  • 学习和培养这些革命精神,并不需要多么好的物质件,也不需要多么高的教育程度。
    Acquiring and cultivating a revolutionary spirit does not necessarily require a high level of development materially or a very high level of education.
  • 劳工督察监察雇主有否遵守《雇佣例》内有关雇用青少年和儿童、支付工资、发放年假、法定假期、休息日、产假和疾病津贴的各项文。
    Labour inspectors monitor employers' compliance with various provisions of the Employment Ordinance relating to the employment of young persons and children, payment of wages and granting of annual leave, statutory holidays, rest days, maternity leave and sickness allowance.
  • 法定代表律师的主要职责如下:在法律程序中,担任因年龄或智能理由缺乏自行诉讼能力者的诉讼监护人或诉讼保护人;以死者遗产代理人身分进行诉讼;出任法定受托人及司法受托人;根据《精神健康例》代表病人进行诉讼;以及在婚姻诉讼及少年法庭中担任当事儿童的代表。
    The Official Solicitor's main duties are to act as guardian ad litem or next friend in legal proceedings for persons under disability of age or mental capacity, as representative of deceased persons' estates for the purpose of legal proceedings, as Official Trustee and Judicial Trustee, representing patients in proceedings under the Mental Health Ordinance, representing children in matrimonial proceedings and in the Juvenile Court.
  • 秘事秘传的事情或
    Esoteric matters or items.
  • 坚质纹绵布一种用棉花或亚麻制成的结实且织得很紧的织物,用作枕头或床垫的罩
    A strong, tightly woven fabric of cotton or linen used to make pillow and mattress coverings.
  • 而且有3个国家:加拿大、毛里求斯和爱尔兰,一签字就批准了该约,这清楚地表明了尽快使约生效的政治意愿。
    And as a clear indication of the political will to bring this treaty into force as soon as possible, three countries ratified the treaty upon -- signature Canada, Mauritius and Ireland.
  • 一种欧洲兰花,叶披针状、有紫色斑点,花色从粉色到白色或紫红色、花上有深红色或紫色斑点或纹。
    European orchid having lanceolate leaves spotted purple and pink to white or mauve flowers spotted or lined deep red or purple.
  • “中国国际高新技术成果交易会”以高新技术为先导,以国际惯例和我国缔结的多双边国际约为准则,借助经济特区优势和便利件,广邀台港澳在内的国内外高科技企业、大学、科研机构及跨国公司参加。
    Focusing on high and new technology and following international norms as well as multilateral and bilateral treaties China has entered into, China Hi-tech Fair is designed to maximize the advantages and convenient conditions of this special economic zone to attract wide participation of domestic and foreign hi-tech enterprises, universities, scientific and research institutes and multinational corporations, including those form Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
  • 纷乱的政府条例
    A maze of government regulations.
  • 小溪从草地中蜿蜒流过。
    A brook meanders through the meadow.
  • 溪流蜿流过牧场。
    The brook meandered through the meadow.
  • 验证协议的程序,它从一个给定的初始状态机械地产生出一切可以到达的状态,并且审查每一状态下用户定义的件的有效性。
    A program for protocol verification which mechanically generates all states reachable from a given initial state and checks the validity of user defined conditions in each state.
  • 马路就在城市的北面汇合。
    The two roads meet just north of the city.
  • 因此一台250兆赫、四线超标量体系结构的微处理器能在一秒钟内执行十亿命令。
    Hence, a 250- megahertz, four-way superscalar microprocessor can execute a billion instructions per second.
  • 这支乐曲有很多同时出现的谱线,因此很容易丢掉其中的某一
    The music has so many melodic lines occurring simultaneously that it is easy to lose track of any particular one of them.
  • 教训不是光讲给员工听的而是给每一个公司成员。
    the message was addressed not just to employees but to every member of the company family; the church welcomed new members into its fellowship.
  • 人们早就知道电影制片厂与美国武装力量经常合作,但不大为人所知的是军方以提供合作作为交换件要求并得到报刊的好评。“对我们来说,军事描写已经更加商业化。”最近出版的一本军事回忆录说,“但直到现在军方卷入电影制作以交换加强自身形象的程度却从未披露。”
    It has long been known that movie studios and the US armed forces regularly work together. What is less well known is that in exchange for their co-operation, the military demands -- and gets -- a good press. " Military depictions have become more of a commerical for us," said one military memo just released, " but until now the extent to which the armed forces have intervened in specific movies to enhance their own image has been undisclosed."
  • 你那恶狗对我家的猫太凶了。
    Your vicious dog is menacing my cat!
  • 学校外面那车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。
    The busy road outside the school is a menace.
  • 老人对著那要咬他的狗挥舞手杖吓它走。
    The old man brandishes his walking stick at the menace dog.
  • 低梁真危险!老磕我的头。
    That low beam is a menace! I keep hit my head on it.
  • 这双鞋[这裤子]要补[烫]。
    These shoes [pants] need mending [pressing].
  • 除非另有说明书,上述件一概适用。
    Above term shall apply unless otherwise mention.
  • 民间有"猫有九命"的说法,这次buddy猫用自己的一命救了主人的一命。1月31日位于多伦多市郊buddy和它主人居住的寓所突然起火,这只长有深色纹的花猫跳到主人身上,大声地"喵喵"叫,直到把主人从睡梦中叫醒。
    The dark tabby transferred some of his own nine lives to his owner when a fire erupted in their shared apartment in a Toronto suburb on Thursday. The cat responded by jumping on the man and meowing loud enough to wake him up.
  • 亚洲西南的一河流;流入波斯湾;在远古美索布达米亚地区的几大文明的发展中有重要作用。
    a river in southwestern Asia; flows into the Persian Gulf; was important in the development of several great civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia.
  • 幼发拉底河西南亚的一河流,流程约为2,735公里(1,700英里),它发源于土耳其中部,流经叙利亚,在伊拉克境内与底格里斯河汇合形成了阿拉伯河。它的流域是古代美索不达米亚文明繁荣的重要发祥地
    A river of southwest Asia flowing about2, 735 km(1, 700 mi) from central Turkey through Syria and into Iraq, where it joins the Tigris River to form the Shatt al Arab. Its waters were a major source of irrigation for the flourishing civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia.
  • 你是个做事没有理的人, 你得改变自己。
    You're a mess, you'll have to change.
  • 把这个便捎给你哥哥好吗?
    Will you take this message to your brother?
  • 将一报文分解成多个报文的处理过程
    The process of separating a single message into several messages.
  • 因此,如果某消息大于超过所允许的最大尺寸容量,这消息被分成几个较小的消息来传送。
    Hence, if a message is larger than the maximum allowed size, it is broken into several smaller messages for delivery.
  • 经常出现的一个隐喻,最终使这个词语产生了一个新意思(如:“她是一蛇”原本可能是隐喻,但是经过多年使用已经不再是了,而是变成“蛇”这个字)。
    a metaphor that has occurred so often that it has become a new meaning of the expression (e.g., `he is a snake' may once have been a metaphor but after years of use it has died and become a new sense of the word `snake').
  • 巨大的热量将流星焚化,使之留下一炽热的发光的尾巴。
    The intense heat incinerates the meteors, which leave a blazing trail of light in their wake.