in proportion to the work done, not to the time spent doing it.
  • 他说,在费175,000美元读医学院之前,现在就让未来的大夫们了解现实情况不是更好吗?
    Is it not better to show prospective doctors the reality now, he asks, before they spend $175,000 on medical school?
  • 交际,高级妓女周旋于高官显贵中的妓女
    A woman who is a prostitute, especially one whose clients are men of rank or wealth.
  • 欧洲平卧草本植物,开小黄,结弯曲的黑荚;已经引入美国。
    prostrate European herb with small yellow flowers and curved black pods; naturalized in North America.