  • 自然资源的开发
    the exploitation of natural resources
  • 石油天气勘探开发公司
    Oil& Gas Exploration and Development Company
  • 我们要探索大自的秘密。
    he called for a careful exploration of the consequences.
  • 他脸上有一种漠的表情。
    He had a passive expression on his face.
  • 克拉斯纳,李1908-1984美国艺术家,以她自、示意性的绘画方式而闻名。她是抽象表现主义纽约学派的一位创立者
    American artist known for her spontaneous, gestural approach to painting. She was a founder of the New York School of abstract expressionism.
  • 她的脸上仍没有表情。
    Her face remained expressionless.
  • “当,如果用世俗的眼光来看,”萨沙说,“那么,当,这个具有高度艺术性的作品就变成另一种东西了。…
    “Of course if you look at it from the point of view of the crowd,” said Sasha, “then this exquisitely artistic work may appear in a certain light.
  • 一人读几个作家之作品,觉得第一个的人物描写得亲切,第二个的情节来得迫真自,第三个的丰韵特别柔媚动人,第四个的意思特别巧妙多姿,第五个的文章读来如饮威士忌,第六个的文章读来如饮醇酒。他若觉得好,尽管说他好,只要他的欣赏是真实的就得。
    When one reads a number of good authors and feels that one author describes things very vividly, that another shows great tenderness of delicacy, a third expresses things exquisitely, a fourth has an indescribable charm, a fifth one's writing is like good whiskey, a sixth one's is like mellow wine, he should not be afraid to say that he likes them and appreciates them, if only his appreciation is genuine.
  • 这一法律古老但仍有效。
    This law is ancient but still extant.
  • 表面上我很平淡,但实际上易动情。
    Though I am very smooth externally, at bottom I am very passionate.
  • 舞台上的突熄灯为表示时日的变化或指明一幕或一场的终结而将所有舞台灯光突熄灭
    The sudden extinguishment of all stage lights in a theater to indicate the passage of time or to mark the end of an act or a scene.
  • "后,他微笑着告诉我,我每年将得到一百镑额外收益。"
    Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra $100 a year!
  • 苍白极端或很不自的苍白
    Extreme or unnatural paleness.
  • “他把生命底终结算做自底恩惠之一”。说这句话的那人比较说得对的多了。
    Better saith he, qui finem vitae extremism inter munera ponat naturae.
  • 通货危机是现今不应发生的事。谈到这件事就令人想到往昔的新闻影片,政府大员头戴高顶礼帽,表情沉重,从礼宾车里出来,声音沙哑而低沉地促请民众冷静。可是现在突间欧洲通货危机已迫在眉睫。
    A currency crisis is something that is not supposed to happen these days. The very idea evokes images form old newsreels, with grave statesmen in top hast emerging from limousines to urge calm in gravelly voices. But suddenly Europe is up to its eyebrows in one.
  • 士兵们仍固守城堡,但他们已陷于险境。
    The soldiers are still holding the fort, but they're hanging on by their eyelids.
  • 我们知道同一事件的目击证人的证词并不要求在所有方面都保持一致,因为这是人类记忆和遗忘的自因素,并不一定是目击者的黑暗目的。
    We know from research on eyewitness testimony that eyewitnesses to the same event do not necessarily agree with each other on much of anything. This is because of the nature of human memory and forgetting, not because of any dark motive on the eyewitnesses' part.
  • 他所说的缺席理由显是编造的。
    The reason he gave for his absence was obviously fabricated.
  • 他提出的缺席理由显是瞎编的。
    The reason he give for his absence is obviously fabricate.
  • 他提出的缺席理由显是瞎编的。
    The reason he gave for his absence is obviously fabricated.
  • ,建筑师设计时把大时钟钟面遮掩起来是煞费一番苦心的,要不,屋面的纯净优美的线条就被破坏了。
    It is true that the architect was at a good deal of trouble to conceal the clock face, which would have destroyed the purity of the fine lines of the facade;
  • 她已失业,但她说是自愿离职,以保全面子。
    Though she'd lost her job, she saved face by saying she'd left it willingly.
  • 所有的愉快和美感方面的天福,世界通过自提供的几种接触方式将它展露给你。
    Glory in all the facets of pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to you through the several means of contact which Nature provides.
  • “慢着,亚瑟,老兄,”他想说句俏皮话掩饰心中的紧张,“我这次突来,你家的人肯定受不了。
    "Hold on, Arthur, my boy," he said, attempting to mask his anxiety with facetious utterance. "This is too much all at once for yours truly.
  • 带着令人愉快的、自品质的声音;他比赛轻松、自
    a voice with a pleasingly unforced quality; his playing is facile and unstrained.
  • 过去有好多派,闹派性,处理当要慎重。
    Since there were many factions and factionalism was rife in the past, we must, of course, handle each case carefully.
  • 电视主持人不自的笑容;只是一个短暂,夸张和感官的人工合成世界
    A TV host's plastic smile; a plastic world of fad, hype, and sensation.
  • 新加坡人的“5分钟热度”是出了名的,而,晚晴园不是吉蒂猫,不是电子宠物,更不是流行时装,它应当有历久不衰的魅力。
    The memorial hall is no Hello Kitty, electronic pets or a passing fad - it should have an appeal that can stand the test of time.
  • 它们虽完全可以在雪中生存,但却并不喜欢华氏零度以下的气候。
    They can live in snow obviously but they don't like below zero Fahrenheit weather.
  • 她有缺点, 我还是喜欢她。
    I like her in spite of her failings.
  • 经济或财政上的突失败
    A sudden economic or fiscal failure.
  • 忽然晕倒了
    Felt faint for a moment.